Bodybuilding/Strength Training



  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    I think I saw that article and I completely disagreed with it. There are plenty of other articles out there that would counter that argument. Personally, I feel like you want to do the exercises that you push the most weight with first. By exhausting your muscles with simple isolation exercises, you are simply limiting your ability to push a large amount of weight from pre-exhausting those muscles.

    Have you tried it? With bodybuilding it's not about pushing a ton of weight, it's more about "feeling" your muscles and getting the pump going. Everybody has a right to their opinion and preference in how they train, but John Meadows is well-regarded expert in the industry so he must be on to something. There are plenty of bodybuilders that of course don't train that way but John's results speak for themselves and his clients look friggin' amazing. Comes down to personal preference.
    anyone who is big is also strong..

    I don't get the argument about how it's not about pushing a ton of weight, and then they watch an elite BBer load up 450lbs onto a bench and push it for reps.... There is a reason why every beginner and intermediate template thats thrown around by experts have strength components where the goal is nothing short of training your body to push tons of weight.

    Plenty of guys at my gym who are bigger and also weaker than I am.
  • lebaker310
    lebaker310 Posts: 164 Member
    Really sad this has turned into a broing out thread.

    Op-gonna try your routine for a week and see how it feels.
  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    Really sad this has turned into a broing out thread.

    Op-gonna try your routine for a week and see how it feels.

    How did it turn into a broing out thread? Suggesting focusing on strength = broing out? Mind=blown.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    How did it turn into a broing out thread? Suggesting focusing on strength = broing out? Mind=blown.

    yeah not sure- I thought it was actually an interesting discussion.
  • Code7526
    I modified your work program to the one below;


    Bench Press(dumbbells): 4 sets( 8reps)
    Should Press(dumbbells): 4 sets ( 8 reps)
    Arm Curl(dumbbells): 4 sets ( 8 reps)


    Barbell Squats: 4 sets( 8 reps)
    Dumbbell Calf Raises: 4 sets ( 8 reps)


    Bench Press(dumbbells): 4 sets ( 8 reps)
    Shoulder Press(dumbbells): 4 sets ( 8 reps)
    Arm Curl(dumbbells): 4 sets (8 reps)


    Barbell Squats 4 sets ( 8 reps)
    Dumbbell Calf Raises 4 sets ( 8 reps)

    Saturday: Rest Day

    Sunday: Rest Day
  • Code7526

    Bench Press(dumbbells): 4 sets( 8reps)
    Should Press(dumbbells): 4 sets ( 8 reps)
    Arm Curl(dumbbells): 4 sets ( 8 reps)


    Run 2 miles


    Bench Press(dumbbells): 4 sets ( 8 reps)
    Shoulder Press(dumbbells): 4 sets ( 8 reps)
    Arm Curl(dumbbells): 4 sets (8 reps)

    Friday: Rest Day

    Saturday: Run 2 miles

    Sunday: Run 2 miles
  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member

    There is no posterior chain work in that "routine" at all....

    Edit* just read through all of your other posts and dear god... such broscience.
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member

    There is no posterior chain work in that "routine" at all....

    Edit* just read through all of your other posts and dear god... such broscience.

  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Really sad this has turned into a broing out thread.

    Op-gonna try your routine for a week and see how it feels.

    love how some people just throw a statement out there with zero justification to back it up .

    The OP posted her work out ...people commented on it...not sure what is "broing" it out..

    It does seem like a lot of high volume. I used to do a similar routine but found I was overlapping my workouts, so I switched to an upper/lower split and have more balance in my work outs....but I guess that is "broing" it out so I will shut up now...
  • BaronTommy
    BaronTommy Posts: 2 Member
    I'm all about compound exercises when I lift. Work as much of the body as I can, and build some core strength as well.
  • mustgetmuscles1
    mustgetmuscles1 Posts: 3,346 Member
    I think most people are going to recommend a combination of strength and volume work. Its not like strength work wont make you grow. Tons of huge power lifters out there.

    The 5/3/1 body builder program is pretty high volume and probably for the more advanced lifter but gives a good example of a well rounded program that would include everything you need in a body part split. This is a pretty brutal program though.

    ETA (changes I would make for experience level in bold)
    5/3/1 and Bodybuilding
    The main movement stays the same and keeps strength in the program. This allows you to progress from week to week and actually get stronger, something lacking in about 99% of non-assisted bodybuilders’ routines.
    When you push the assistance in the program below, keep the reps on the final set to just the bare minimum or just slightly over.
    For conditioning, I highly recommend 30-40 minutes of walking every day. Yes, walking. If you’re asking why something so non-strenuous: if physique goals are your only concern, do not let the conditioning take away from your recovery.
    Here’s a sample template:

    Day 1: Shoulders and Biceps
    Standing Military Press – 5/3/1 (3x5 or 5x5)
    DB Military Press – 4 x12 (Incline dumbbell press to engage chest and tris)
    Side Laterals/Rear Laterals – 4 x12
    Barbell Curls – 4 x12
    Preacher Curls – 4 x10

    Day 2: Back
    Deadlift – 5/3/1 (3x5 or 5x5)
    Bent Over Rows – 4 x12
    Chin ups – 4 x10 (or do Lat Pulldowns)
    Good Mornings – 4 x10 (Barbell glute bridge) after DL's and Bent over rows I just dont think its smart to do good mornings and glute bridges would activate the glute more effectively anyways.
    Hanging Leg Raises – 4 x12

    Day 3: Chest and Triceps
    Bench Press – 5/3/1 (3x5 or 5x5)
    Weighted Dips – 4 x10
    DB Flyes – 4 x12
    Triceps Pushdowns – 5 x 20
    Push ups – 4 sets to failure

