Looking for friends to GAIN weight!! Hard Gainer here!!

edited February 5 in Introduce Yourself
I've got the opposite problem of most people. And trust me all you ladies and gentleman that want to lose, it's just as bad. It sucks being to thin as well. I've gone through certain plateaus in my life from 150 to 160, 160 to 165, 165 to 175, and then settled between 175 and 180. I'm 6' tall. I was working hard, leaning it out to all muscle and succeding, and then I got really sick. I lost 14 lbs in a matter of 2 weeks. Now I've restarted from 161 to try to get back to 175. But in a healthy way. I'm not just going to eat crap food to put it on as fat. I'm eating 3000 - 3400 calories of day, lean protein, and in 6-7 meals. Hard 1 1/2 hour strenght building workouts 5 days a week. I'm on Instagram alot for motivation (@South_Florida_Lyfe). I could use the motivationof others with similar problems and experiences.


  • mantium999
    mantium999 Posts: 1,490 Member
    I am a skinny, yet soft guy trying to bulk up myself. Hop over to the "Goal: Gaining Weight" sub forum. Some good folks with great information there. And, hope somebody can help me out with the specific name (on my phone at the moment), but Sarauk2sf and Sidesteel moderate a fantastic group that is full of awesomeness and useful information. The folks over there can help educate you regardless of your goal. I don't post much in it, but spend a lot of time there absorbing and learning.

    Here is the group...
  • Thanks. Much appreciated.
  • Keep up the work though man, never give up!
  • For sure man, thanks!! I want it too bad!!
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