Hunger before period

Right before I get my period. I get EXTREMELY hungry! I still exercise but my weight bounces around because of the cravings. (1-2 lbs) However, I tend to freak out when I see the scale. Can anyone tell me how to curb these cravings so that I don't over eat while on my period?


  • spoiledpuppies
    spoiledpuppies Posts: 675 Member
    I find that just being aware of the cause helps. If I start mad cravings, then realize that my period is coming, I kind of laugh at myself and think, "oh, THAT explains it." Somehow that helps me to fight it. (Same with if I'm getting cranky!)

    I think I've also noticed that the healther I eat all month, the less I crave things around my period. I'm thrilled when my period arrives and takes me by surprise.
  • delnnis
    delnnis Posts: 6 Member
    The same thing happens to me. You are not alone! its almost like you want to quit and forget about taking care of your self! The only thing that we can do is survive these days by giving in to your cravings... but only a bit.. be still in control and keep recording your calories. Always keep in mind that it's only a matter of days and keep seeing the big picture ahead of you: a healthier life...
  • WeepingAngel81
    WeepingAngel81 Posts: 2,232 Member
    Oh my gosh I become just insane for food right before then as well! This past month was the first time I actually stuck to my calorie goal and continued to work out. I may be getting my info crossed, but I think I remember my midwife saying that women crave more foods becuase we need those calories during that time. It's just a matter of what we eat when we do allow for extra calories. Giving in to cravings for a cheeseburger are much different than recognizing the craving, knowing why it's there, and opting for an apple with peanubutter instead.
  • Kanuenue
    Kanuenue Posts: 253 Member
    I set myself a fitness goal earlier that same week. Then I get to treat myself since I accomplished something awesome. This time, it was a Pumpkin spice latte and cake pop. So I still indulge my cravings but I focus on fitness, which just seems to make me stay with better choices.

    *edited for lazy typing errors.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    You're not alone. That being said, unless you go really nuts, the weight gain is usually typically water weight, which is normal at that time of the month. So far I've somehow managed to stay under my goal every time (by pretty much not eating much junk and just foods that *should* keep me full for a while) and I still gain 2 lbs every month, which I lose on the 3rd day of tom or something.

    The crazy hunger lasted almost a week this month though... it totally sucked.
  • 1247cfmama
    1247cfmama Posts: 36 Member
    I get this too and the worst part of it is I always crave sugary foods..... candy and sweets its awful!
  • what_lola_wants
    what_lola_wants Posts: 129 Member
    Period is my only cheat days. I allow it to happen. 5/30 days in a month. I dont think its too bad
  • I am experiencing this right now. NOTHING is satisfying my hunger, but I am trying to have frequent low-calorie snacks and drinking LOTS of water! I always think of the days before my TOM as my body wanting everything because it NEEDS it! I give in to cravings but do watch my portions and continue to record everything: good, bad, and ugly. It helps to be aware of why I am so hungry and knowing that these days will pass. It all evens out in the end, I believe. I am on a 1200 calorie plan right now and should lose 2 lbs. a week, which is exactly what I have done from the start. It all evens out. Feed your body within reason, it wants it, and if you're anything like me, your body will get rid of a lot of excess a few days into your TOM. Good luck!
  • Featherweighttt
    Featherweighttt Posts: 23 Member
    your nutritional needs are a lot higher during your period given what your body is actually doing! I get absolutely RAVENOUS for every kind of crap in the world, but find info like this really helpful so I know what I actually NEED to eat instead of what my brain is telling me I should eat to get those nutrients:
  • frommetobetterme
    frommetobetterme Posts: 124 Member
    I get crazy salty craving right before ans sweet cravings during... the salt = massive water weight, so I try to drink more water also during that time and eat sweet fruit instead of candy (which is just not the same, so sometimes I give in).

    I don't actually change my calorie goal during that time, but I do eat more. I just make sure that for that week, I only up the calories to as much as it would take to maintain my weight, and find it drops off the following week when things are balanced out again.

    It makes for slightly slower weight loss, but I'm ok with that.
  • lessac
    lessac Posts: 105 Member
    I have this every month, for 2 days tops within the week before menstruation and I tag along, I just eat all I want (since the monthly bloating plus all the food make me feel as full as a brick next day or so). I didn't notice those one to two days making any difference on the scale aside from my usual 3-4 lbs up. I can't really distract myself with exercise or anything during that time and swimming against the current makes me crankier than ever. It's more of a sacrifice for world peace rather than indulgence.
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,357 Member
    I get the same way, first off ignore the scale, the scale is most likely going to fluctuate between 1 and 5 lbs during this TOM, it's normal, we are bloated which means you're retaining water.

    Try making some detox water

    2 lemons sliced
    1/2 cucumber sliced
    10 mint leaves
    3 quarts water

    put all ing. in a jug, place in fridge and let it brew over night. Drink a glass before each meal. Water helps you get full faster so this might also help. This water will flush toxins out of your body as well and help with being bloated.

    You can also add other things if you wish, I'm adding some oranges this go around, hear it's yummy.
  • lknjohnson
    lknjohnson Posts: 351 Member
    I'm going through it now. I have my cravings a week before my period starts, and I gain up to 5lbs when I'm bloated, So i just avoid the scale for 2 weeks. When I have a craving, I eat what I'm craving. I just plan ahead and work it into my calories for the day. Like for example I'm craving taco salad and ice cream. well tomorrow i will exercise even harder and eat my taco salad and ice cream, I just won't over indulge it in. I will make my taco sald a little healther like using Baked scoops, fat free cheese and low fat sour cream and lean 93/2 white meat ground turkey. I tend ot try to eat light during the week, so the weekend i can have a little fun and still lose. But thats how i manage
  • harvo
    harvo Posts: 4,676 Member
    See, I thought something else, was going to say "Use different punctuation"!
  • OMG_Twinkies
    OMG_Twinkies Posts: 215 Member
    If you know this is your norm once a month, just ignore the scale during that time. If you crave it, eat it. But don't go overboard and don't use your period as an excuse to binge. My problem is, I've used it as an excuse for a long time. I think I've made my cravings out to be bigger monsters than they truly are because I've given them so much attention and indulgence. I'm slowly gaining back control, but as long as you don't turn your cravings into a daily habit, you'll be fine. But ignore that scale during your period anyway
  • ElegantSlenderChic
    ElegantSlenderChic Posts: 41 Member
    This happened to me last night, I'd been doing so well, felt it coming tried to write away my cravings in my journal. But just before the the store closed I put on my sneakers and headed straight for the candy aisle. I regret it now and will try harder next month- you are not alone in this:sad:
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    My times is awful. I'm emotional and hungry and all I want is chocolate and my bed.

    But, honestly, I pretty much let myself have what I want. I don't think it's really possible to eat enough in those few days to gain 1-2 pounds. I'm pretty sure that what you are seeing on the scale is water retention and bloat weight.
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    Literally the day before shark week, I eat everything in sight.
    Just. can't. get. enough. food.

    Thankfully, it only starts and lasts through the evening hours just prior to it, so I only really have to deal with from 6pm to 10pm of cramming everything I can find into the ol' pie hole :blushing: :laugh:

    It's gotten better though as I've lost weight. The pre-shark week hunger used to be 2-3 days long :ohwell:
  • RubyRunner14
    RubyRunner14 Posts: 148 Member
    There was a study done and your BMR actually increases right before your period which explains the hunger. Pair that with unusual fluxes of hormone levels and the blood loss and of course you're gonna need more food.

    I don't get my period anymore and I can't remember every having or succumbing to cravings at that time of the month, so I can't sympathize with you guys, but everyone complains about it so my guess would be to either eat a small treat or find a way to make the craving foods healthier. You're only human, just chill out and have some chocolate.