Any gastric bypass patients on here



  • playitagain99
    it's great to lose, sucks to gain back. But now it looks like you are back on track. Good for you.
  • tanderso54
    tanderso54 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm in love and I've gained some happy pounds since my GBS almost two years ago. Before the surgery I was 232; my lowest weight was 142; I am now 149. My love and I have been doing what lovers do -- eating comfort food and cuddling; going away and eating out; laying around and just enjoying each other. He is aware that I've had the surgery and he supports me completely but it's been hard getting back on track. I don't want to get any larger than I am right now. I knew that weight gain was inevitable, but I was hoping not to gain it back this soon.

    I'm a junk food eater also. I love sweets, pastries, and other snacks. How can I get back to doing what I need to do without taking the fun out of it for him?
  • joan_herzfeldt
    joan_herzfeldt Posts: 11 Member
    I was just going to ask a similar question. I had a RNY in June and am looking for some friends who've also had surgery. I'm losing well, but looking for some support so I can be successful. I'm afraid of gaining again, once my body adjust to the surgery.
  • Indidreams
    I had the gastric by-pass on 2008 I used to be 315 pounds and now I am 261 again. I am so afraid because I don't want to gain the pounds again, also I dont like the way that I look again after I am gaining the pounds
  • mercuriocs
    Hi Everyone! I had Gastric RNY back in 2002 and yes... I'm the horror story you want to avoid. I'm so glad that you are all attacking this MUCH sooner than I did. At my heaviest I was 385lbs. I had my surgery and lost 200 lbs to 185. Then... I met a man (root of all evil... lol). I actually met him in an online support group for WLS. Anyway... fast forward a bit. I guess I was comfortable. By the time we had married, I had gained back to 260lbs. Within 2 months of being married, I was pregnant... at 41 no less... and on bedrest the entire time. Since the pregnancy & birth of my daughter I managed to gain to 340lbs. Bleh! I'm really trying to get a hold of this and am currently at 308. (yay!) I've come to realize... finally... that this will ALWAYS be a battle. A battle to be won.

  • princez76
    princez76 Posts: 6 Member
    HELLO!! I had laparoscopic RNY 7-6-2005. I still mal absorb, maybe because the surgical techniques are different today then they were 10 years ago. I also dump daily...I guess that means I do not eat well everyday. I was 220 lbs. down to 120 lbs. in 7 months, now I am 150.and 5'2". I am always trying to lose 20-25 lbs..I.would like to know if anyone here has had a problem with alcoholism after surgery? If you have I would love to talk with you, if your not comfortable talking on the forum, please feel free to message me.
    Thank you,
    Charlee:smooched: :wink:
  • tschmuckie
    Any gastric bypass patients in the winston salem area? Would love to find someone to work out with.
  • BypassCarolyn
    I am having bypass on Nov. 13th and am currently on the pre-op diet.
  • Lisa43512
    Lisa43512 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi I had surgery year and half. I only lost 40 # at 1/12 months exactly to the day I can tell you i quit losing weight. i had trouble from the very beginning be able to eat more yogurts and others then my friends I knew that had had it a year earlier. Anyway I went threw the vomiting phase so he felt I was getting strictures so he stretched my esophagus. My mom was hospitalized and spent 2 months in the hospital before she came home and died on Hospice. The day she went in the hospital is the day I stopped loosing weight. Couldn't work out when you are at the hospital 90 min. from home and your there all day. The doctor has not seen me since the stricture surgery. His assistant feels that its all the other medications i take that caused me to not loss any more weight . Horse crap. When you are able to eat twice as much at day one then someone a year out come on what did you do wrong. I am starting to have awful eating habits and have had multiple illness this summer that now limits my physical activity. So I hope I can get on the right trac and loss some weight I didnt over a year ago.
  • radiodenise
    radiodenise Posts: 1 Member
    I have been reading all the posts below and about to ball at work. I had no idea about loosing the benefit of the absorption. I am also (mind you I am only 42) in menopause, so I'm on a medium dose of estrogen so trying to loose again is awful. Its the center of most of my husband and my weight. I was at my heaviest 265 and went down to 188. Now I'm back up to 203 and just about at whits end! I have lost all motivation to workout, and I'm always hungry again. I can eat about 1/2 of "my old self" before surgery and I'm SO beyond sad. Anyone know how to get back to motivation? Or some websites that I can go to so I can get back on track? I swore to myself I would NEVER get over 200lbs again and here i am 3 lbs over that. Forgot to say I had the surgery almost 3 years ago
  • yurky77
    hi everyone! my name is Erica. i had my sleeve done 7/12. i went from 267lbs to 203lbs. i could no break the 200 mark. i recently restrted gaining weight back. my scale says 216.5lbs. i am so embarrassed and ashamed in my self. its like i have no control. i binge alitle and then i catch it and stop. im so embarrassed that i have cancelled my appointments at my dr.s office because i don't want them to weigh me and see that i have failed. im new on here please add me :)
  • ammiller04
    ammiller04 Posts: 2 Member
    I had RNY in Jan of this year. I have only lost about 60lbs. My pcp (who had the surgery as well) told me to be careful of "slider foods".. foods that just slide thorough your system i.e. soup, yogurt, jell-o,..etc. Since I have listened to her it has helped. I feel fuller longer and don't have the urge to eat as often. Though I still have my days. I also try to stay away from Carbs.. but so far these past few weeks have been stressful so I am slipping up everyday... I always welcome new friends and ideas! <3
  • mixdoctor
    Hi all,

