Last few inches, how much cardio vs strength training?

I am finally getting close to my goal! I have about 3/4 an inch on my lower abs, and about 2 inches all around to lose still total. I was inconsistent in logging and eating etc for 6 weeks due to a crazy schedule with moving, but I took a progress pic (hadn't in 6 weeks) and my upper abs are showing! Yay!

I just started my 2nd week of Cellucor Super HD (only doing one in the morning and one with lunch) and the Cellucor CLK (3 in the morning) I also take a multivitamin, CLA and fish oil.

I'm wondering what my balance should be of strength training and cardio....
I've been building muscle while losing fat, but I want to focus a bit more right now on the fat loss without losing muscle.

Currently I do 30 mins cardio and then 30 mins strength each day 4-5x a week. I switch up my cardio machines, and my strength training so I work all muscle groups at some point during the week. I switch my entire strength routine every 4-6 weeks so my muscles are challenged.

Should I up my cardio? Devote one day of a full hour of cardio and delete the strength from that day?
Or is what I'm doing alright? Once I get this last few inches off I want to maintain the fat percentage and then continue to build muscle.

I try and balance my macros and eat clean.....doesn't always happen but I'd say I'm pretty consistent in that.


  • samdoran7
    samdoran7 Posts: 2 Member
    My friends recommendation (ex Olympic athlete)

    Never do cardio and strength same day.

    Do one day cardio, one day circuits and 3 days strength (like this, strength, cardio, strength, circuit, strength, rest).

    Strength #1 chest and back exercises, Strength #2 arms and tri's. Strength # 3 legs.

    30 min intense sessions

    Stick to free weights.

    Cardio, try and do interval training, far better for your heart.
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    First, I'd advise you to get off the diet pills.

    Second, I'd recommend a good solid beginner's compound barbell weight lifting program like Strong Lifts 5x5. Do it 2-3 days a week.

    Thrid, cardio is optional. Fat loss comes from calorie deficit. Cardio can help create a calorie deficit while consuming more food. It is also good for your heard and of course your overall fitness. Do as much or as little as you like. HIIT is a good way to increase cardio endurance and burn calories in a shorter amount of time. HIIT can be hard on your central nervous system and I'm pretty sure it shouldn't be done every day.

    Lastly, doing cardio and strength on the same day is fine.