Ate way too much today: help in coping?

Today, I ate way way too much. I had 1500 kcal ++ of food with lots of junk - you can check my food journal if you wish and we'll I feel like absolute crap.

I ate so much because I am on a road trip with my family and today we set off from our home to our neighbouring country and I ate a bit too much junk. I barely even moved today due to all the sitting in the car and everything and this week was kind of my rest week from exercise because for the past 8 weeks I've been exercising vigorously practically daily. Although I did exercise a wee bit this week: hockey once this week for 2 hours, I went for a long run once this week for over an hour and went for brisk walks and stuff like twice but nothing more and it wasn't as vigorous as I'd like them to be. This week is a relatively relaxed week because school starts for me next week and I just want to chill a little you know? And hang out with my friends a bit.

I find that I always make bad food choices when I eat with my family. No matter how hard I plan and pack my own food, I'm always eating a bit if the food they order and such little things add up.

I don't know what to do now. It's already midnight and my dad bought loads of cake. I had a few bites, amounting to maybe about 3/4 of a relatively small slice of cake but I feel like crap.

How do guys cope with such circumstances?

Also, I do love spending time with my parents but I find that I old never control my eating when I'm around them. Although I only go out with them like once a week or so, I don't even want to let myself go for one day and lose control. I know that I tried my best to eat healthily today and I managed to eat my 5 a day today, I still ate too many unnecessary calories. Worse of all, I did not even REALLY enjoy the food I ate. I didn't really like the cake I ate, and I didn't really like the one onion ring that I ate. I don't know what to do with that? Like should I spend time with them and eat the foods they eat or don't spend time with them at all?


  • hannahpistolas
    hannahpistolas Posts: 290 Member
    1. Drink water.
    2. Feel comfortable.

    One day isn't gonna make you fat, just like one salad isn't gonna make you skinny.
  • Elliesque
    Elliesque Posts: 156 Member
    When you get to wherever you are going, go for a long walk/hike and burn some of the cals off! Then try your best to make better decisions for the rest of the trip. If you are going to eat junk, don't eat too much and make sure you are doing active things.
    Enjoy your family vacation! That is the most important part!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    1500 cals isn't a lot, it probably isn't even maintenance...
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    You are not too bad at all. You seem to be way under some other days. I went way over on Wednesday but I knew I was way under on Tuesday so it didn't ruin my week.
  • ForLife365
    As said above, 1500cals is likely to still be a deficit, just a lower one than usual so although you may feel as though you've eaten a lot this will not cause any fat gain (though food like macdonalds will be high in sodium that could cause temporary water retention) and in fact should still contribute to a weight loss so don't fret just make better choices next time
  • Nikoruo
    Nikoruo Posts: 771 Member
    Drink lots of water, move on. Tomorrow is a new day. Don't weigh tomorrow or the next day as you may just get some water weight and make yourself panic more. Just wait a few days of being back on track and weigh yourself again and you'll see that you are fine. it's okay to 'binge' some days... you don't gain real weight from that.
  • allisonhorwath
    allisonhorwath Posts: 4 Member
    Tomorrow is a new day. We all slip up from time to time. Its jumping back on and giving it your all again that will matter.
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    1500 cals isn't a lot, it probably isn't even maintenance...

    This. I lose when I eat that much. I lose when I eat 1600 too.
  • Love4fitnesslove4food2
    1500 cals isn't a lot, it probably isn't even maintenance...

    This. I lose when I eat that much. I lose when I eat 1600 too.

    This. I actually feel like I'm dying when I eat that few calories.
  • cacklingcat
    cacklingcat Posts: 150 Member
    If you can when you stop fore a rest, maby take a little jog or walk fast for 5min just to get something is. I looked back at your food log and you do great with your exercise maby this will help you fell like your getting something in. Other than that maby just som basic stretching and squats. And try to eat just tell satisfied(tho you seam to be dung a good job) as long as you don't go to far over i wouldn't worry to much. Have fun with the fam :happy: :drinker:
  • YummyH2O
    It's alright, you feel like crap now, but like everyone else says, a new day is a new day. As long as you pick it back up then you're good, if you continue to eat junk day after day, you'll go back to your old habits.
    You're on a road trip, not much you can do about it. One day won't hurt you as long as you get back into it.
  • ajharries
    ajharries Posts: 59 Member
    Treat it as a 'calorie spike', which actually helps to stop your metabolism adjusting to the diet. Get back on track tomorrow. And stop worrying about it because life really is too short.
  • getitamb
    getitamb Posts: 2,019 Member
    Treat it as a 'calorie spike', which actually helps to stop your metabolism adjusting to the diet. Get back on track tomorrow. And stop worrying about it because life really is too short.

  • grillnchill
    grillnchill Posts: 772 Member
    1. Drink water.
    2. Feel comfortable.

    One day isn't gonna make you fat, just like one salad isn't gonna make you skinny.

    ^^^ Exactly what she said!
  • Love4fitnesslove4food2
    I just looked at your diary. So, you ate 328 calories over your target of 1200 calories. You're 18. You, more likely than not, can lose on MUCH MUCH MUCH more than that. You're also active. I don't see what you're feeling bad about.
  • avskk
    avskk Posts: 1,789 Member
    1) 1500 is not a lot, especially at your age. You're most likely just fine.

    2) I was at a plateau for almost a month. I spent the past week "overeating" (eating to maintenance or slightly below) because I was discouraged; at the same time I've been almost entirely sedentary because I'm off work. Guess what? Today I'd lost a pound and a half. Bodies are weird. You're only hurting yourself by obsessing over one small blip.
  • WeepingAngel81
    WeepingAngel81 Posts: 2,232 Member
    I just looked at your diary. So, you ate 328 calories over your target of 1200 calories. You're 18. You, more likely than not, can lose on MUCH MUCH MUCH more than that. You're also active. I don't see what you're feeling bad about.

    I was going to say something similar. 328 calories over your goal isn't bad as long as it's not happening every day. Not to mention your target calories aren't extreme in the first place. Have you taken a look at your weekly totals? It all evens out over time. You are very young and I'm not exactly sure how it all works, but I would think your metabolism would be better than someone my age. It seems like you did a lot of snacking while on the road. You should take note of your victories this week. Yes, this wasn't a great day, but you did have great moments through the week. Also, plan ahead a bit better fir the trip back. Bring some fruits and veggies to snack on if you get hungry and don't forget to drink water. I know it's a pain the butt to stop to pee all the time while driving but it will help. It will also give you an excuse to get out of the car and move around a bit. Stop worrying about one bad eating day and start enjoying your vacation.
  • littleburgy
    littleburgy Posts: 570 Member
    I sometimes have one of those "crazy days"...I find, as in the past, the more disciplined and "good" I am over time, the more nervous I get on days that are calorie spikes. Ironic that I never worried when I didn't care as much...but can afford it when I do. And yet I worry. But they've never done any harm.

    I also think you could afford to eat more, as others have said.
  • guroprincess
    Try to think of logging as a week-long thing rather than a day. You're under some days, so it's okay to be over some days too, especially when you're only over by a couple of hundred calories. It will all balance out, and tomorrow is a new day.