
Njbelle Posts: 28 Member
edited November 2023 in Getting Started
Hi All
I have restarted today. The weight is more dire than ever and I am feeling rubbish. I wont comment on how I look but its far from good! Anyway this is just a hi I will no doubt pour over all of your successes and NSV which have always motivated me in the past.

I have noticed that I am really feeling quite bad in myself which is a new thing for me so this must mean I have to get my large self into gear and do something about this.

Here goes :noway:


  • mizkej
    mizkej Posts: 7

    I have started fresh this week. I would like to have your support and offer you mine. Lets just do this one day at a time. I can use all the motivation and support I can get!!

    Lets just jump in :smile:
  • Squeeks70
    Squeeks70 Posts: 157 Member
    Welcome back! I, too, have restarted this week. It's been a pretty sedentary summer. I haven't been working out and watching what I eat properly. Time to get back to eating right and exercising! Good luck!
  • KatieM_81
    KatieM_81 Posts: 2 Member
    Must be a week for re-starting, I started again Monday, feeling really good with progress so far, just hope it shows on the scales this week.

    Good luck x
  • stephv38
    stephv38 Posts: 203 Member
    Today is a great day to start!
  • Rosannajo88
    Rosannajo88 Posts: 212 Member
    Well hello! Looks like we had similar starting points, I was 270 + at my largest. Please feel free to add me :) I am here every day xx

    I suffered from terrible depression when I was heavier, felt bad so ate more, horrible vicious cycle. Now im addicated to the scale lol xx
  • I'm starting out again too; i recently lost my job so spent most of my days sat in the house drinking which was so not good for me.
    Now with starting Go Sober for October i've decided I need to get my healthy diet back on track too.
    I really want to be able to stick at this come november when i'm 'allowed' to drink again.
    If any of you want to add me i'd appreciate it :)
  • Hi

    I felt like you too - I found that sticking your calorie allowance was hard. I then linked the MFP app to the Run Keeper app (on iphone). This way when I did my walks, it tracked what calories I burned, how far I walked and how long it took. This then was shared on my FB page, my friends could see it and they give me encouragement. By having it on FB it gave me the feeling that if I didn't do the walks, it would not share on my FB page, and that my friends would think I gave up. I've been walking now for over 7 weeks, 3 times a week and I've lost over a stone! Keep at it you will get there!!! Good luck!
  • AngelWings0609
    AngelWings0609 Posts: 105 Member
    I actually am restarting this week to! When I first started my fitness pal I weighed 278, I lost 40+ lbs I didn't see the change in myself. So I quit, when I went yesterday to work out i re weighed myself and im now im at 255 so its on!!! :)
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