Help with what to work and how much weight

I am 10 pounds from my goal weight. I use machines from time to time but really want to tone up. So I need a schedule on what to work (i.e. shoulders and biceps one day) and how much weight. I don't want to bulk, just tone. So I need to know do I put the weight at my max that I can do or lower? And how many reps? Thanks for your responses in advance!


  • bizco
    bizco Posts: 1,949 Member
    Women won't bulk without the use of steroids or heavy use of muscle-building supplements, period. Check your local library (or Amazon) for books on weight lifting/strength training. "The New Rules of Lifting for Women" is an awesome program. There's a group of women here on MFP who are following the program. Do a search of the Community Groups using NROL4W.

    You can also find specific lifting routines on

    Good luck and start lifting HEAVY.
  • Escape_Artist
    Escape_Artist Posts: 1,155 Member
    Women won't bulk without the use of steroids or heavy use of muscle-building supplements, period. Check your local library (or Amazon) for books on weight lifting/strength training. "The New Rules of Lifting for Women" is an awesome program. There's a group of women here on MFP who are following the program. Do a search of the Community Groups using NROL4W.

    You can also find specific lifting routines on

    Good luck and start lifting HEAVY.

    ^^ This

    Also, Starting Strength and Stronglifts (SS and SL) are very good to look at :flowerforyou:
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I am 10 pounds from my goal weight. I use machines from time to time but really want to tone up. So I need a schedule on what to work (i.e. shoulders and biceps one day) and how much weight. I don't want to bulk, just tone. So I need to know do I put the weight at my max that I can do or lower? And how many reps? Thanks for your responses in advance!

    so much....must fight.....

    sigh okay.

    1) goal weight- what you appear to look like- msucle definition- are all a function of diet- a LARGE function of diet.

    2.) toning is a made up word by the fitness industry to get women interested in lifting- it's a stupid way to say lift weights.

    3.) what to lift- do big compound lifts- squats- dead lifts- bench- overh head press. push ups and pull ups are obviously great too.

    4a.) bulking... you only bulk up when you eat at a calorie suprlus and spend a lot of time in the gym.
    4b.) women who are true body builders spend YEARS working on their bodies- and the truly big ones are often on some sort of extra somethingsomething

    5.) how much weight you should lift.
    This starts with pick a plan for the day. i.e I'm going to do squats and OHP today or I'm Dead lifting today- or whatever this is followed by I'm going to do 5 x 5 or 5/3/1 or a pyramid- whatever reps you want- just not I'm doing 20 curls- or 100 body weight squats.

    so I go to the rack for dumbells( DB) or the barbell (BB). pick a weight. Can you lift it off the rack?

    If not- remove your hand and chose a lighter weight.

    If yes- GOOD.
    Do you think you can do 10 whole complete reps with ease with that weight? if yes? put it back.
    If no next question
    Do you think you can do 5 whole complete reps with ease with that weight? if yes- probably a good weight If no- the answer is probably- i can't do any reps with it- or just one.

    if the answer is 'no' then put the weight down- and go down a weight.

    once you have selected your first weight- do the lifts- do the reps.

    you may find you will have to change weight for different sets- this is okay.

    repeat this process for that day.

    do it again the next time you go.

    Short story- you won't bulk- I promise.
    eat at a deficit- lift heavy. (programs to look at New rules of lifting for women strong lifts/starting strength- strong curves... the program doesn't matter- it doesn't matter if it's for women or men- you train them both the same- there is no no such thing as 'gender specific' exercises- or programs- they maybe targeted to one audience or the other- but the lifts themselves- totally the same.

    now go forth and be fabulous.
  • coral_b
    coral_b Posts: 264 Member
    I just purchased the recommended book as it's been mentioned a few times from various posts. I'm still 20lbs from goal but really want to start working on strength! Currently I can do 5 reps with the husbands 7.5kg DumBell. A measly start i'm sure, but i'm so up for improving!
    Great advice!
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    everyone starts somewhere... with big lifts- it's often a broomstick or PVC pipe- no shame at all.
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    "Bulk up" if only, it's sooooooo hard to gain muscle. I can't believe how many women live in fear of bulking up, it's sad really they're missing out on something that will do their bodies so much good.

    Try Stronglifts 5x5, there's a group on here too if you want to have a read or get advice.
  • klkb4
    klkb4 Posts: 3 Member
    Weight training is so important to weight loss!!! Don't be afraid to lift and get bulky it won't happen!!! I break the parts of the body up so I give my body adequate time to heal!
    Day 1 Bicept and Back
    Day 2 Tricepts and Chest
    Day 3 Shoulder and legs
    Then I start all over again, of course doing Cardio on all days but leg day. Then about every couple of monthes I change it up as to confuse my body just a bit. has great workouts for women along with eating programs. Keep in mind if you replace 1lb of fat with 1lb of muscle you will still be the same weight but much smaller, so don't worry about what the scale says, it's all about how your clothes feel.

    As far as how much weight to lift, that depends. I do 3 sets of 8-12 reps, if you can't do at least 8 reps of a certain weight then it's to heavy. If you cruze through your set of 12 reps it's to light. Hope this makes sense!! GOOD LUCK!! AND LIFT LIFT LIFT YOU WILL LOVE IT!!!!!!!
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    check out this link.

    in my opinion, for most people full body circuit training is the best bet. you don't need to target back and biceps on one day, and chest and tris the next. and only one leg day a week???
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member

    so I go to the rack for dumbells( DB) or the barbell (BB). pick a weight. Can you lift it off the rack?

    If not- remove your hand and chose a lighter weight.

    If yes- GOOD.
    Do you think you can do 10 whole complete reps with ease with that weight? if yes? put it back.
    If no next question
    Do you think you can do 5 whole complete reps with ease with that weight? if yes- probably a good weight If no- the answer is probably- i can't do any reps with it- or just one.

    if the answer is 'no' then put the weight down- and go down a weight.

    once you have selected your first weight- do the lifts- do the reps.

    you may find you will have to change weight for different sets- this is okay.

    repeat this process for that day.

    do it again the next time you go.


    That, was awesome.