Spinning class?


Im joining a gym as from Monday and looking forward to a spinning class. How did you find the class and how many times in a week should I join the class? I don't wanna over do it. On average...how many calories does it burn.


  • 63hanson
    63hanson Posts: 154 Member
    I joined a gym a few months ago and got a free session with a trainer. She recommended that I try a spin class. I'm starting Saturday and anxious to see how it goes. Right now I plan on going just once a week in addition to my regular work out. It will be interesting to see how it goes.

    Sorry I didn't answer your questions!
  • PJ_73
    PJ_73 Posts: 331 Member
    I don't do a Spin class, but I do use a spin bike in the studio when it's free. I only use it to do 2 min intervals at the end of every leg set - so usually a maximum of 10 mins. I use my HRM to calculate and probably no more than 150 calories. I suppose it depends on your weight, intensity etc.

    Maybe up to three classes per week would be advisable?
  • addean1
    addean1 Posts: 119 Member
    I love my spin class! I go twice a week- tue, thur. According to mfp, I burn about 400 cal in the hour class. Be warned, the first few times you will be saddle sore. Keep going back!
  • mayonie1
    mayonie1 Posts: 296 Member
    Thanks guys...I hope I will be able to walk the next day.
  • Candyxdrops
    Candyxdrops Posts: 37 Member
    Before my operation spinning class was my favorite class,i used to go 3 times a week.You can decide how hard you work via the resistance etc it can be one of the biggest fat burner classes if your work hard.The music etc is fantastic but im biased lol just remember to take the first few classes at your own pace hun n not watch what others are doing etc make sure you have a gel seat or padded cycling shirts as saddle soreness is a bugger lol also make sure you tell your instructor of any orobs etc hun n take a towel you will need it lol good luck hun x
  • csch79
    csch79 Posts: 37 Member
    There was a point where I was taking spin 5 times a week. Not necessary lol.. I enjoyed it though.

    Take it easy the first day. Definitely get a workout in but don't feel like you have to keep up with the instructor or the other people in the class. Many of them do it multiple times per week. There are always new people in the class. I would bet one of the main reasons some people don't like spin is that they overdo it the first day. I've seen plenty leave the class early winded after struggling. I almost didn't finish my first time but a friend of mine wouldn't let me leave lol. You don't have to crank up the resistance every time the instructor says to. Now, once you get used to the class you definitely want to push yourself. I'm just saying don't kill yourself the first time. Our class is 45 minutes. That is a pretty long time, especially that first ride.

    I'd get there a few minutes early. Find a bike in a location you like. I like the back row center.

    Let the instructor know you are new and he or she will help you setup the bike. Remember these settings. Our bikes have numbers which makes it easy. They will set the seat and handle bar height and how far back the seat goes. It sounds complicated but it's just a couple knobs and once you do it a couple times it will just be routine. You have to have it setup properly though or it just won't be comfortable and you won't enjoy it.

    Have fun. It really is a great cardio workout and can quickly become addictive.
  • micheleb15
    micheleb15 Posts: 1,418 Member

    Im joining a gym as from Monday and looking forward to a spinning class. How did you find the class and how many times in a week should I join the class? I don't wanna over do it. On average...how many calories does it burn.

    Amount of calories is based on your stats. Could be more than some, could be less. I was usually in between 350-400 per class. Take as many classes as you want, just listen to your body. Get there early the first time, the teacher can help you set up your bike and have fun! The soreness goes away, so that shouldn't be a concern.

    Try out different teachers, I have had some I loved and some I hated. There are bad spin classes.
  • csch79
    csch79 Posts: 37 Member

    Try out different teachers, I have had some I loved and some I hated. There are bad spin classes.

