Diet Pills ( No, I dont want to use them! )

Hello to all my little lifesavers.

This thread is not about promoting diet pills. I will never waste my money on them again. But I'm wondering if anyone takes a " boost " and if they actually believe they work?

Does anybody currently, or has anybody taken diet pills that they believe have worked? I have tried them all. Quick estimation of money spent in total in 5 years: £700. That could have bought me the dream piano I have always wanted! lol No seriously. Thats is devastating. I want a piano. Badly.

I will give my review of them later on if this generates any replies / if anyone is interested. Summarised:


PS: No need to give out brand names. I'm not shopping for them, nor do I want to encourage anyone else to go out and buy them. Just feel free to comment on if you've tried them, and what you felt.

The funny thing is, if you visit body building forums they are encouraged left right and centre. With lots of positive reviews. But I don't why???


  • ElliottTN
    ElliottTN Posts: 1,614 Member
    Cough cough ephedrine cough cough caffiene cough cough...sorry, what were we talking about?
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    Um...if you don't want to try them, why start a thread asking which ones work?
  • notoriousjess
    notoriousjess Posts: 4 Member
    Phentermine is a great appetite suppressant, if you can get your hands on it. I used it after my 2nd son to help me loose the weight :)
  • TheGymGypsy
    TheGymGypsy Posts: 1,023 Member
    Ephedrine made me lose my appetite only because I was no nauseous I couldn't function.
  • sati18
    sati18 Posts: 153 Member
    Ephedrine worked temporarily for me, but my body became accustomed to it pretty quickly and then i started getting panic attacks so long term definitely not a success

    my friend swears by Ali
  • I have NEVER taken any diet pill before. I'm actually just curious to see how much I can lose without them. Besides I don't have a lot to lose, so why waste money on them right?
  • Jessicahanzlik
    Jessicahanzlik Posts: 58 Member
    Hydrodixi Cut worked the first time I took it, lost 10lb in a month, but after the first bottle, my body became accustom to it. But however, it did not change my eating habit, so when I stopped using it, it all came back within 6 months. No point. Just change your habits!
  • Gee_24
    Gee_24 Posts: 359 Member
    Um...if you don't want to try them, why start a thread asking which ones work?

    I know which ones work for me. I just don't use them as I fear I have possibly damaged my heart. Since coming off them for the last 6 months, the palpitations that I used to blame the diet pills on - still happen. I still have to sit down when I get too revved up. ( Been to the docs, told my heart is fine. ) Doesnt stop me wondering though...

    I didnt want to encourage but after trying about 15 different brands, Zantrex works for me. Blue, not red.

    I know my stuff. Ive spent more hours reviewing and reading up on the formulas than I probably spent studying at school. This isn't a hints and tips thread. Especially not for me. :P

    Im just curious as most diet pill conversations here end at " Nope nope NOPE."
  • Gee_24
    Gee_24 Posts: 359 Member
    Zantrex: Lost a lot of weight, very very quickly. No diet. Bad side? Heart palpitations, caffeine overdoses and depression. Also gained it all back instantly. If I moved too fast at work I would have to sit down as I felt a heart attack coming on. Ive never had one, but when you feel your heart literally thumping off your rib cage, you get an idea of what it could be like...

    Capsiplex: The "miracle NHS drug " ( which the NHS would never endorse, I hate that they use the NHS in the title ) burns 278 extra cals a day: Nothing. Even on a defecit.

    Acai: Haha. In order to receive any benefit from Acai, the amount given in retail is about 0.02% of what is needed to make any diffeerence. Didnt work.

    T-5: Nothing. Nada, zip.

    All fruit keytones: Nothing.

    Started my MFP journey in June 2013. No pills, no nothing: 27lbs. Happy, feeling full and at goal weight. ( Will log the drop after a week of staying there. )

    No more pills.
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member

    Im just curious as most diet pill conversations here end at " Nope nope NOPE."

    Because that is what they deserve......

  • emilyisbonkers
    emilyisbonkers Posts: 373 Member
    sida cordifolia really helps reduce appetite and increase energy.. though i am eating reduced calories anyway so my weightloss might just be that,... but i feel it does help keep calories down on long days
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Um...if you don't want to try them, why start a thread asking which ones work?

