need a little help

I'm leaving for a week and sunday and friday will be mostly in the airport.
I try to avoid eating out and getting unhealthy food. I nedd some suggetions on what to do while i'm stuck at the airport for food.
I'm going to take me some snacks but i'll be eating dinner on sunday and friday i'll be there for lunch and dinner. Any suggestions would be greatly suggested.
Gotta do what the army says so, off i'll be.
Not looking forward to the dfac food.


  • JennSever
    check ahead and see if any of the airports you are landing at have a gyms, (a lot do now days)
    also, if you're traveling with a companion, have them watch your things and walk the terminals. walk, walk and more walking! bring your ipod and boogy:tongue: chances are you'll never see those people again :) hahahaha
  • ErinMarie25
    ErinMarie25 Posts: 733 Member
    Can you pack up some food?

    Usually when I go out and I know I will miss lunch or dinner, I will make my own food and bring it with me. Even if it's just to the mall or something because I don't want to eat from the restaurants there. I know you will be in the airport though so it would be hard to store something. I would make sandwiches.
  • lutzsher
    lutzsher Posts: 1,153 Member
    I need to travel a lot for business certain times of the year, plus we had a lot of family gatherings this year so travelled with my family a number of times. I always like to be prepared and pack food in my carry on.
    I went to Vegas with my family this year and pulled out my bag when the seatbelt light went off and passed around a sandwich to everyone (well, everyone who was with me, ha ha) along with 1/2 banana each. I made the sandwiches at home with whole wheat buns, sliced homemade chicken breasts, a bit of dijon and slice of low fat hararti . . . they are awsome!
    I also fill my carry on with single serving sizes of nuts, kashi granola bars, and fruit. We always have more than we can eat and Im happy to say that we haven't eaten in an airport for over 2 years!
    The only time I broke down and purchased an airport sandwich was crossing from Canada into the US because they wouldn't allow you to bring food or drink past customs so I had to throw away the remainder of my homemade stuff.