Family Crisis, hard to stay motivated about diet/exercise

Just found out this week that my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer, so it's been difficult to be motivated about sticking with the program and tracking when my mind is elsewhere. Anyone have advice on how to keep from emotional eating?

Sidenote: I never considered myself an emotional eater, but I think it's more subconscious than "I feel depressed, I want to eat crap." Anyone have any advice?


  • clarkeje1
    clarkeje1 Posts: 1,638 Member
    So sorry to hear that :( I would say try to stay busy with positive coping skills and if you feel like eating crap then just engage in a positive activity instead. It could be something fitness related (play a sport you love, take a walk/hike, swim, workout, run) or it could be a relaxation activity (read, music, write, treat yourself with a mani/pedi, hang with family/friends). Also we are here to support you of course so log on and talk to your fitness family! <3 Some other tips that help with mindless/emotional eating (chew gum, brush your teeth, drink water).
  • meggwtw
    meggwtw Posts: 95 Member
    Thanks :)
  • Dch2272
    Dch2272 Posts: 93 Member
    Having gone through a similar situation this year, the best advice that I could give you is that you need to be healthy to be there for her. If you don't take care of yourself and do what is good for your body, then how are you going to be able to help her when she needs you the most.

    Stay strong and keep positive thoughts even in the very tough days. Best wishes to you both!