Eating Junk as a Coping Mechanism for Depression



  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    I used to have medicated depressions. I started running. I had injuries, surgeries and other obstacles. I kept running. Life is not a lot of fun right now because of unemployment and health issues. I run 40 miles a week, and feel better than I ever have in terms of depression.
  • Saucy_Yoda
    Saucy_Yoda Posts: 23 Member
    There's a lot of options for finding alternative ways to cope for depression. People have success with: Medication, exercise, counseling, support groups, distraction, diet, mindfulness meditation, supplements.

    What helps me personally?
    1. Healthy lifestyle (regular exercise, balanced diet, balanced sleep) help a lot! I find if I regularly eat junk food or grains, my mood is affected negatively. Lots of fruit, veg, fats, and proteins = vitamins/minerals/amino acids that you may be missing so you may be able to avoid medication. Mindfulness helps me too.

    2. Mindfulness. I try to remember that feelings/thoughts are fleeting. They aren't reality. What hurts me is dwelling on a feeling: oh, I'm kind of disappointed/sad/embarrassed that x happened. How do I fix that? Wait ... I can't fix that, what's the point, just give up. If I let those feelings and thoughts pass, not try to fix them, I just feel better. Stay in the moment and I notice the positive stuff around me instead of dwelling on the negative or non-ideal.

    3. Counseling/support groups - having people who understand what I'm going through has really taken some pressure off of me. I don't have to go through this alone; I can lean on others when I'm in need.

    What will help for you? You'll have to kind of go through things trial and error. While you do that, try to get yourself to believe that one of these times, you'll get relief and develop healthier coping strategies for depression.
  • Elpaw4mbv
    Elpaw4mbv Posts: 43 Member
    I've struggled with depression in most of its faces for most of my life: situational, clinical, seasonal affective, postpartum.... It's almost like having one form sets you up for the others. The onset was when I was a "tween" and I am on the other side of 40 now. It's run the gamut from mild to severe. I've been on ADs and in therapy off and on throughout that period. Currently off meds and not in therapy but that was a decision made between me and my doctors so please don't anyone take that as "there's this woman on MFP who quit therapy and meds and is doing fine, I'll give it a shot..."

    In some of the happiest moments of my life, I have also been depressed. Anyone who has truly suffered from a form of depression other than situational knows exactly what I mean...if you don't "get" this concept, consider yourself lucky.

    When the "blues" hit, the carbs, and sweets in particular, start calling my name. Shame that its not veggies/fruit and lean meats that call my name...but I've been told that there's a physiological reason I crave a bowl of mashed potatoes over a salad when I am depressed. I've been known to indulge in a total carb fest when in the grip of depression but have also discovered that is the absolute worst thing I can do. The resulting roller coaster cycle of carb high, crash, depression just makes it all worse.

    Things I do to cope with depression that don't involve diving headfirst into a hefty bag of potato chips and vat of clam dip...
    1) Move around - this can be as formal as a workout or as informal as marching in place during a commercial on TV or between chapters in a book
    2) Have some sort of project or hobby going on that I can stop and come back to - and that doesn't create a mess in my house during the period of time that I am not doing it.
    3) Routines or order for how I do things
    4) Housework
    5) Gardening
    6) Read
    7) Write or journal

    Sometimes one of these will work, sometimes it's a combo, and sometimes it's all of these. If they don't work to get me through, I'll call my doc and get back on meds for awhile.

    Good luck.
  • NotBonJovi
    NotBonJovi Posts: 187 Member
    You know what's the best coping mechanism when sad or angry? Go for a run. As fast as you can. Nothing else will feel better.
    ^^^^ This and
    I used to have medicated depressions. I started running. I had injuries, surgeries and other obstacles. I kept running. Life is not a lot of fun right now because of unemployment and health issues. I run 40 miles a week, and feel better than I ever have in terms of depression.
    ^^^^ This ...

    worked for me!

