Visalus Shakes?

Anyone have any experience with Visalus? Opinons, comments, suggestions?

Also, any vitamin suggestions?


  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    My opinion is that it tastes terrible. (I got a free sample from someone trying to recruit me so she could eventually get a BMW, lmao)

    It's overpriced powdery junk...

    My suggestion: Calculate your daily calorie needs for maintenance...subtract 20% from that number...then eat whole foods (delicious ones that you know you like) up until that calorie goal is met. You will save money from buying scammy shakes, learn to eat properly, and get healthy all at once.
  • Everyone has opinions on everything. I don't think they suck...I love the shakes. Have actually lost over 40 pounds from using the shakes and exercising. It's just another tool in helping you reach your goals. My man also put on a bunch of lean muscle from doing his crazy workouts, lifting weights, eating clean, and using the visalus shake as a recovery shake after his workouts. It's not a miracle product nor would I say that it's the only product out there that can assist you in reaching your goals. It's a shake...that's pretty much it. lol

    It's not a scam...but I'm sure that there are people who are involved in it that are scam artists...which they would be in anything they do. Unfortunately some people are more on the evil side with everything they do and they go to companies and give them bad names. Even companies like BeachBody have some horrible people involved along with some truly amazing people. I promote The Body By Vi 90 Day Challenge and I love it. People do make money, get the BMWs, and the free trips as I've gotten it all and continue to do so. :smile: I have a black X5. Again, that part of it is for people who promote the challenge as a business. But with that being said there are also people who have tried to promote Visalus as a business and have not succeeded. Always a shame but with anything you do in's all about your efforts. Including things as weight loss and your fitness journey, etc.

    But honestly, it's not something you have to promote...just try out the product for yourself as a customer and see if you like it. Just keep in mind that it's actually a meal replacement shake...not just your regular protein shake. Same idea as the beachbody shakes which I believe are called shakeology? I love their workout programs but could care less for their shakes. To me Visalus tastes better. With regards to price, there is a way that you can get your product for free...just like I imagine so many other programs do as well. I'd recommend that you ask people who are actually involved in it whom you trust. Let them know that you're not interested in the business side of things (unless you are). They'd be better able to give you their opinion. My opinon is simply that you have to taste it for yourself. If you have any specific questions about it and don't know anyone else personally who takes the product...feel free to send me a message and I'll tell you what I know.

    Sorry, that post was entirely too Whatever you decide to do...or use to assist you Enjoy Your Journey! :smile: