Buddies Wanted for Longterm Support


I've been a yoyo dieter since I was in my teens and am now desperate to make some serious lifestyle changes and to solve my weight issue longterm... I'm 26, 5"2 and weigh 79kg (12st 6lbs)...

I registered for MFP on Monday and am actively using it to keep a food diary and will be registering for the gym next week so I can commit to regular exercise...

My goal is to reduce my weight to 57.2kg (9st)...

I am really keen to start this journey with others with similar stats and goals. I don't want this to be another fad so am really desperate for guidance, encouragement and tips and will offer the same in return.

Please add me...


  • iwillthistime1988
    iwillthistime1988 Posts: 25 Member
    I just started with this program like a week a ago.I am apso a condlstant yoyo dieter since my teens.and constantly would starve mys elf but as you know doesnt work.I am also 25 and ready to make a life change.I dont wanna live the rest of my 20s obese.so sick of trying to look cute but not accomplishing much.ive realy noticed a difference in attitude about losing weight since I starded mfp so far ive use it for like a week and when I feel discoraged I go to blogs of people that have lost a tonnn of weight and look at there before and after pics.n tell myself I deserve that also.u also star learning that no matter how little you thought you ate u were still going over calories.this has really helped me.ive.lost 3.5 pounds so far.and this time I know is actuall fat n not just water weight.
  • OneSeventy6
    Same here you two. In my 20s and trying to get to my final weight loss goal. Add me iwillthistime - I'd be happy to be a support buddy with you!
  • berkland1
    berkland1 Posts: 1 Member
    I am 52 yr old & just diagnosed with pre-diabetes. I do not want this disease, my mother had it. I don't want it. Gonna make this work this time. The Dr. says I have to lose 20 lbs. Here I go
  • haleymae87
    haleymae87 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi there!

    I'd love to help support you during your journey!

    I am in my 20's, with about 60 pounds to lose. I'm currently 92 KG, and 5'5". I am hoping to be 65 KG.

    I just started (again) yesterday :)

    Let's do this!!

  • jenmktgoddess
    I have been using mfp for a few weeks now. Utilizing the tools on mfp and a renewed commitment to the gym, I have lost 2 1/2 inches off my waist, an inch each on my thighs and am 13 lbs. lighter. You'd think I'd still be motivated. But this week I hit a wall. I am exhausted and bored. I haven't been to the gym in the last five days. I've been eating fast food for dinner again. I fear getting on the scale again to see the damage done.

    But after stumbling upon these posts this morning, you four have inspired me again. I will not let the "fat me" keep myself from succeeding. I can't believe I gave her five days of my life back. It's the same ol' pattern I always fall into. But not this time. No! Not this time!

    I am comforted to see I am not alone. We can do this. We really can! I am back on board with finding the thinner, healthier me. I have 92 lbs. to go! Who's with me?
  • tarabole
    tarabole Posts: 166 Member
    I'm happy to help! Feel Free to add me!
  • coffeeaddict92
    coffeeaddict92 Posts: 4 Member
    So inspiring to find others on here, who have the same goals as me. I've been trying to lose weight the past few years and feel like I've spent so much time dieting and being fat that I'm missing out on "the best years". I'm really ready to just blow this fat away :D

    Feel free to add me. We can do this!