need some advice - i gained back the weight :(

hey everyone :)
so ive had this problem recently, about this time last year i was about 2 kilos from my goal weight - but then i went over seas and came back and just completely lost all motivation and since then have gained back 10 of the 15 kilos i had lost, it makes me feel so bad to think i just threw everything away for what, a meal at maccas? i was overweight my whole life so when i first started i was really motivated went to the gym everyday and refused to have any soft drink or bad food - and being a teenager thats hard when your the only one ordering salad when you eat out with your mates !! i still drank but the weight seemed to drop off. i remember the feeling every week when the scales went lower i was so happy i think thats what kept me motivated :) but i just never got to loose that last 2 kilos, so i think that is was stuck in my mind the fact that i continued to work harder then i ever had and still couldn't lose that last two kilos. anyways, im looking for advice on how i could overcome those last two kilos in terms of an exercise plan if anyone could help? im starting up at the gym next week so also any good routine for starting out? i know most guys worry about bulking but honestly i just want to reach my goal weight and start from there so any workouts to provide maximum calorie burning :)
I am:
Height: just above 6ft
weight: 97kg
goal: was 80 but right now ill go for 85 for the short term (next 2 months or so) i think i can do it if i get motivated!


  • br1996
    br1996 Posts: 5
  • ravikrishna
    ravikrishna Posts: 51 Member

    Its a pretty much common issue with many of us here. What is more important is to sustain the activities.

    I'm on a similar path and in the process to loose around 10kgs more.

    First of all the main key is the HEALTHY NUTRITION, and then sustained Workouts. Remember one thing that, the weight loss (Fat loss) is always when you have a deficit of calories at the end of the day. So, make sure that you have got the deficit, by reducing the food intake and doing workouts. is a pretty good site to find some good programs. I personally follow Lee Labrada workout regime.

    All the best.