    I am guessing she'd like to start yet another flame war about diet aids. :noway:
  • The only diet supplement I approve of is herbalife.

    my friend used diet pills, idk which ones. She lost over 50 pounds in less than 6 months. Of course, she also now has a pacemaker. Diet pills kill your appetite, but you need those carbs, when you don't have those carbs your body eats away muscle... Like your heart. They get good reviews because you lose weight, it doesn't make it healthy, or good.
  • ElliottTN
    ElliottTN Posts: 1,614 Member
    The only diet supplement I approve of is herbalife.

    my friend used diet pills, idk which ones. She lost over 50 pounds in less than 6 months. Of course, she also now has a pacemaker. Diet pills kill your appetite, but you need those carbs, when you don't have those carbs your body eats away muscle... Like your heart. They get good reviews because you lose weight, it doesn't make it healthy, or good.

    Ok, that's a bit if an extreme reefer madness statement there. I do agree that before you even consider taking ANYTHING that raises your heart rate that you should have a full exam done at your doctor to make sure your heart is happy but seriously? You body will never break down its vital internal organs due to calorie deficiet unless you are literally a walking skeleton and its the only option left. Your friend most likely has a pacemaker because she had a pre existing condition or heavily abused what she was taking. WHICH with anything you out into your body you need to careful understand the risk and dosing information.

    And herbalife? Really? So you are basically taking a toddler EC stack and throwing the claims above out? You really have no idea what you are putting into your body do you?
  • Gee_24
    Gee_24 Posts: 359 Member
    I believe the main heart damage diet pills can do is really all about the pill itself, not the deficit.. Basically, your heart can pump too quickiy for too long and overwork. Depending on the circumstances it can:

    Waste away muscle in your heart, making it too small and too weak.


    Bulk up your heart so it becomes enlarged. ( as its working overtime constantly )

    Please don't ask me the science behind it. I also may be wrong. I don't actively look out what damage diet pills can do to you on purpose, I'm a worrier. That's just a snippet of what I have read. So I may be talking JOBBY.

    Also the increased strain on your liver is severely dangerous if you are taking them excessively for long periods of time. But 6 months on diet pills assuming she WASN'T abusing them? I think maybe its just more likely to have exasperated a pre-existing condition.
  • I don't use herbalife. But I know people who do and it works for them. Its not a diet pill and it gives you what you need. I think it's ok if that's something you want to do. Its a product i know about and researched. I doubt you know much about it from what you said. And did I say I was an expert on diet pills? No. I shared what happened to the one person I know who used them. She had no pre existing condition, but she misused them to be anorexic. I believe in diet changes not tricking your body into thinking its full.
  • I've tried diet pills before -- I mean, "serious" diet pills that are available only by prescription. My experience is that they are highly effective in the short term. Long-term is another story. The body adjusts, and the appetite-killing effect of diet pills wears off just as you come to depend on them. Your calorie intake starts creeping up, and the weight follows.
  • blizzardsmom
    blizzardsmom Posts: 63 Member
    Maybe being anorexic has something to do with the heart condition?
  • She wasn't anorexic until the pills. My thought is more that the pills enabled her. Other people talked about heart issues too. Your body gives you signs (pain, hunger) I don't think its something you should ignore (not a fan of pain killers either unless the cause is known). I think it's a temporary fix, and people should work on the root of the problem instead. I don't know about drs prescribing them, but of you're going to buy them yourself on your own accord you probably shouldn't use them.
  • powerpuffgirl66
    powerpuffgirl66 Posts: 143 Member
    I took the eca stack for about a year. Great results. Dropped 30 lbs. Went bat **** crazy. Stopped taking them. Gained it all back. No thanks.
  • zenchild
    zenchild Posts: 680 Member
    Diet pills kill your appetite, but you need those carbs, when you don't have those carbs your body eats away muscle... Like your heart.

    Absolutely, positively NOT TRUE. Not even a little. The human body will not digest vital organs. The heart can be damaged by long term starvation (anorexia) but not just by a lack of carbs. The ketogenic diet is used to treat epilepsy. In children. For two years, the diet is mostly fat, with just enough protein to support growth, and almost no carbs (the carbs in some topical creams are enough to bring back seizures). These kids grow just fine. It's used in adults too but the pediatric neurology department at John's Hopkins is doing the most work with the diet.