New here!!

My name is Jolene!! I have been on WW for almost a year.. started at 186, and down 31 lbs!! My goal weight was 150 (5 left to go) but my BMI says 147.. so i may just go to that.. anyways.. I <3 WW but always up to trying something new and also keep doing what i'm doing.. any tips let me know.


  • jdeesans
    good for you girl! That is awesome! I started transformation Sept 1, have not lost alot, but have made very good healthy changes, and will keep making adjustments. Slow but sure is good for me, but do need to see progress. Joined this site to keep track of calories better.
  • Jomarie17
    that is one thing i'm not used to doing-- weight watchers it is all about points.. ya, you include the calories when adding up your points, but it seems this way is all about how many calories-- will be a diff way to look at it thats for sure.. well.. when i started a year ago almost i dropped weight very quickly.. but now just like you, i'm slow going.. but still staying strong and focused!! good luck to you!
  • chanell35
    That's awesome, Jolene! Keep it up, you're doing great! I'm always looking for tips and helpful ways to lose weight too.
  • Jomarie17
    Well Chanell-- I really <3 WW!! it has helped alot!! And super easy.. My sister started me on it and I went along with what she said -- I never paid for it.. just did my own thisng!! Lots of smaller meals through out the day makes a big diff.. I've never been on a diet that i didn't give up withing the first month or two, but been on WW for almost a year. This site hopefully will help to take me one step further, its nice to have others motivating you, i can thank my sis for that one.!!You can do it.. set a goal!! and go for it!!
  • YeaILift
    YeaILift Posts: 580 Member
    If you do cardio 15 - 30min a few times a week, it will help increase your caloric deficit. Which means you will lose weight faster. The alternative is to eat less calories per day. You need to be reducing you calories per day every 5 - 10 pounds. Try it for three weeks and if you are going at the pace you want then stick with it. Otherwise adjust it some more.