    Day 4: Legs and Abs
    Squat – 5/3/1 (3x5 or 5x5)
    Leg Press – 5 x 15
    Leg Curls – 5 x 15
    Leg Extensions – 4 x12 (lunges or just skip) Leg extensions hurt my knees and quads get plenty of work with the other exercises
    Ab Wheel – 4 x12
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I modified your work program to the one below;


    Bench Press(dumbbells): 4 sets( 8reps)
    Should Press(dumbbells): 4 sets ( 8 reps)
    Arm Curl(dumbbells): 4 sets ( 8 reps)


    Barbell Squats: 4 sets( 8 reps)
    Dumbbell Calf Raises: 4 sets ( 8 reps)


    Bench Press(dumbbells): 4 sets ( 8 reps)
    Shoulder Press(dumbbells): 4 sets ( 8 reps)
    Arm Curl(dumbbells): 4 sets (8 reps)


    Barbell Squats 4 sets ( 8 reps)
    Dumbbell Calf Raises 4 sets ( 8 reps)

    Saturday: Rest Day

    Sunday: Rest Day

    no deadlifts..??? No barbell chest press..???
  • Leandro01
    Leandro01 Posts: 2 Member
    LOL, true!!
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    no deadlifts..??? No barbell chest press..???

    Funny reading this- BB chest press is the least important of all my lifts. I rarely do it. it's just not that important to me.
    I don't even bat an eye if I don't see it. (Partly this is due to an elbow agitation that doesn't like PUSH anything- so I mostly do pulling stuff but still- it was never a high priority- once every 2-3 weeks even when my elbow was good)

    Dead lifts on the other hand- how one lives without dead lifts- I have no idea.
  • ShellyAnn46
    ShellyAnn46 Posts: 212 Member
    I do the same bizco!!!!
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    no deadlifts..??? No barbell chest press..???

    Funny reading this- BB chest press is the least important of all my lifts. I rarely do it. it's just not that important to me.
    I don't even bat an eye if I don't see it. (Partly this is due to an elbow agitation that doesn't like PUSH anything- so I mostly do pulling stuff but still- it was never a high priority- once every 2-3 weeks even when my elbow was good)

    Dead lifts on the other hand- how one lives without dead lifts- I have no idea.

    One of the last gym's I worked-out at there were a few amateur bodybuilders there and I rarely saw them bench press either. Most of the time they were on the Incline Hammer Strength Machine or MAYBE the Smith Machine. From what I saw in their trainging compound lifts were not a staple. I never saw one do a DL other than the SLDL either. Lots of Leg Press, Hack Squats though. IT was interesting to watch the bodybuilder approach. Yeah they were amateur but they were frickin' huge and defined, so perhaps it was just a lack of symmetry or some small detail that kept them from their pro-card.
  • running_shoe
    running_shoe Posts: 180 Member
    I follow the program laid out in the book "The New Rules of Lifting For Women." Heavy lifting 3x per week. Full body workouts doing compound lifts, no isolation moves. My goals are lose weight, gain strength, and look great. I also do some cardio on non-lifting days.

    Me, too!
  • edack72
    edack72 Posts: 173 Member
    I have just starte to really focus on weight lifting and strength but I don't have a set plan I just go nuts with cardio for 40-50 minutes then hit most of my muscle groups just whatever feels right I do work with or maybe I should say touch base with a personal trainer now and then again to make sure I'm hitting everything ....keep up the good work and just do what feels right only you know your body!!!!
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member

    One of the last gym's I worked-out at there were a few amateur bodybuilders there and I rarely saw them bench press either. Most of the time they were on the Incline Hammer Strength Machine or MAYBE the Smith Machine. From what I saw in their trainging compound lifts were not a staple. I never saw one do a DL other than the SLDL either. Lots of Leg Press, Hack Squats though. IT was interesting to watch the bodybuilder approach. Yeah they were amateur but they were frickin' huge and defined, so perhaps it was just a lack of symmetry or some small detail that kept them from their pro-card.

    totally agree

    there are 4 at my gym- 1 full blown pro and then 3 amateurs.

    And no- their training program is totally different- and full isolation splits are for bodybuilders- so it amuses me when people who just want 2- 3 workouts and are just trying to get fit- WANT to do a full blown split like that. i'ts old school- and it's a big thing because it's a body building thing- but it's not needed for your average lifter.

    some of them could really benefit from compounds. Arnold started as a power lifter before he switched. There is some truth to strength = some size. bigger engines and all that.

    yeah- no- and I was talking to one girl- she does no benche- and no squat- she does squat variation- but no straight squts I was almost totally aghast! I've never seen a single one of them get on a flat bench and do a BB bench. EVER. Granted i'm not there 24 hrs a day- but I do work there- AND I work out there- so I'm there probably 20 hours a week- which I'm going to guess is more than your average gym rat- so I think I would have seen SOMETHING... but I can't think of a single time when I've ever seen one of them flat BB bench (MAYBE incline.. .but it's usually DB)
  • jcroemer1
    Try this - it's a lot quicker and perfect for starting strength:

    Squat 5x5
    Bench Press 5x5
    Barbell Row or Inverted Row 5x5

    Squat 5x5
    Military Press 5x5
    Deadlift 1x5

    Squat 5x5
    Bench Press 5x5
    Barbell Row or Inverted Row 5x5

    The second week just flip it so you do the one with the Deadlift twice. Increase the weight by 5 lbs each time you do a lift. It's really simple, takes under 45 minutes to finish, and hits every muscle group in your body if your form is correct. Work on form the first 2 weeks by using an empty bar. Squat is the most important exercise you can do, you'll be squatting 1.5x bodyweight in a couple months and able to run 30 minutes without training for it.

    Whatever you choose, good luck, but I've always valued efficiency and quality over quantity.