    Well after reading 4 pages of this thread I would like to say well done to all of you you have all done so well. I myself have had the bypass back in September of this year and so far I have lost over 70Lbs to date and I have to admit that I don't really exercise at all as I am not a clutch potato lol but an office potato as my daytime work involves working and testing Mac products from morning till late at night then 3 nights a week Anyway I am now 13 weeks post op but I still am not hungry in the slightest and I know I should be now eating small meals but to be honest I just don't feel like it half the time.
    I know or am hoping eventually my appetite will come back this is why I joined this group to keep an eye on what I am eating but I have noticed one thing after filling in my daily food diary which does concern me and hoping I may find the answer on here. MFP is telling me I am eating too less and my body will go into starvation mode, I know from past experiences before my operation that this is true as I tried so many time to starve myself and no weight loss so I do know there is some truth in it but as for us bypass patients does this actually effect us as I am loosing about 4lb a week but i don't want it to stop because my body hits that starvation mode or maybe the surgery we have had does not allow this to happen, so any answers or info about this would be really appreciated.

    Also as I said I spend most of my days in the office but the past week I have to say from when I joined the group I am trying a bit of exercise now as this starvation mode does worry me a bit plus the fact I just purchased a Withings Pulse and I was horrified that my daily steps were under 300 lol hence I am now making time to do a bit of walking, not too much to start but today I reached 2,518 steps which is a big difference from 300.

    Anyway I think my diary is browsable if anyone wants to take a look and guide me a little but as i am not feeling hungry at all I do not want to force myself if you get my drift as I don't know how long this feeling may last.

    would love to have a few friends on here also especially those who have had the same operation or similar so please add me as a friend if you wish.

    Thanks for reading Marty
  • Valviggs
    Hello everyone. I am in the process of getting the roux en Y surgery done. I am so scared and nervous. I am assuming I will be having the surgery around mid May of 2014. How was the recovery for all of you?
  • mixdoctor
    Hi Valviggs,

    I had my surgery done in Manchester and was out and back home after 48 hours, Had a week at home resting then went back to office. My recovery was really good and my small insertions where that done the operation were completely healed after about 4 weeks. I really went back to work as I do work from home but I do know others that went back to light duties after about 3 weeks. Hope this helps you but I must say I think as you see the results you will like myself and others I know you will feel it is the best decision you have ever made and totally outweighs the changes you have to make in life. Hoping for the very best for your journey

  • Agate69
    Agate69 Posts: 349 Member
    I had my RNY Oct 2010. I went from 300+ before surgery to 180 at 1 year. I have maintained that weight plus or minus 2 pounds for 3 years. I am seldom hungry and eat 2-3 small meals each day plus dink 60-80 gms of protein in protein shakes. This assures I get sufficient fluid (64 oz) minimum and I strive for 100 gms protein. My labs at 3 years are that of a young person. Weight loss put my diabetes, sleep apnea, high cholesterol into remission. Three weeks ago I had a medically necessary paniculectomy to remove excess skin. I exce rices cardio and weights 3-5 days a week, and average 8000 steps on non exercise days. I consume about 1200 cal, a bit more on high activity days. I drink no carbonated beverages, and no alcohol. It is not the easy way but RNYis an excellent tool. I have never felt better. Off to a gastric bypass support group. This monthly meeting keeps me motivated.
  • Lorinda40
    Lorinda40 Posts: 20 Member
    I had the surgery over ten years ago. There are things going on with me now that I didn't really think about then either. I have a hard time with keeping certain levels up. Iron and calcium and vitamin D are the hardest ones. I kept my weight off for a good 6-7 years and now I feel the need to get at least 60 pounds back off and lemme tell ya. It has not been easy. I am still in the process of tests being run by my doctor just to make sure nothing is going on that shouldn't be. They don't have very many long time out stories of how patients are doing.UGH! All in all I have been very happy with myself, but I am 42 now and I want to just be fit and healthy as I can be:)
  • Amberlenae
    I had my Gastric Bypass on April 1, 2013 with a starting weight of 225. I am currently at 175. I seem to bounce back and forth from 175 to 165 a lot but I can't seem to get past 165. I've not had too many issues with dumping and lately I've fallen off the back wagon. I am here on MFG to hopefully get back on track. I'm falling back into old habits, coffee with creamer religiously every morning, sweet tea throughout the day. I still eat very little to the average person, but I'm eating often and feeling full a lot. I've developed a major sweet tooth since getting some of my appetite back. And cool ranch doritos are also a weakness. I am embarrassed putting this on here that I've resorted to old habits, but I am hoping by just being honest with my self and using the MFP tool to track what I eat on a daily basis that will help me physically see and help me snap out of this slump I'm in. I need motivation and support and even some education still. I have type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure and a long list of health problems that run in my family and I can't let this wonderful chance I've been given pass me by. I just can't. Can you guy PLEASE give me some healthy food options for meals throughout the day, how many calories do you recommend eating per meal/day? Any help, motivation, prayer etc is appreciated. I don't want to let myself down, I've got to get the scale moving down again….
  • amberlenae80
    amberlenae80 Posts: 3 Member
    Amberlenae still here, I just started a new account. If anyone wants to message me, please do so under this account. Thanks.
  • hockey22mom
    Anyone have a Lap Band? I had a lap band placed 9 years ago, lost over 100 lbs… I have had 4 surgeries on the same lap band as they keep getting holes in them, each time that happens I gain weight back. I have gained 60 lbs back and once again have a none working band…. this time I am determined to do it the old fashioned way with diet and exercise. I NEED to do this!