Hello All

GorillaNJ Posts: 4,052 Member
Who knows how to start these things...

Well I guess a little background on me. I have been overweight basically my entire life... or at least since grade school.

I have tried and done every weight loss thing there is to try.... all with different levels of success.

The most successful attempt was when I was in college, 5 days a week in the gym Salads in the cafeteria everyday for lunch and normally dinner too. I lost 80lbs, met the girl who became my wife.

For a while I maintained a pretty healthy life style as I got a job, couple of days a week at the gym with a buddy. Got married, moved, Stopped going to the gym. The weight started racing back on. After my first son was born I was back at the gym doing a low carb diet and a rigorous weight training program called TNT. It was great, I really enjoyed it and had lost around 30 lbs.

Then my second son was born, and my wife changed jobs. Again I stopped going to the gym and started overeating again... I made one attempt to get back into the the gym about 2 years ago. I somehow pulled a muscle in my chest (Chest pains were a very scarry moment in my life) and I have not worked out a bit since then.

So that leaves me where I am now... 32 years old, over 100lbs heavier then I would like to be.

My biggest challenge

Time.... or the lack of it. I have an hour and a half commute to work on the train. I catch a 6am train and get home right around 6:00. That is when I pick up my kids from school. My wife works evenings so unless I am coaching football or baseball for my sons we are home.

What I am doing now

Well I have started eating much healthier while at work, breakfast is now two pieces of fruit and an oatmeal (plain, no sugar)
Lunch is a homemade turkey and cheese sandwich and either a lowfat yogurt or a greek yogurt. for a snack I have been getting whole grain pretzels or almonds.

Dinner and weekends are where I always fall apart. More then the type of food I eat, it is the volume. There are never leftovers when I am around... ever.

Well I guess that about wraps it up... I am planning to use this site to keep myself motivated and log what I eat. Hopefully it is the start of another weight loss success story!


  • InsanlyIrene
    First of all welcome :smile:

    Secondly you say your main problem is time, have you ever considered working out at home? You can workout as your kids are sleeping or early in the morning before you go to work and yes that would mean getting up earlier, but think about this, it's about your health and your body. What is more important to you, being healthy and fit and in the best shape you can be, or sleeping longer?

    If the answer is the first I suggest you check out www.beachbody.com and get into 1 of their workout programs. Believe me it works it really really works!

    If you have any other questions feel free to add me as a friend :)

    Good luck on your journey!
  • yojibalinese
    I've lost 40 pounds in the past four months doing very little excerise. I do an aerobic walk 15 minutes a day when I get home from work and that's about it. What's helped me most if daily recording my intake. I'm allowed to have 1600 calories, but I changed the goals to 1500 and I eat about 1300 on a given day. I am VERY careful about eating less carbs, more proteins, and because I've switched to low fat or fat free foods, I usually don't have to worry about fats. I also keep my sodium intake around 1800mg.

    I sit down every morning and plan my meals for the day. Then I stick to it. And I've lost weight! It's very easy.
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,052 Member
    Thanks Insanly... I really should start working out at home... but I have never found something at home that interests me as much as lifting weights at the gym. I'll check out that site and see if anything there looks good, thanks.

    as for earlier, I already get up at 4:45 any earlier and I should just not bother going to bed :laugh:
  • InsanlyIrene
    Welll there is always at home, I'm a mother and I have to plan my workouts but still I workout 6 days a week and am in GREAT shape, I'm currently loosing some pounds to get to my perfect BMI, combining loosing weight with working out just gives out much greater results then just eating less. Especially for me since they build muscle much faster then women do, just remember exercising also speeds up your metabolism, meaning you loose the weight faster!

    Check out P90X it has a great weight sections in it and is fit for everyone even if you're not in the best of shape, I've done it twice and am currently doing INSANITY.
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,052 Member
    What is an aerobic walk? Walking is one thing I do quite a bit of working in NYC. I have a just over half mile walk to and from my train station everyday.. it takes me between 8-12 minutes depending on foot traffic on Broadway or around the WTC.