    This is 100% true. The instructor can make the class great or awful.
  • A2Zscents
    A2Zscents Posts: 34 Member
    I've been going to spin class about 2-3 times a week for a year. I absolutely love it. I bought a heart rate monitor a few months ago and I can burn anywhere from 500-630 calories in a 50 minute class. Try out all the different instructors, because each one have their own style/music taste. Good luck, you will have so much fun!
  • rmdaly
    rmdaly Posts: 250 Member
    For your first spin class, try to arrive a little early. Introduce yourself to the instructor and tell them that it is your first time. A good instructor will help you adjust the bike and show you how to use it. Also, the instructor may use a difficulty scale (1-10) that they should tell you about. It's easy to go too hard at first and burn out toward the end, so at the beginning of the class keep it a little on the easy side.

    I am a profuse sweater, so I have to make sure I have a small towel with me and a hat or bandana for my head.

    Have fun and enjoy the music.
  • mayonie1
    mayonie1 Posts: 296 Member
    Thanks a lot guys...I was gonna ask what helps bums from hurting, my butt get sore when ever I ride a bike. Thanks Candy will have to for that gel seat before going to spinning class.
  • Naybelline
    Naybelline Posts: 407 Member

    Im joining a gym as from Monday and looking forward to a spinning class. How did you find the class and how many times in a week should I join the class? I don't wanna over do it. On average...how many calories does it burn.

    I do spinning and it's for 45 minutes and I usually burn around 500 - 600 cals according to my heart rate monitor
  • Naybelline
    Naybelline Posts: 407 Member
    Thanks a lot guys...I was gonna ask what helps bums from hurting, my butt get sore when ever I ride a bike. Thanks Candy will have to for that gel seat before going to spinning class.

    You get used to it after a few times. I promise.
  • howardheilweil
    howardheilweil Posts: 604 Member
    Spinning is great. Your calorie burn will be based on the intensity of the workout which will be governed by the instructor and by you.... You control how hard to work. I typically burn between 450 and 550 calories for an hour class, but have gone has high as 600 when I really worked at it. have fun!
  • FitWarrior7
    FitWarrior7 Posts: 332 Member
    You don't have to kill yourself the first time you spin. If your too tired to stand than stay sitting....if the resistance on the bike is too much for you lower it. It's not as bad as it looks, give it a try, I spin Mon/Wed/Fri.
  • Candyxdrops
    Candyxdrops Posts: 37 Member
    Yup you do but i just find it more comfartable to use a gel seat x
  • htimpaired
    htimpaired Posts: 1,404 Member
    Thanks a lot guys...I was gonna ask what helps bums from hurting, my butt get sore when ever I ride a bike. Thanks Candy will have to for that gel seat before going to spinning class.

    You get used to it after a few times. I promise.

    Good rule of thumb-three classes and your bum will hurt no more. Keep at it. Word of advice, it's a good leg workout, and I've found if I do leg weights before class I don't have strength in me to make it through class. I always go to spin class on upper-body weight days. It's a great workout though, I agree with the others about trying different instructors. Sometimes the intructor and her choice in music is what keeps me in the class, I have left classes when the music really sucked before.
  • Bella0531
    Bella0531 Posts: 309 Member

    Try out different teachers, I have had some I loved and some I hated. There are bad spin classes.

    This is 100% true. The instructor can make the class great or awful.

    Most definitely!! And remember that everyone's preferences are different. So, someone on the bike next to you might not have the same opinion of the instructors as you would if you took their classes for yourself. Try them all out and find which ones work for you.

    Don't bother getting a gel seat. You will adjust, I promise!
  • HealthyWarrior
    HealthyWarrior Posts: 394 Member
    I do spin class twice a week for an hour and I have a love/hate relationship with it lol but I must like it cause I keep going. After a few classes you won't even notice your butt hurting anymore lol. I wear a hrm and I burn between 350-470 depending on how hard I push myself. Although I do notice that the more I do the classes the less calorie burn I get. Either my hrm is on the fritz (which I doubt) or I'm not pushing harder. I've always been told you need to take 5 classes before you can truly decide if its for you or not. Good luck have fun and go at your own pace.