20lb to lose, under 5'4

CassieFindley86 Posts: 18 Member
edited November 2023 in Getting Started
Anyone under 5'4 successfully lose 20lb? I have 20 to lose, I am starting tomorrow...low carb/low calorie. Any suggestions/tips? For me, since I am short, it is more difficult getting to my goal weight. (I am 140 now, goal is 120).

Any suggestions/what worse for you is appreciated!!


  • nelinelineli
    nelinelineli Posts: 330 Member
    I started at 141, now I'm at 123. Same height. Took me 3 months.

    Stuck to a 500 calorie deficit and exercised every day - there are no tricks really, just stick to it and you'll be fine.
  • MuseofSong
    MuseofSong Posts: 322 Member
    It can be slower when you're not far from your goal weight, and you're not far. I dropped about 20 lbs in 2 months (65th day here I think), but I have more to lose so even though I have my goal set to 1 lb per week, it's dropping faster than that for now. I'm lightly active and currently net ~1800-2000 calories per day.

    All I've done is log all my foods and beverages, drink a lot of water, and hit my weekly exercise goal. I don't follow any special diet.

    I'm 5'3" (and a half!)
  • Debnbc
    Debnbc Posts: 3
    I would suggest low carb / high fat (LCHF) diet. Don;t worry about the calories. Google :)
  • mwooderson
    mwooderson Posts: 254 Member
    I started at 141, now I'm at 123. Same height. Took me 3 months.

    Stuck to a 500 calorie deficit and exercised every day - there are no tricks really, just stick to it and you'll be fine.

    I'm where you were almost exactly!!! By 500 calorie deficit was that based on what MFP gave you or did you use another calculation? Did you follow any type of nutrition plan (low carb, paleo, etc.)? Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!
  • nelinelineli
    nelinelineli Posts: 330 Member
    I started at 141, now I'm at 123. Same height. Took me 3 months.

    Stuck to a 500 calorie deficit and exercised every day - there are no tricks really, just stick to it and you'll be fine.

    I'm where you were almost exactly!!! By 500 calorie deficit was that based on what MFP gave you or did you use another calculation? Did you follow any type of nutrition plan (low carb, paleo, etc.)? Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!

    Initially I started from the MFP estimate, and after a month I started doing my own estimations from the weight loss data.
    If you're interested you can check it here: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1111515-for-the-nerds-in-you-tdee-estimation-with-graphs

    At our size the errors are pretty small in the estimations, but that goes both ways - errors on our part to log accurately also can hamper results.

    For weight loss per se, the nutrition plan does not matter - just stick to the calories and you will always see the expected results!

    However, the nutrition plan matters a GREAT DEAL when it comes to dealing with cravings, frustration, and general well-being.
    In time my deficit became harder and harder to maintain, so I started increasing protein (eating about 100g/day), which made me feel full again. After a while I found that the easiest and most satisfying way was to increase my fats as well (now about 50g/day), thus reducing carbs very much (they simply make me hungry!). So I just recommend to try different things for a week and see how you feel. I guess right now I pretty much fit into a "paleo"-like diet, but it was not intentional. It just feels good:)

    I also always increase my calories by about 50 when I've gone for few days in which I felt hungry. I started at 1100 (estimated TDEE was 1600, no exercise - but in reality my TDEE was closer to 1700), now I eat about 1330 (estimated TDEE (from data, without exercise) still 1600, but I work out for another 250 calories a day).

    I also tried to follow a workout program to keep me motivated. I completed 30DS (1 month) and now I'm doing Insanity (9 weeks, 3 left to go). That helped me maintain my deficit (even increase it) and also shaped my body pretty nicely. I have been this size before, but never looked this thin:P
  • Fivepts
    Fivepts Posts: 517 Member
    Thanks everyone for your polite and respectful responses to fitnessburn and to you for asking it. I'm at the same point you are and the responses are very helpful.
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    I would suggest low carb / high fat (LCHF) diet. Don;t worry about the calories. Google :)

    If you don't worry about calories, how do you know you are eating at a deficit, which is necessary for weight loss? No matter what kind of food you eat, low carb, high fat, high protein, no sugar, all junk food, meal replacement shakes...no matter the choice of diet, it's a calorie deficit that creates weight loss.
  • nelinelineli
    nelinelineli Posts: 330 Member
    I would suggest low carb / high fat (LCHF) diet. Don;t worry about the calories. Google :)

    If you don't worry about calories, how do you know you are eating at a deficit, which is necessary for weight loss? No matter what kind of food you eat, low carb, high fat, high protein, no sugar, all junk food, meal replacement shakes...no matter the choice of diet, it's a calorie deficit that creates weight loss.

    These diets often have results because of the satiety a high-fat high-protein diet confers, thus making people feel full on few calories (hopefully lower than their maintenance). But you are absolutely right, especially for a small person, this is a big risk to take as you may easily end up eating over maintenance if you don't count :)
  • leslturn8
    leslturn8 Posts: 505 Member
    I have lost 50lbs in the past, problem was i found it.

    I cut my portions in half and cut out alot of the junk food. I walked 4-5x a week for an hour and after 6 months I lost 37lbs. I lost the rest in a year and I was stuck I couldnt budge and I put it alll back on.

    The key is to not give up.....I lost it all without counting calories and now I count calories I am finding it hard to figure out what I am doing :/

    I am 5'3" and I was 209lb to start with and got down to 165, so by no means was I near a goal.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    Aim for 1/2 to 1 lb per week, change macros to around 40% carbs and 30% protein and fats and aim to eat around 1/2 your exercise calories or if you are consistent then just include exercise in your activity level and not worry about eating back exercise calories. And lastly get a food scale... worth its weight in gold.
  • GrannyGwen1
    GrannyGwen1 Posts: 213 Member
  • SharonCMach
    SharonCMach Posts: 305 Member
    Im 5'4 and lost 46lbs in alittle less than 3 months, but I started at 170 and weigh 124 now. Eat at a calorie deficit and exercise. Make sure you log everything that goes into your mouth. I gave up all soda & only drink water now. Eat lots of veggies, fruit, lean protein. Good luck, MFP has helped me alot!!
  • CassieFindley86
    CassieFindley86 Posts: 18 Member
    Thank you everyone for sharing your stories! Definitely motivating =)
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Anyone under 5'4 successfully lose 20lb? I have 20 to lose, I am starting tomorrow...low carb/low calorie. Any suggestions/tips? For me, since I am short, it is more difficult getting to my goal weight. (I am 140 now, goal is 120).

    Any suggestions/what worse for you is appreciated!!


    I'm not under five four, I AM five four, and I've lost 23 pounds. :bigsmile:

    I have ten more to go.

    My advice is to lose weight slowly, eat enough to fuel your body, and move to your hearts content. If you have not already done so, set your goals in MFP and strive to stay within that calorie limit while eating a good portion of your exercise calories back. Since you have so little to lose, I would set your goal to lose .5 to 1 pound per week. no more. The slower you lose weight, the better you will be able to maintain once you've reach your goal.

    This is all just my opinion based on my experience. :smile:
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    I would suggest low carb / high fat (LCHF) diet. Don;t worry about the calories. Google :)

    Weight loss is about counting calories and making sure you eat at a deficit. Low carb/ high fat diets are not magic. :wink:
  • elkewsiny
    I am 5'4 , I was 154 lb 26 days ago. I followed a high protien/low carb 28 days diet plan and still having 2 days to go. I already lost 14 pounds, I am 139 lb now. I thought abt joining MFp to help me maintain my calorie intake to 1000 per day so I can achieve my goal which is 132 lb
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