Gained weight!

Before I started using Myfitnessbal I was 53 kg (117 pound) then I started using it a week ago in the purpose of losing weight but I have gained. Now I'm 55.6 kg (123 pound) :/

I don't know why!


  • Mahihkan
    Mahihkan Posts: 162
    Maybe coz you should gain!?!?!?!? What's your height?
  • Rosannajo88
    Rosannajo88 Posts: 212 Member
    You gained 6 pounds in ten or less days?

    More information needed...
  • lucan07
    lucan07 Posts: 509
    One possibility

    Another, you maybe needed to put on weight.
  • twinkleboobee
    twinkleboobee Posts: 33 Member
    Hi Lucan07,

    Now THAT is a FANTASTIC read! All very true, and after starvation diets, weight watchers and now low carbing, I realise it is as simple as calories in VS calories out. I still do the low carbing (for medical reasons) BUT it wasn't until I joined MFP and
    watching the calories too that I started losing the weight I thought I couldn't budge! I have my bad days eating 'unhealthy food' but, as long as I keep within the amount of caolries I've been alloted, then I lose weight. I have any choccies left...Hhhmmmm :D

    ManaarTalaat - the weight increase could be water, muscle, storage of food...time of the month? Or a combination, there is a chance in a weeks time you've lost it. At 117lbs give or take a few, I doubt you need to lose any weight unless you're very very short. Look at your weight on a monthly basis rather than weekly, as the scales can do funny things.
  • loved reading that article :) before he got to the concentration camp part i just knew he would bring that up ..... and what he says makes alot of sence ...
  • My height is 170 cm (5 feet, 6 inches.)
  • I have gain them in 4 days.
  • One possibility

    Another, you maybe needed to put on weight.

    No, I don't need to put on weight. I need to lose weight. The weight gain is in the Stomach (My belly). I'm so confused.
  • At 5'6" and that weight you don't need to lose weight....
  • Hi Lucan07,

    Now THAT is a FANTASTIC read! All very true, and after starvation diets, weight watchers and now low carbing, I realise it is as simple as calories in VS calories out. I still do the low carbing (for medical reasons) BUT it wasn't until I joined MFP and
    watching the calories too that I started losing the weight I thought I couldn't budge! I have my bad days eating 'unhealthy food' but, as long as I keep within the amount of caolries I've been alloted, then I lose weight. I have any choccies left...Hhhmmmm :D

    ManaarTalaat - the weight increase could be water, muscle, storage of food...time of the month? Or a combination, there is a chance in a weeks time you've lost it. At 117lbs give or take a few, I doubt you need to lose any weight unless you're very very short. Look at your weight on a monthly basis rather than weekly, as the scales can do funny things.

    Actually before I used MFP 65 kg (143.3) but I have lost 12 kg since the 20th of June. Then I found out about MFP and I thought it may help me lose weight but it didn't though.

    I'm thinking about quieting this website. I don't know.

    And It's not the time of the month and Yes I always drink a lot of water like 14 glass per day.
  • But my tummy looks so huge (since I have gained those 6 pounds), leave alone thighs.
  • At 5'6" and that weight you don't need to lose weight....

    But my tummy looks so huge (since I have gained those 6 pounds), leave alone thighs.
  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member
    At 5'6" and that weight you don't need to lose weight....

    But my tummy looks so huge (since I have gained those 6 pounds), leave alone thighs.

    Sounds like you need body recomposition rather than weight loss. So, you need to exercise more I would think to get in a better physical shape.
  • At 5'6" and that weight you don't need to lose weight....

    But my tummy looks so huge (since I have gained those 6 pounds), leave alone thighs.

    Sounds like you need body recomposition rather than weight loss. So, you need to exercise more I would think to get in a better physical shape.

    Yeah maybe you're right.

    I walk (30-60 min) everyday. Plus, I'm a senior student and doing hard physical work makes me exhausted that I can't concentrate on my studies.
  • Keep trollin' trollin' trollin' trollin'
    Keep trollin' trollin' trollin' trollin'
    Keep trollin' trollin' trollin' trollin'
    Keep trollin' trollin' trollin' trollin'
    Hey ladies, hey fellas
    And the people that don't give a ****
    All the lovers, all the haters
    And all the people that call themselves playas
    Hot mammas, pimp daddies
    And the people rollin' in them Caddy's
    Hey rockers, hip-hoppers
    And everybody all around the world

  • Mahihkan
    Mahihkan Posts: 162
    Girl, I am 5'4" and 3/4 (Yeah, I like the 3/4...) and my ideal weight, says a doctor is around 130lb.... You might want to change your goal/plan... I dont see how much calories you are taking, but if the tummy is the issue, at this weight and height, there's nothing a good abs routine cant do!
    Just eat well, less carbs (They can make you feel all bloated) and work that tummy!
    Dont think about the weight now!
  • Flab2fitfi
    Flab2fitfi Posts: 1,349 Member
    I'm only 5'5 and my goal weight is just under 140lbs. You say that doing anything physical makes you too tired - this is a sign that you are not eating enough. I train 5 days out of 7, run a busy household and also study but still have lots of energy.

    I dont think you need to lose weight but instead concentrate on getting fitter and building muscle tone.
  • Hmmm so it's about needing to do more physical work then.

    Okay so I will start working on it. Thanks for the Help.

    I really appreciate it :smile:
  • Mahihkan
    Mahihkan Posts: 162
    But dont keep your cals too low though... stay between the 1500 to (preferably) 2000
  • No, 1200 cal is perfect for me. You see I have a type of body that could fat easily.