Need advice from someone who knows nutrition



  • @Debbie_ferr... I didn't really appreciate your reply. He is the one that pursues to try new things. The allergist discharged him from his care over a year ago and no other allergist will take the case. We have gone as far as e-mailing clinical trials in other countries. And obviously you didn't read too carefully. I never said he hadn't had a reaction before to potatoes. I am including potatoes in with vegetables. He just has a more severe allergy to a potato. I am not trying to kill him or I wouldn't be asking for advice. Like I said, he tried the v-8, no one bought it for him. It sucks not being able to eat fruits and vegetables for him. You really need to not be so judgmental.

    @gmallan- I have never heard of legumes. I will look into it. I just not thought about juicing. I am going to do some more research on juicing.

    @elebel82- Potato are his favorite so I have gone as far as cooking them for 1.5 hrs to the point where they are already liquid practically and still he can take 2 bites and then he is done for. At his PCP's request, we tried several brands of frozen meals (processed) and most he was still allergic to. We have figured out that it is all the normal fruits and veggies that you can get from the store: apples, bananas, oranges, grapes, berries, carrots, celery, broccoli, tomatoes (another bad product even canned), cucumbers, ect.

    @fuzzipeg- Thank you for your information. I will look into all of that. That is where we are to. Own research and at times reach out to people. No allergist can help him. I emailed 100+ allergist nationwide. There just isn't a "cure" for it. He has done allergy drops/shots to attempt to help and nothing has worked.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    I have looked into dehydrated stuff to try but it is all loaded with so much sugar. At least the brands of fruit I looked into. Do you know of any brands that have less sugar? I am not sure if I am just not up to speed on how much sugar fruits have but it seems outrageous!

    Just remember that one dried apricot was a whole apricot but most of the water was taken away - nothing was added. So if you eat the equivalent number of fruits with a glass of water there's no more sugar than in the original fruit.
  • Ahluvly
    Ahluvly Posts: 389 Member
    If it was me, get a 2nd opinion but, I use a wellness greens powder. It has around 20/25 fruits and vegetables in it and, it helps with detoxification too. It's made my Poliquin. They have an online store. It's around £27 for a tub which will last a month.

    if you want something cheaper then in the UK, TPW does one for around £10.
    Most people do not believe me when I ask for advice on this topic but it is 100% true and verified by an allergist. My boyfriend is allergic to all fruits and vegetables. It has something to do with the protein make-up and how his body breaks it down. Even after cooking it, 99 % of stuff he still cannot eat. The allergist told us to just make sure he takes supplements and he should get the right nutrients. I am not sold on this as it is difficult for him to lose weight and he gets sick a lot. I feel his body is lacking everything you can get from fruits and vegetables. He is currently drinking V8-fusion (1 bottle per day) as it gives him close to what is recommended. We just started this but it is so high is sugar I am worried it is actually doing him more bad than good. We have reached out to many specialists but have had no good answer. Does anyone have suggestions? Any advice is welcomed!
  • iechick
    iechick Posts: 352 Member
    my sister in law is allergic to tomatoes, carrots, cruciferous vegetables, dairy, eggs and shell fish :noway: She's working with a chiropractor who specializes in nutrition and he's helping her come up with recipes, meal ideas etc. I'd ask for a referal to a dietician or other nutrition related specialist to come up with ideas for what to eat/how to get in nutrients.