HI, I am new

Hello everyone... i am new here with 15 to 20 kilo's to lose..... look forward to reading comments/topics and checking blogs... my problem is i work night duty... and suggestions on how to divide my calories

regards Annette


  • kimlynn919
    kimlynn919 Posts: 316 Member
    I work night shift myself, ive found that's been surprisingly easier than i originally thought to still manage my calories and stuff for the day. most of the times breakfast and lunch are still during the day and my dinner is usually either before work or right after i get here and i try to do a couple low cal snacks during the night. and i usually manage to do some of my higher calories during lunch and/or dinner. i work 1900-0700. about and hr ago i had a sugar free jello. and i pretty get my water while im at work....i talk a lot, so i get thirsty!

    Good luck on your journey, by the way!
  • annettelotty
    annettelotty Posts: 4 Member
    thank you kimmylynn... i work 4 nights per week... night time is my hungriest time... so i am educating myself on spreading my calories further .. so i guess better choices are needed not to feel hungry... im interested in what other things you eat also...

  • annettelotty
    annettelotty Posts: 4 Member
    opps sorry kimlynn
  • kimlynn919
    kimlynn919 Posts: 316 Member
    sometimes, i'll bring fruit or cheese...just can't go overboard on those. you could probably bring a small salad or stuff for one, ive done that... ive also done like celery or carrots with dressing, but i dont do a lot of dressing in my salads or to dip...i actually prefer tasting the veggies. i'm still pretty new to this healthier lifestyle, less than a month in, so im still trying to pick up tips myself. oh, ive also snacked on almonds too :)
  • Shift1990
    I worked 3rd shift five days a week until recently I’m only working one overnight shift a week. Lately I have been snacking on unsalted sunflower seeds mixed with raisins. About a 50/50 mix seems to do it for me. Also apples are becoming my new favorite go to snack. Really anything works as long as it is quick to prepare for when I start craving the 24hour sub delivery shop near my work. :happy: