Big girls VS Insanity?

Hey, im a big girls, like huge! and i just wasnted to know if any other big girls are doing or have done insanity.

Ive read loads about big guys, (were talking over 300lbs)
But ive not seen one girl whos in the high 200's doing it.. am i mad? will i die??

Im scared ****less tbh but im still going to try and try and try again until i complete it at least once, who knows i might actually loose some weight and be able to do it again.. (no promises tho)

Would be great to hear from others about this

thanks x


  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    I would suggest using the search function on the forum, put in "insanity results". Skim through the threads and see if there is anyone with a body type similar to yours. Of course, this does not really dictate whether or not YOU will be able to or not be able to complete it. It could be good for motivation, though. Try the fit test and see how you do. If you find it's too difficult, you could try FocusT25. Same guy that does Insanity, but the workouts are all 25 minutes long. (25 minutes of torture...not gonna lie). Another DVD option you could try is Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred. I've seen a lot of threads where bigger girls have amazing results with that workout. It's great for beginners because it's 20 minutes long, and the exercises are basic, not overly complicated.
  • Slimdownmb
    Slimdownmb Posts: 130 Member
    Hey, thanks for your reply!

    Ha.. i think anything is going to be torture right about now,
    Ive seena lot of negative comments about big people doing insanity (but i tend to listen to myself quite alot lol).. No harm in trying and if i phyiscally cant do it, then ill come back to it at a later stage.

    Thank you for your comment tho i will defo look into what you said.

    good luck on your journey x
  • shawnakrebs
    shawnakrebs Posts: 50 Member
    There are always ways to modify the workout. If you can't "powerjump" then just jump. If you can't do regular pushups, do "girl" pushups. How you do the moves isn't important, its keeping form, like not allowing your back to arch during plank moves. Start slow, maybe only try the warmup first. Don't try the whole workout. Make your goal to finish a workout.
    Beachbody is an amazing company. There are plenty of us who have done and are doing the workouts. If you need any guidance let me know. I can help you in your journey for you body transformation. Insanity will transform your body, but don't overdue it. Push yourself as far as you can without going over. You will get stronger and you will get smaller. You won't see a "weight" difference at first, because muscle weights more than fat, but you will see your cloths get smaller! Good luck, and again, feel free to add me as a friend. Any questions let me know.
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    If you can't do regular pushups, do "girl" pushups.

    *ahem* That would be modified pushups. There are plenty of girls who do military style, no need to call it something that makes us all look weak. :wink:
  • shawnakrebs
    shawnakrebs Posts: 50 Member
    If you can't do regular pushups, do "girl" pushups.

    *ahem* That would be modified pushups. There are plenty of girls who do military style, no need to call it something that makes us all look weak. :wink:

    I don't think it makes us look week, just a term. I have said to modify pushups to people before and they ask what that means. If I say girl pushups then they understand. Just makes it easier to explain. :)
  • FrnkLft
    FrnkLft Posts: 1,821 Member
    I lol'd at the title for this topic. :laugh:

    That said, you don't look that big to me, not like you're saying so. So there's that :)

    Now, if you've never worked out before, don't just jump in the deep end for the sake of kicking your own *kitten*. Take it easy, go for some walks, maybe a jog, and get used to the activity. Build up your fitness before you go from 0 to 60 and too sore and discouraged.

    The hallmark of someone who knows what they are doing is that they pace themselves, and understand that results don't come with going all out at the start. Results come from first learning about fitness and weight loss, then planning out how to get there.

    Try reading the book New Rules of Lifting for Women. The routine is kind of convoluted, but all of the information in the book about fitness and how to reach your goals is excellent.
  • hannanel
    I'm not big but I'm doing it but I definitely think you should give it a try! It will definitely get you results!
  • FrnkLft
    FrnkLft Posts: 1,821 Member
    I'm not big but I'm doing it but I definitely think you should give it a try! It will definitely get you results!

    ... your results will vary. Like I said before, learn about this stuff before you bust your *kitten* and get discouraged. You can and will achieve your goals without a doubt, but you have to learn why. There's nothing special about insanity or any other routine out there. It's just a bunch of pushups and situps and whatever.

    For example, this girl who is guarenteeing you results... she has a bodyfat percentage of maybe 20%. She is slim and her muscles show through, and if she were to gain an ounce of muscle you would see it. Your bf%, admittedly, is higher (this is temporary ;) ). How on earth can anyone compare your experience with a program like Insanity to hers? For one thing you won't "see" results until you lower your bf%. Furthermore, bodyweight exercises like in Insanity would be a breeze for her compared to with you by virtue of the fact that she probably doesn't weigh much with her bf%.

    NONE of this is to judge you, we talk about this kind of thing all the time on this website. I just want to explain clearly that you need to concern yourself with first learning about exercise and diet from a reputible source like the one I suggested, and then focus on what YOU need to reach your goals, and what it will be like as you work to get there. You see what I mean?

    Once you understand WHY Insanity might work for you, and you're sure that your fitness level can keep up (this is just for safety/health reasons, you said you were worried you might die lol ;) ), then I would recommend you give it a shot.
  • Slimdownmb
    Slimdownmb Posts: 130 Member
    The title for this topic is on the ball trust me.

    I am obese, for sure!

    i wouldnt say im going from 0-60, i have a cross trainer which i use 3x a week for 20 mins a time .. i often do zumber and aerobics, by no means will i be able to complete insanity or even get threw 1 whole workout at first.

    Thank you for your comment tho, have you done insanity?
  • Slimdownmb
    Slimdownmb Posts: 130 Member
    I'm not big but I'm doing it but I definitely think you should give it a try! It will definitely get you results!

    ... your results will vary. Like I said before, learn about this stuff before you bust your *kitten* and get discouraged. You can and will achieve your goals without a doubt, but you have to learn why. There's nothing special about insanity or any other routine out there. It's just a bunch of pushups and situps and whatever.

    For example, this girl who is guarenteeing you results... she has a bodyfat percentage of maybe 20%. She is slim and her muscles show through, and if she were to gain an ounce of muscle you would see it. Your bf%, admittedly, is higher (this is temporary ;) ). How on earth can anyone compare your experience with a program like Insanity to hers? For one thing you won't "see" results until you lower your bf%. Furthermore, bodyweight exercises like in Insanity would be a breeze for her compared to with you by virtue of the fact that she probably doesn't weigh much with her bf%.

    NONE of this is to judge you, we talk about this kind of thing all the time on this website. I just want to explain clearly that you need to concern yourself with first learning about exercise and diet from a reputible source like the one I suggested, and then focus on what YOU need to reach your goals, and what it will be like as you work to get there. You see what I mean?

    Once you understand WHY Insanity might work for you, and you're sure that your fitness level can keep up (this is just for safety/health reasons, you said you were worried you might die lol ;) ), then I would recommend you give it a shot.

    Only just read this lol sorry,

    Thanks again for your detailed comment, really helping me to understand and prepare for this.
    I am (admittedly) very scared lol! But all i can do is try and that is what i shall do!

    I have strayed from MPF for a few weeks now, i just think i need a challenge and need some new goals because im getting bored and that is the worst thing for me.

    But now i remember why i love this site the most, cuz of all the great people on here who are going threw the same as me, been there done that whatever.

    Thank you
  • BurningAway
    Insanity is not easier for anyone it doesnt get easier ive done two rounds, Insanity is HIIT which means it is designed too kick your bum you will see results if you finish Insanity it may be your endurance that changes, your tone, your weight, ect. You will see results, if your afraid look up T25 its designed for those who may not be able to handle insanity i didnt have an ounce of exercise endurance before insanity if i can do it you can do it, its 80% mental.
  • thumbingmyway524
    thumbingmyway524 Posts: 32 Member
    I did Insanity for two weeks ( I was NOT invested in my weight loss then so I was basically trying it to say I was trying it)
    I was also at my heaviest (225ish) and supremely out of shape.
    I worked out on hardwood floors in tennis shoes and I may as well have been ice skating, I was POURING sweat.
    My big motivation was to just get through the workouts to the best of my ability. I started off barely able to do ANYWHERE near the amount of reps or at the speed as the athletes, but I wanted to make sure I did it.
    Somehow, I managed to lost about 5 lbs (still eating crappy) in those 2 weeks.
    I wish I had stuck with it, but I got back into walking/running with lifting now :)
  • aleesh_
    aleesh_ Posts: 137 Member
    I tried Insanity when I was in my 230's and it was too insane for me, so I kept doing 30 DS and tried again when I was around 215ish and I finished it! I mean it was hard but I didn't die :)
  • d3ck5
    d3ck5 Posts: 47

    i just started insanity a couple of weeks ago and i love it.

    i actually started up because i couldnt sleep one night and caught a glimpse of Tony Horton's 10 minute trainer. I did that for a while and enjoyed it. Didnt lose too many kgs, but lost a stack of inches. Then (by way of clever marketing on beachbody's behalf) i got hip hop abs and i LOVED it! Again, didnt lose too many kgs, but the inches kept dropping.

