Need Motivation!

I need to lose 60 lbs. I am counting calories - 1500-1600 a day, but just cannot get off my butt to exercise!!!! There is always an excuse - I have a million of them. How can you get motivated to start exercising? I don't have an exercise companion ....


  • mikeivb
    mikeivb Posts: 28 Member
    keep track of your progress and reward yourself every once in a while!
  • AmberElaine84
    AmberElaine84 Posts: 964 Member
    The only motivation for exercising is to just do it! Once! After one time you will realize how good it feels on your body. I go through intervals of working out hardcore, then something comes up and I don't do it for awhile. I count calories and keep track of what I'm eating, but nothing is the same as a good run or a nice sweat. :) If you don't have access to a treadmill or elliptical, buy a few small, cheap weights, or rent some workout dvds from your library. You can loose weight by restricting calories, but workout out will greatly impact the way you lose weight and the way you feel about your body. It will definitely boost your metabolism, give you more energy, and have an overall affect on the way you see yourself.
  • jgm379
    jgm379 Posts: 97 Member
    I have 6 kids and no time for anything. Exercise gets boring fast especially the more you have to lose. You have to get disgusted enough with self to start exercising. I am in the kitchen all the time preparing food for kids. If you just buckle down for 3 months and cut your food back to about 1200 calories and start out walking or just doing 20 min. of video exercise you can accomplish alot. The more you accomplish the more motivated you will be. I downloaded 30 day shred, p90x, and acacia videos. If you change your exercise routine enough you wont get bored as fast. If you have alot of kids like me you can drag one of them to walk or exercise with you. LOL!
  • Dreamgirl97
    Dreamgirl97 Posts: 106 Member
    I feel you girl, it’s hard, but as much as I hate:mad: to say it once you start to work out and your doing it as a routine it will feel weird or like your cheating when you don’t go. I have only been working out as a routine for the last 3 weeks but I already feel the cheating feeling if I miss a day. I don’t go too long just for 30 minutes. I have a long way to go but it’s a start. Good luck!
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    The only only exercise companion I have is my on my ipod and Eminem doesn't listen to any excuse I give him.
    You just have to do it! My advice is just to walk. Make the time and just start walking. You owe it to yourself! Starting is seriously the hardest part, but once you get going and you realize how much better you feel you'll keep going. You might continue to hate it, but when we are grown ups we have to do things we hate because it's good for us.
    Good luck, we are ALL here for you.
  • kgs0201
    kgs0201 Posts: 459 Member
    I was having the same issue as you... I couldn't motivate myself to exercise. So what I've found helps motivate me is to go into the Exercise database on MFP and browse through the exercises. I find something I can do and I go ahead and add it to my diary. Once its in there, I feel obligated to make it true. For example, last night I added in 15 minutes of jumping jacks and then while I was watching tv I did jumping jacks during the commercials until I had done a total of 15 minutes. I didn't want to have to go back into my diary and remove it because I didn't do it!

    Also, if you are looking for a good workout video that is challenging but do-able and in my opinion is a good balance between weights and cardio, check out Crunch - Boot Camp Training (with Sue Hitzman). It's kind of old but it's my favorite. It's only 30 minutes long and I feel so good after I've done it.
  • valerierackly
    i never thought i could exersize either. i just don't see to be able to manage proper exersize. so i have just changed the things i do. like i put a time limit on my cleaning up and thats actually exersize, i list my cooking/food prep and kitchen cleaning as exersize. all exersize is is movement and being busy. so shopping done quickly is exersize too. i sometimes even manage to fit ten-twenty minutes of using my exersize bike. i quite like it sometimes. i watch tv while i do it and i dont even notice that i'm exersizing. i take the stairs and walk a bit more than i used to and gradually my weight is coming down.and its changing my lifestyle instead of it being just a diet to get rid of my exess wieght. And the days when i'm not wanting to be in the house or i've nowhere out to be i'll take my dog out for a little while. i can be out for two hours walking, my dog loves it.
  • ladyashley81
    ladyashley81 Posts: 9 Member
    Truth is you are probably never going to be motivated to start an exercise program - things can make you feel like you should, but bottom line is nothing will really get you going until you lace up your sneakers, hop off the couch and do it. I hate exercise, but I just put on my iPod and walk. Just start by walking a few days a week for 30 minutes. Honestly you will feel so much better, but in all honesty I always have to make myself go do it. I am always glad when it's over, but I am not one of those people who gets this great high from exercise. Truth is I would rather sit around and read a good book, but doing the same old thing I always do will absolutely not make my goals become reality. And I would say definitely pray about it. It is amazing how God can give you the strength to do things you never thought you could.
  • keysr
    keysr Posts: 19
    You can start by doing at-home exercises, like lunges and sit-ups. Things that you won't need to go to the gym to do. Once you start doing that on a regular basis then you can go to the gym and add that to your routine.

    I found that going to classes is a really good motivator. If you treat them like a school class that you can't miss, then that forces you to go. Its also a great way to meet people and have a workout buddy. I go to a weekly "bodycology" class and dance aerobics 3 times a week, its great and I love it. Then if you want, you can workout before and after the classes since you are there anyway.

    Good Luck!!!
  • saimabhaidani
    saimabhaidani Posts: 145 Member
    Evercise DVDs are your best bet.
    I used to pop one in and let it run while i did the housework or after getting home from work even if I didnt do it, then slowly I would join in here and there. Finally, I just started feeling pathetic if I didnt follow while the whole thing ran.

    Soon after I started doing them regularly, I started feeling so good afterwards, and as a result I had already lost 30lbs of my pregnancy weight without any gym membership or ex equipment :)

    Try it and you just might get hooked!