C-Section Question

Does anyone's c-section scar hurt when you work out? Mine is a little sore, even from walking. And when I do sit ups it feels like my stomach is ripping. Is this normal? Anyone know why?


  • pizzy
    pizzy Posts: 47
    how long ago did you have it done
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    occasionally my scar will burn (3 years post-partum), but most of the time I'm still totally numb/without sensation.
  • ANNIET2006
    you are surpose to wait six months before doing any kind of stomach exercises. How long has it been
  • TristaVan
    TristaVan Posts: 16 Member
    My baby is 5 months old and I feel the same way. It went away when walking for the most part but anytime I push myself (even if it is no working out my abs) I feel pain or soreness. And I still don't dare to run yet. Hope that helps. If you find a workout that works for you and doesn't cause any pain I would love to hear about it.
  • pizzy
    pizzy Posts: 47
    itll take time for the pain so subside. you have to remeber, they did surgery and cut you open, plus your cervix, so its gunna be sore for a while, after any surgery it will take time to recover fully and not have pain, start of slow, dont rush it, also when you were pregnant your ab muscles got torn so thats gunna take time to recover and thats one of the reasons it feels like its tearing cuz it kinda is, your abs arent the same, as before you were pregnant.
  • lesley12345
    lesley12345 Posts: 89 Member
    How long ago did you have the c-section. I have had two, the last one 7 months ago, and I don't really get that feeling when I do abdominal exercises, but everyone is different. If it's a very recent c-section you might want to cut back on stomach exercises, and ask your doc when it's okay to resume exercises. Good luck to you!
  • h_eloise86
    I started working out about a month after my c-section. By working out, I mean walking. Lol.
    By the time my son was five months I was trying to do P90X.
    I told myself I was fine. But there would be days that I really thought my incision would just rip back open.
    I'm nine months postpartum and I do it all but occasionally I still get a little tingle.
    Just go at your own pace and ... be careful.
    I'm lucky I didn't rip back open, lol. When your body says stop, then you should stop.
    Don't worry, as long as you are eating right and slowly trying to pick away at exercise the pounds will come off!
    Good luck and congrats on the new baby :)
  • caribeals
    caribeals Posts: 105 Member
    i have had 2 c-sections. the first one i had in 2005, the 2nd was dec 2008. they are both the same vertical inscision. i didn't have too much problems after the first one, but i do have some burning, pulling feelings since i have had my 2nd. the hardest part for me is regaining those muscles. they literally cut or move your abdominal muscles and for me, its a major struggle to tone my belly! :(
  • LoriLou67
    LoriLou67 Posts: 173 Member
    I had our second child in Feb. as well, and he was my second C-section. I know that with our first, I had gone through quite a bit of labor before being whisked away for a C. With the second, we opted for the C and planned it due to my previous history and a few other factors. I have noticed that I have healed more quickly with the second than the first....so, if you had labor, you need to be patient with your body. If no labor, then you may want to ask your doctor about this. I know we all get in a hurry to "get our bodies back", but we really do need to be patient and gentle at times. No, I am not back to normal either but I am persistently working at it. Enjoy your baby!
  • spambubbles
    spambubbles Posts: 36 Member
    Thanks everyone! I had my son 8 months ago. It was an emergency c-section ... he was breached and I was fully dilated by the time I walked into the hospital. From the last post, I now understand that my body will take a bit longer to heal due to the fact that I was in labor before I had the c-section.