Alcoholics and Junk Food Lovers Welcome!

Hi! I'm Erica, I'm 24 yrs old and I'm looking for some friends to help motivate each other! I'm 5'2" at 250lbs and my ultimate goal is to get down to 160lbs, but i think the day I hit 199 lbs I might die of happiness, its been so long since I've seen Onederland....anyway a few facts about me:

I eat crap food--pizza, fast food, desserts--I cut nothing out of my diet.
I sometimes cuss like a favorite words being *kitten* and c*nt
I manage a doggie daycare so I may mention that I just love being covered in piss at 8 am (this is sarcasm).
I love sarcasm.
I consume alcohol. Sometimes in a large quantity. Mainly Friday and Saturday nights, sometimes Thursdays, and maybe the occasional Sunday afternoon daiquiri.
I will not talk you out of eating the chocolate cake; I will probably try to figure out a way for you to fit it into your calories.
I'm not super into exercise yet, but working on it.

So role model, I am not....but I'm on here everyday and only give positive feedback--no judgement here. Stuck with myfitnesspal for 4ish months last year and lost 33 lbs, but this time around I'm in it for the long run. I'm so sick of feeling like I'm attempting yoga when I try to paint my toenails...

So if you'd still like to be my friend, anyone feel free to add me! I promise I don't bite...hard.


  • Mongognom
    Mongognom Posts: 123
    Be my friend!
    A little about myself: I don't drink (sorry), but I do have a long history of eating family size pizza by my own lonesome and have just started eating vegetables. I love chocolate and I work at a nursing home, so sometimes I'm covered in piss at 8 am as well!
  • I'm adding you!
  • Ericaaa89
    Ericaaa89 Posts: 48 Member
    Thanks for the add guys :) and I can totally kill a whole pizza by myself too.
  • I'm adding you! I also am a junk food addict & I tend to drink on the weekends also haha...we can motivate each other to make healthy choices!!
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    I'm not an alcoholic, but I manage and liquor store and I love junk food.:drinker: I've lost 120lbs in about 15 months, I am a fairly new at IIFYM, but am getting the hang of it. I do a fair bit f cardio, have started weight training and do not eat 'clean'! I'll send you a request. Oh, and I have 3 dogs and know all about the gross liquids and solids that can come out of both ends of them. :sick:
  • flashfangirl_102
    flashfangirl_102 Posts: 32 Member
    kudos to you for being honest! pizza is like a lover of mine >.<
  • blueuniverse
    blueuniverse Posts: 13 Member
    I think we could be friends :drinker:
  • It does seem that we are on the same boat. I have a somewhat long history of drinking more than I should and following up with whatever junk food is laying around. While I've always practiced sports, in the last 3-4 years I started to develop an annoying beer belly. So I just made the decision to get rid of it in the coming months by exercising more and keeping my calorie intake in check with MFP. Too bad my first diary entry had a Guiness 6 pack but so far everything is under control. Feel free to add me as a MFP friend as we could both use the motivation :) Invite is open to anyone else going through something similar, you're welcome to add me too.
  • hkinwald
    hkinwald Posts: 2 Member
    Fellow drunk here (yes drunk, alcoholics go to meetings,I'm a drunk, we go to parties). I gained 10 lbs in the past month from just drinking; so I have completely stopped, as of right now; but, my friend is out of town and I am sure I will start up next week when she gets back. I am only on day 3, but so far so good. :drinker:
  • lol... I gained 25kg's (about 55 pounds) from excessive drinking and waaaayyy too much junk food. I have now lost 8kg's of that and am still going strong... I went back to my old student town this past weekend and tried to be as healthy as possible - actually saying no to things and drinking non creamy drinks and drinks with as little as possible calories (still drinking and carbloading at 5am). i doubled the amount of calories i normally eat. lol. - which used to be a lifestyle not just a once a year thing.

    After seeing the HUGE difference between what my lifestyle was and what it is now i realized how much better i feel about life, people and everything. I still love partying and pizza, but i know that that is not sustainable in the long run...

    This month I'm doing OctSober!!! yay! :)

    Oh ja, I'm adding you as a friend.
  • ddpiel
    ddpiel Posts: 52
    alcohol yes and very bad food choices after consuming too much of it. I log everything but I do have a private diary. Mostly because of the alcohol entries and not wanting to be judge. I stay within my calories at least 6 days per week and have been exercising 3-5 times per week for the past month or so. I have been back at it since Aug 5, 2013 and have lost 15 pounds so far. It's slow going now, maybe 1-1.5 lbs per week but I'll take it. I sent you a friend request.
  • added you
  • grrrlface
    grrrlface Posts: 1,204 Member
    Adding you as I too can devour a full pizza to myself and enjoy a few drinks every now and then! :laugh:
  • charlie_anne
    charlie_anne Posts: 46 Member
    Oh yes, red wine, pizza and pasta are my downfalls!
  • red8424
    red8424 Posts: 160 Member
    No restrictions for me either! IIFIYM- eat all the things! Feel free to add me! :drinker:
  • pandaz
    pandaz Posts: 1
    This thread speaks the core of my being. I'm fine with my cravings, but find it difficult to not love drinking and hanging out with my friends...which leads to hangovers...which leads to one slice to whole pie. Add me! This is the first time I've actually ever posted, b/c I thought the alkie % of my food diary would be judged. :love:
  • robinb07
    robinb07 Posts: 33 Member
    Get out of my head!

    Seriously though, I love all of that stuff too. Booze, junkfood, pizza, chocolate cake etc. Not the dog piss though, I hate that **** haha.

    Totally adding you!
  • I havent put down a whole peeezkas to the dome since I was committing dietary suicide within the framework of a highly perverted sex life with a fat
  • redladywitch
    redladywitch Posts: 799 Member
  • kellykelz86
    kellykelz86 Posts: 23 Member
    We def should be friends! Lol