dizziness during exercise


does anyone else experience dizziness during/after exercise?

i just started working out again after a few months off, and while i do experience a bit of light-headedness during weight training, and it seems that yoga worsens it to the point of me nearing a black-out.

for instance, it's been 45 minutes since i attempted yoga x for 5 minutes, but this dizziness is taking a while to wear off. tried standing up a few minutes ago (sitting on the floor with my laptop) but i couldn't find my balance and couldn't see anything, if that makes sense. i somehow had crouch/crash onto my yoga mat and it's strange how i seemed to be twitching a little as i settled in.

i don't train fasted (i used to, but figured i'd fuel myself with some food to see whether it changes things - a tiny bit).

i've visited the doctor, but besides the lack of vitamin d, he didn't know what was wrong with me.

has anyone else had a similar experience? :-\


  • RaggedyPond
    RaggedyPond Posts: 1,487 Member
    not enough water or you are pregnant
  • wwunderlust
    definitely not pregnant lol

    i havent been paying much attention to my water intake but ive been drinking water fairly regularly
    i'll see whether upping my intake will make a difference.. thanks :-\
  • rachelacoop
    I'll tell you what's worked for me - I have to be sure to have a small snack within an hour before exercise (fruit, usually - small, easily digestible, gets my blood sugar up) and I fill my bottle with watered-down Gatorade or orange juice. I'm a little hypoglycemic, though, so blood sugar might not be your problem.

    I also have to be really careful with balance-type exercise to focus on a static point across the room. If I let my eyes dart around while doing yoga/pilates/barre, I quickly get dizzy and light-headed. Maybe poke around online and find some more tips on balance?

    Good luck! I know exercise-induced nausea and dizziness can be difficult. Early on, they were unpleasant enough to make me not want to exercise, but it's gotten better as I've worked more on my balance and blood sugar.
  • wwunderlust
    hrm i usually have a small meal before workouts too - this dizziness thing is proving to be tricky.

    it's great that you've got a hold on the issue -

    thanks for the input!

    i'll have a look around and see what else the interwebs has to say
  • Taterpoof
    Taterpoof Posts: 416 Member
    I get this because I get low blood sugar extremely easily. I keep small hard candies and protein bars in my gym bag for when this happens.
  • ronit_rai
    ronit_rai Posts: 325 Member
    its very common..dnt worry about it.
  • tula1980
    I had this. After much medical investigation and many doctors it was discovered I was sodium deficient. With the addition of plenty of salt into my diet I immediately felt a bit better. It probably took 6 weeks of eating moderate/high sodium to get back to normal.

    If you avoid processed foods, don't add in much salt to your cooking, suffer low blood pressure and eat a lot of fruit (which is high in potassium and can apparently make Na deficiency worse) then it might be worth discussing with your doctor.
  • wwunderlust
    Taterproof: & ronit_rai: noted!

    Tula1980: You're my hero. That's new information to me - it's highly likely that my issue stems from that as well. thanks so much for the heads up!!
  • luckydays27
    luckydays27 Posts: 552 Member
    I would get dizzy when eating very few cals. When I was eating 1200 only a day, i would be dizzy during fitness as well as many other times. Once I started eating more food regularly (about 1800 or more cals a day), the dizziness stopped.
  • chelsea123453342
    YES this happens to me, I went to my doctor and he said it was from my blood sugar becoming to low, he told me the easiest way to fix this was to eat a few "fun size" candies before I work out. WORKS LIKE A CHARM