Carbo-holic! Help!

kikicam Posts: 4 Member
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
Just realised (scratch that, *admitted*) that I am overweight due to a huge intake of pasta, rice, bread, potatoes, savouries the list goes on (basically all the good stuff)

Also have daily wine with the other half (and dont just sip on 1 drink all evening either).

So this is a huge lifestyle change for me, infact its turning everything on its head. And after only 2 days I am already feeling anxious about no more big plates of gnocchi, green curry with loads of rice and my VINO :(

Any others conquered these bad (yet wickedly delicious) habits?

I suggest to help motivate me, someone show me the after photos when denying thyselves the glorious carbohydrate...I need inspiration people!

Cheers (minus the wine)


  • I don't have before and after pics yet, as I only gave up empty carbs (those other than fibrous veggies) September 1st, but I can let you know that the cravings were gone after the first two weeks, and I lost 22lbs in the first 19 days! That made it well worth it. I haven't dropped any more pounds since then, but I've continued to lose inches - 5 1/2 inches off of my waist alone! So, well I totally understand how difficult it is to make such a dramatic change to your way of life, I assure you - it's totally worth it! I also used to LOVE Thai green curries with coconut rice, sushi, pasta, potatoes, etc. Now I hardly miss it at all. One thing I have done is made good use cauliflower as a potato replacement. Boiled cauliflower in the blender with a little garlic and some parmesan cheese is surprisingly good. I might actually prefer it to mashed potatoes. Good luck! :smile:
  • elmct57
    elmct57 Posts: 594 Member
    you have to make small changes gradually, get used to it, make it a habit and then knock out the next one. Don't overwhelm youself. There are low carber sites and food info like netrition .com where you find out there are ways to have tasty substitutes and redo your faves as low carb. Set a few goals and go from there.

    One day at a time--good luck!
  • kikicam
    kikicam Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks guys! I like the sound of the cauliflower replacement, never thought of that before....gonna try it...
    By the way 22lbs in 19 days is phenomenal....I was hoping to do that in 3 months, but that is inspiring! Hope I have the will power to get those kind of results...
    @elmct - will definitely have to find some substitiutes as its a major weakness. I guess drastic measures and cold turkey is perhaps the reason I havent stuck at change before, so you make perfect sense. (ps well done on your loss to

    Thanks again....and Good luck =)
  • doris_day
    doris_day Posts: 159
    Cold turkey was a little too hard for me. I reduced the amount just a smidgeon each time - until I was eating the portions I was supposed to be eating. So I still eat potatoes, but I only have a 1/4 cup. I also put down my food before I eat it so I know exactly what calories are in it. I use a measuring cup and I bought a scale. I didn't think my portions were unreasonable until I got the scale - wow. That was eye opening.
    I did make a committement to limit the wine. I love a good cab and I'm a champagne drinker. I'll figure out a way to have one glass every few days and work it into my calorie count.

    Probably more info than you needed, but that's how I'm trying to cope.
  • Holton
    Holton Posts: 1,018
    IT will get better if you stick with a lower carb intake. That is how I jump started myself back on January 4th (pretty much quit eating anything with white flour, or sugar in it) and didn't drink wine for at least 1 month. I lost 26 pounds in 8 weeks. Over the process of losing my 45+ pounds, I still try to avoid white flour and white sugar, but wine has reentered the picture and I have found that if I allow myself to drink it daily, the weight creeps back on, so I try to only drink it 2 x a week (not always successful). Sorry I don't have before and after pics; just trust me that after is so much better! I went from wearing a tight size 14 to wearing a size 6 and love the new me!
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 22,029 Member
    I haven't given up my carbs (far from it) or my wine, and I've had great success. I eat oatmeal, whole-wheat bread and pasta, brown rice and potatoes. I never touch white rice, pasta or bread, however. I stick to my calories and my ratios (55% carbs, 25% protein, 20% fat), and I work a daily 6-ounce glass of wine into those daily calories. Granted, I can't drink a half bottle of wine or slather my carbs with butter or fattening sauces, but the way I eat is something I can live with for the rest of my life, and it works really well for me.
  • kikicam
    kikicam Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks again everybody, taking all advice on board ....I have found that I can easily get one or two glasses into my daily calorie intake, cause Im doing ok food wise now....problem is Im cutting back from 4-5 glasses most days finding restraining myself quite challenging (sounds like Im an alcoholic... I'm not, I'm Scottish, its like water to us unfortunately....well thats my excuse, and I'm sticking to it) But, I know its not healthy for a woman (or anyone) to have an alcohol intake of that its about time to break the habit and make some healthier ones. =D
  • brityn
    brityn Posts: 443 Member
    Oh, my dear! I was raised in a mexican household....mexico mexican (: and had quesadillas, enchiladas, tortillas tortillas tortillas,mexican bread, rice...ect. and I started a low carb diet when I was around 18. Literally, after the first week you DON'T crave it. You're body is literally addicted to them now and so it'll be hard until you get all that out of your system. Slowly add back whole grain and whole wheat alternatives to the usual stuff you eat and you'll be good to go! I'm doing carb cycling right now. Friend me and check out my diary for some good food choices. Good luck! I'll send you low carb recipes too if you want
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