slow weight loss

Hi, I just joined mfp last week. I am 43 years old. I have been on topamax for 2 months and completely changed my eating habits, no longer eat candy, chips soda etc. (I don't crave it and some stuff tastes weird) but mfp is telling me I'm not eating enough. I am simply not hungry. I have only lost 4lbs in 2 months. My doctor also told me I'm peri-menapause and I will need to do an 1 hr. of cardio a day 7 days a week to loose weight! I am not a big fan of excercise I do walk an 1 hr. 3 times a week. the doctor said that would just help me maintain the weight I'm at! That was not easy to hear. It usually worked for me in the past. I also have gained and lost this weight a hundred times! Has anyone else been in this situation? Looking for support and suggestions.


  • Stage14
    Stage14 Posts: 1,046 Member
    I'm not in a place to easily research. What is Topamax and what does it treat?

    Do you measure and weigh all of your food accurately?

    You lose weight from creating a calorie deficit, not from exercising (though it can help create said deficit). I would visit a dietician instead of blindingly following your doctor's recommendations. Most GP doctors are no more knowledgable on safe and effective weight loss than the average person, it's just not part of their medical training.
  • p4ulmiller
    p4ulmiller Posts: 588 Member
    but mfp is telling me I'm not eating enough. I am simply not hungry.

    OK. So if you're not hungry, don't eat. If you don't think you are eating enough, then take a multi-vitamin to make sure you are getting at least the basic nutrients.
    My doctor also told me <...> I will need to do an 1 hr. of cardio a day 7 days a week to loose weight! I am not a big fan of excercise I do walk an 1 hr. 3 times a week. the doctor said that would just help me maintain the weight I'm at!

    Then you need to look for another doctor. Put it this way, about 80% of weight loss is diet. The remaining 20% comes from exercise. This is a throw-back to prehistoric days when we evolved to take in (and retain) huge amounts of calories to sustain us for long periods without food. We evolved to expend relatively few calories, even when exerting ourselves.

    So your focus needs very much to be around your diet. Make sure you are hitting your macronutrients (fat, carbs, protein). If you aren't losing weight, then you are not in calorie deficit. Simple as that.
  • amf0819
    I did go to a nutritionist last week. I was somewhat dissapointed. she showed me the government food portions, and gave me a brochure with websites (this one was her "favorite"). Tompamax is a medication for migranes and has a side affect of weight loss. I am not depending on it for a miricle. It just so happens that it has curbbed my appetite. I am portionining my food, I will make an effort at increasing my excercise, (I hope the doctor is mistaken!) just feel on my own! :smile:
  • p4ulmiller
    p4ulmiller Posts: 588 Member
    You're not on your own. Friend request sent!
  • Stage14
    Stage14 Posts: 1,046 Member
    You're not alone. Almost everyone here has some sort of struggle with weight loss. You said you are portioning your food, but how? Eyeball? Measuring cups? Food scale? You would be shocked at how many people end up eating more than they think they are because of portion mistakes.

    How many calories are you averaging a day? I assume it is under 1200 if MFP is telling you that you aren't eating enough. What do your macro and micro nutrients look like? Are you hitting your daily recommendations for protein, fat, carbs, vitamins?
  • khgraves
    khgraves Posts: 54 Member
    If you're perimenopausal- check out the Group Near or Post Menopausal. There's not always a lot of activity, but there's already many posts about losing weight during this time. I find more weight bearing ( I do Jillian Michaels dvds) exercises alont with some cardio have made more impact than pure cardio. If you've cut out chips and candy that's great, but check how much processed food (with sodium) you're intaking- perhaps that could impact weight loss. Good luck- as other's have said- you are not alone- my weight loss has not been too quick either.