    I pretty much got hooked on home work out dvds and bit the bullet on insanity.

    not regretting it one bit.

    however, if you've not done any form of intense home exercise before and you jump straight into insanity, you could be setting yourself up for failure.

    it's high impact, and honestly could do more harm than good. there could be potential issues with your knees and joints and it could very well be a case of 2 steps forward, 3 steps back if you get injured.

    my suggestion would be to start with something simple like Hip Hip Abs. I absolutely love it and i still do it on the rest day of Insanity. It's a heap of fun, and I still burn as many calories doing stacked workouts with it than (compared to Insanity).

    whichever way you go, you're doing the right thing by even wanting to start some serious exercise and like I said, if you are overweight as you say (let me echo a fellow members post by saying you dont look overweight at all!!) the high intensity stuff could be a problem (initially).

    when you trim down (and you will trim down) and get that hunger for weight loss / improved health (which almost every insanity participant craves) then definitely do it and be sure to keep us posted.

    of course, all that exercise is pointless without a healthy diet. but thats another thread im sure :)

    PS: I was obese at once stage also, so I know what youre going through. :D
  • biainny
    biainny Posts: 10 Member
    Always astonishes me when I read "muscle weights more than fat". Weight is weight. The difference is that 1lb of fat occupies more volume than 1 lb of muscle. LOL
  • maggie16sweetxoxo
    maggie16sweetxoxo Posts: 314 Member
    I lol'd at the title for this topic. :laugh:

    That said, you don't look that big to me, not like you're saying so. So there's that :)

    Now, if you've never worked out before, don't just jump in the deep end for the sake of kicking your own *kitten*. Take it easy, go for some walks, maybe a jog, and get used to the activity. Build up your fitness before you go from 0 to 60 and too sore and discouraged.

    The hallmark of someone who knows what they are doing is that they pace themselves, and understand that results don't come with going all out at the start. Results come from first learning about fitness and weight loss, then planning out how to get there.

    Try reading the book New Rules of Lifting for Women. The routine is kind of convoluted, but all of the information in the book about fitness and how to reach your goals is excellent.
    I agree, you'll probably do it once or twice or for a week and give up (that's what I did, but why, maybe you can do better than me). Give it a try, but if it becomes too difficult don't give up all together.
  • jamiem1102
    jamiem1102 Posts: 1,196 Member
    well it's friggin hard, that's for sure. But... hey - it isn't easy if you wanna get results. Utilize the pause feature. Seriously. Do as much as you can... pause... take a break... then play!!! :) And its like what someone else said - at first, just modify it. :)

    Good luck, girl! You got this!
  • DanIsACyclingFool
    DanIsACyclingFool Posts: 417 Member
    I'm going to recommend against it.

    Not that you can't do it. You can. Insanity is as much a mental challenge as it is physical. If you believe in yourself and reach in and keep pushing you can totally do it. It's very scalable, like a previous poster alluded to you can modify every single exercise and still get meaningful results. So long as you push yourself, you WILL improve.

    And your size is nothing outrageous. I first did insanity at 295 and was fine. I've done it twice more since; clearly I'm a believer. Btw I'm MUCH happier doing it every other day rather than staying "on program". I did it on program the first time mainly to earn the shirt, and by the end, my knees were making their displeasure known. Doing it every 2nd day I have zero issues. Of course, I'm 40 plus pounds lighter now, too.

    And I'm pretty proud of that damn shirt, let me tell you. So proud I never wear it (can't buy a replacement, don't wanna wear it out, lol). And, seriously, I am pretty fit now. Seriously. Not lean, not yet. But FIT. I cycle like a BEAST and I owe it to insanity.

    Which is why I steer people away from it who are in your shoes. Insanity is a CARDIO CONDITIONING program. A hard one. If you dig deep and put in a consistant effort it will give you tremendous wind. But it's not a fat loss program. It's just not. Yeah, you'll lose fat on it. You'll get stronger, too. But it's not what the program does well. It's...inefficient for weight loss. Tremedous effort goes in, not much weight loss comes out (generally speaking, there will be exceptions). At 295 I had lots to lose. Know what I lost in 60 days? 10lbs!

    Having said that my 15 day pics showed SHOCKING improvements.

    So for my money I say pick on something a little less intense and I think you'll see better fat loss. Assuming that's the goal.

    Now if conditioning is the goal, or you fancy taking on the challange of "the hardest workout ever put on dvd" than embrace it. You will make huge gains in performance and learn a lot about how strong you really are INSIDE, and those are certainly worthwhile goals.

    Just the .02 of a 3 time insanity veteran who wants others not to make the same mistakes he did. Best wishes either way!
  • jenmencer
    This is a perfect topic for me! I started my journey at 263 pounds and I did Insanity at around 230. I pushed through and even found at times that I was actually keeping up with the trainers. You can do anything you set your mind to...and as you go along with the program you will find ways to modify the things you can't do at first. Like wall push-ups instead of floor ones, squats instead of jumps. If you have any questions on modifications I have an entire list of ways I modified! I will gladly help you! Good luck!
  • ShaeB32
    ShaeB32 Posts: 12 Member
    Well I'm about 260lbs at 5ft 5in now. I started insanity a few months ago and I just had to modify some of the moves. I was 275 when I started doing insanity. So as you can see in that month it worked and I lost 15lbs.

    I fell off from doing it for a couple of months due to moving from one state to another but I'm starting it back today. I'm still at the weight of 260lbs, so I believe that I can do it so can you.

    I did notice that every week the moves got easier for me to do with less modifications. I never made it to the 2nd month workouts, But I believe that you can do it.