    I was on Wellbutrin, but my doctor took me off it after 10 days when he found running was helping me and I no longer needed the medication. I take other supplements like Vit. D and B which helps.
  • bacarkey
    bacarkey Posts: 7 Member
    Its really difficult to do anything when you feel like this, I have been experiencing this myself over the past few weeks. It also happened to coincide with me trying to maintain my weight so im really struggling to remain motivated and stay positive, the Ben and jerrys has been getting hammered, the weather does not help! :(
  • MrsBrown104
    MrsBrown104 Posts: 88 Member
    ipod, good music, and get outta the house. go on a walk/run, window shop at the mall, go to gym. do anything just to get your mind off of it.
  • I have Bipolar Disorder, depression and anxiety disorder, and I definitely use food to cope! I know for some, they self medicate with alcohol or drugs, but for me it is junk food. My doctor said that as my condition is treated properly (with the right medication) I should find that my desire for the food lessens, and if not, we can probably find ways to treat what I believe is my junk food addiction. But I think just being on here and logging absolutely everything I eat, as well as seeing other people's food diaries will really help me cut back.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,145 Member
    I used to eat, still do, but limit myself to a serving; break things, cut and punch myself, scream. Now I just go cry in the bedroom or shower where no one can hear me. Medication may have worked, but I got sick of being told to "take your pill" whenever I showed any emotion.

    My ideology now it to do what I can to get over the suicidal thoughts asap and if that includes scarfing down a packet of Oreos, so be it.
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    How about cooking something nourishing and comforting, like stew or soup, instead? I like eating super healthy food when I'm depressed. I make enough to have a few days of leftovers. Also, I make a pot of coffee and drink as much as I want. I can't imagine wanting to die if I've got a cup of coffee in my hand.

    Besides eating healthy food, I fight depression with exercise, getting outside during daylight, a playlist of music that makes me feel happier (as opposed to music that feeds my depressed moods), a list of things to do that lets me see that I'm getting some things done, hypnosis and guided meditation apps, and keeping in touch with my doctor about what is going on with me in case I need a medication change. I take medication, however that is only part of taking care of myself. My biological family is part of the problem, so I don't look to them for support, but I also have friends and a husband who are wonderful. Even if I don't think I'll have fun, I go out of my way to do things with other people, and for other people.

    P.S. Counseling is a good idea too. I'm not doing it currently, but my last round of cognitive behavioral therapy was especially effective. It's still a lot of work, but I've been able to have more control over my behavior, and ultimately over how I feel, by practicing the things I learned in counseling.
  • What worked for me is biking to the local bookstore oder library (exercise, fresh air and removal from food) without money and then reading there for an hour or two (you can escape your problems without damaging yourself).
    It does cost a lot of time, but if I relapse it will take twice as long to get myself out of it again and by the time I get back I am calm enough to go on.
  • getitamb
    getitamb Posts: 2,019 Member
    I love to walk when I am feeling depressed. This is going to sound crazy but eating a carrot or an apple just tp feel the crunchiness helps tpp. But the thing that has absolutely helped me the most, is telling ppl how I feel about what they did or said to me . I like to gret ti off my chest. Yes it is hard because they will be mad at you. Sometimes it doens't come off as graceful asw it should. But you know what? U feel better and can move on quickly. And I am also a huge advocate of counseling. as well.
  • benol1
    benol1 Posts: 867 Member
    It would be fantastic if someone could tell me what to do right now. I just want to curl up in my bed with chips/chocolate/greasyburgers away from the rest of the world. But I can't do that anymore.

    How do you guys deal with depression?

    Right now - I have a whole of life approach to health and well-being. It includes regular intense exercise, wholefood plant-based diet, meditation, maintaining important relationships, good sleep routine, and an anti-depressant medication. It is simply brilliant, and its not only good for mental health but also my physical health as well.
    Wishing you all the best,
