Help With Weight Gain & Eating Healthy?

So I am 92 lbs and 5'3 and trying to gain weight. My goal is 100 lbs and I've gotten really close before, 98 lbs, but then I just lose all the weight again. This has been happening for a while- I will be 95 lbs and steadily gaining, but all of a sudden drop down to 90 lbs, and then I will a gain a few pounds and then lose them and then stay the same for a while- it's so weird and really annoying! And I eat A LOT!! A lot of people tell me to just eat chips and cake but I really like eating healthy and I think it's important! So how can I gain weight while eating healthy? I try to eat lots of protein :) Also, I've heard sometimes people just CAN'T gain weight but I have been really close to my goal weight so I know I can! It just feels like the taller I get the less my body wants to cooaperate and gain weight haha :D (I say that because when I was 5'2 I was 98 lbs)


  • Barbellgirl
    Barbellgirl Posts: 544 Member
    How old are you? It sounds like you are still growing to me. How much is a lot with regard to what you are eating?

    Healthy foods that pack a lot of calories are root vegetables like sweet potatoes, and healthy fats including nuts and seeds (peanuts are a legume not a nut but they work as a fat too), avocado, olive oil, and eggs.
  • EmilyTwist1
    EmilyTwist1 Posts: 206 Member
    First, how old are you? It's against the policy of this site for anyone under 18 to use it. If you are under 18, check out Their nutritional information will be better suited to someone with a growing body and you'll be much less likely to encounter pervs (sadly they're all over the internet).

    Second, talk to your doctor about gaining weight. In general, a doctor's advice will be more helpful than random people on the internet, especially since your profile says you have a wheat allergy and lactose intolerance.

    You definitely can gain weight while eating healthy food. You just have to eat a lot. My situation was similar to yours. I was underweight all through high school, and just got up to a normal weight last year, and it took eating 3000+ calories a day for several months to get me there. Here are some things that helped me.

    Eat like you normally do for a few days and log everything you eat and drink. This will show you how much you're currently eating. Then gradually increase your calories, that way you can adjust to eating more and not feel overstuffed. Talk to your doctor to find out your TDEE (the amount of calories needed to maintain your current weight), and then aim to eat more than that.

    Don't be afraid of fat. Fat has more calories per gram than carbs or protein, so you can get more calories in without really increasing the volume of food you eat.

    Drink your calories. Drinks usually won't make you feel full, so you can get more calories in without stuffing yourself.

    edited for typos
  • I love sweet potatoes and peanut butter!! haha :) I don't really like eggs though (well, I like the whites :)) and I've never tried avocado! I can't eat seeds because I have braces :( But I usually try to eat a lot of protein bars like Clif bars, Larabars, or Luna Bars and I also really like putting almond butter with rice cakes and apples as a snack:) Also greek yogurt!
  • I have talked to my doctor about it but she says just keep eating lol :D I don't gain really easy either! :( She also reccomended weight gain shakes so I drink a Pediasure pretty much everyday. I usually eat about 2500 calories everyday but I don't log everyday because I'm just getting used to it haha:) And I love almond butter and peanut butter and hummus so don't worry I am not afraid of fat haha:D Thank you for the advice!
  • Barbellgirl
    Barbellgirl Posts: 544 Member
    Well I looked at your diary and your goal of 3000 calories looks good to me. I wanted to point out that those Larabars you eat are more of a carb bar than a protein bar. If you want a good protein bar look at the Quest bars. If you truly are intolerant of wheat (gluten) be sure to check the label of some of the cereals and other packaged food for that matter.

    I'm glad to hear and see from your diary that you aren't afraid of healthy fats. Eating salads with some olive oil and maybe balsamic vinegar (if vinegar doesn't cause issues for you) is an easy way to eat some healthy fat. I hated avocado as a kid but love it now in salads and guacamole. :wink:

    Like the other lady posted drinking calories is an easy way not to feel full and get some good calories in. After I workout I love making protein powder smoothies. I use vanilla protein powder, some frozen fruit and either almond milk or coconut water. Yummy.
  • Thanks so much for your help! I'll have to try the avacados soon!!:) I'm ok with foods that say "proccessed in a plant" wheat but I can't have actual wheat haha :D I've never had coconut water either but I will see if I can find some near me! Thanks again!! :smile:
  • 3000 calories a day ? Im eating a heap and struggling to make 2000+ This is first day i have used this and its not yet tea time but im well below and feel i have ate loads. Can you recomment any foods that hit big on carbs and proteins please ?
    thank :)
  • alyhuggan
    alyhuggan Posts: 717 Member
    3000 calories a day ? Im eating a heap and struggling to make 2000+ This is first day i have used this and its not yet tea time but im well below and feel i have ate loads. Can you recomment any foods that hit big on carbs and proteins please ?
    thank :)

    You will get used to it. My breakfast alone is 1.1k calories! A lot of dairy products are good for having a mix of carbs and protein, cottage cheese is my absolute favourite! If you are in the UK a tub of cottage cheese w/ pineapple (300g) is 65p at Tesco, 270 calories, 26 protein, 30 carbs and 4 fat. Delicious!
  • Barbellgirl
    Barbellgirl Posts: 544 Member
    3000 calories a day ? Im eating a heap and struggling to make 2000+ This is first day i have used this and its not yet tea time but im well below and feel i have ate loads. Can you recomment any foods that hit big on carbs and proteins please ?
    thank :)

    Toast and peanut butter or almond butter and jam. Yummy. :)
  • pebbleslaura1
    pebbleslaura1 Posts: 146 Member
    im finding it hard to gain weight healthy also sick of being told to eat junk! great to see people helping with healthy ideas :smile: