Need Help/advice on calories needed to loose weight!!

Hi I am trying to understand how many calories I should be eating. Can anyone help?? mFP says 1390 cal but when I go to scoobyworkshop it says I should have around 1700 cal to loose weight. When I stick to 1300 I get tired and burnt out. If I do 1500 I feel like the weightloss slows down. I am exercising some days just walking and others I try to push myself harder. I get discouraged when it slows down BBC I feel like w all the weight I have to loose it shouldn't plateau yet??? Any suggestions or help, thank you!!!
CW 243
GW 200
UGW 140-150
I'm 5'3
34 years old


  • kirstenmaria
    kirstenmaria Posts: 112 Member
    What is your weekly weightloss goal set at?
  • MrsMof4
    MrsMof4 Posts: 9 Member
    It is set to loose 2lb per wk
  • kgreenRDLDN
    kgreenRDLDN Posts: 248 Member
    using a general calculation (Mifflin st jeour) with a mild activity level I put you at about 11450-1500 for about 2 lbs a week loss. However look at the TDEE as you know your activity level better than I would.
  • MrsMof4
    MrsMof4 Posts: 9 Member
    Ok, I will stick w 1400-1500, should I eat back my exercise calories?
  • Amedug
    Amedug Posts: 18 Member
    I started at 192lbs 2 years ago and began MFP on 1200kcals a day. Its worked for me, I averaged a 2lb loss each week and lost 3 and a half stone in 18months.

    Do what feels right for you. If 1300 feels like not enough eat 1400. If you are working out at the gym, eat back your calories so as not to go into starvation mode.

    Experiment with your calories and see how the scales change. Keep positive :)
  • kgreenRDLDN
    kgreenRDLDN Posts: 248 Member
    Ok, I will stick w 1400-1500, should I eat back my exercise calories?

    you can eat back what you burn, but don't worry if you cannot eat all of them back.
  • MrsMof4
    MrsMof4 Posts: 9 Member
    Ok, thanks everyone!!! I really appreciate the advice!!! :)
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    Ok, I will stick w 1400-1500, should I eat back my exercise calories?

    No, the calculator already had you as lightly active, so the exercise level you described in the OP is already covered in this.
  • xerothermic
    I've found I needed to ignore everything every website told me. Experiment at different levels for a week or so. I've found varying my eating works best. You have to give it some time though. At higher calories you may see an initial gain, but then your metabolism will learn how to use the calories better/faster.

    I ended up experimenting and finding that my body likes it when I vary. Some days I'll be around 1200, sometimes 1500, and one day a week I have a low calorie almost fasting day (not really by choice, it's just the day I'm in classes all day). It also depends on what those 1500 calories are made of. One time last week I seriously ate about 5-700 calories of veggies (veggie trays at a party are a huge WIN). I didn't even care if I ate 1700 calories that day. My body didn't mind either.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    You only randomly log calories so how do you know what you really eat? And the only exercise I saw was 20 minutes of walking the dog which really wouldn't require you to eat those back.

    If you want to lose consistently you'll need to also be consistent with logging, weighing and measuring food and honestly doing exercise if you want to set yourself as lightly active which would mean your exercise was included.
  • MrsMof4
    MrsMof4 Posts: 9 Member
    So switching up my calories as well as exercise and I should see results! I basically eat the same thing everyday and treadmill walk at 3-3.5 for 30 min if I don't make it to gym then I do Jillian michaels 30 day shred or fat blast video. I want to start lifting so I might add that into the mix once I learn the proper form. I log when I eat differently but I should really log everyday to keep an accurate account. I'm looking into purchasing a HRM this weekend and just ordered a scale to weigh everything I eat. I been trying to wing it but now is the time to get serious since I have an idea of how to eat and exercise. This was kina an easy way into the approach of loosing weight. I didn't want to go gun ghost won't trying out a few things first and getting advice from people who have lost so much. I really want to stick w this lifestyle change and get healthy, so thank you for all the help :)