When to change Activity Level in MFP

Dear All,

I need your suggestions in figuring out as to when to change the Activity Level in MFP.

I'm a 5'5" male with 84 kgs and I'm a computer professional who's days work is to just sit around the computers whole day long. After a quite long gap with MFP, I re-started last week and am working out seriously to atleast 1 hour a day in gym and logging my food.

Since I work 5-6 days/week now, in the gym, can I change the activity level to "Lightly Active" or "Active" even though I sit at the computer whole day long, But, do workouts 5-6 days/week ????

I asked this question as to make sure whether I would be adjusting my daily calories intake, to increase to another level, since am working out now.

Please help me to figure out this issue.



  • carolemorden9
    carolemorden9 Posts: 284 Member
    You can keep your activity level the same, log the exercise you do, and then eat back the calories that you burned. That's what I do. My activity level is set to lightly active because I work in a daycare and chase kids around all day. Then if I do any exercise, I log it, and can eat some of those calories back if I want to.
  • Littlestandrews
    Littlestandrews Posts: 96 Member
    Mine is set to lightly active as I work p/t sitting at a computer 5 hours a day. But I take daily walks and chase my toddler around and I never log the walks or the time at our payground. I run 4 miles 3x a week and I do log the runs and eat back 50% of my exercise calories.
  • ravikrishna
    ravikrishna Posts: 51 Member
    Thanks a lot! I will follow the same.
  • janupshaw
    janupshaw Posts: 205 Member
    I would say, yes, it's time to change your activity level.
  • elisabeisme
    elisabeisme Posts: 308 Member
    I work at a computer and workout over an hour 5-6 days a week. I keep my activity level to sedentary and then log my workouts. I'm very quantitatively-oriented so I find it motivating to see the extra calories from working out. I like to see that running an extra 15 minutes is making progress in a numerical way. If I upped my activity level to incorporate the exercise, then I wouldn't be able to enter my workouts and see the extra calories achieved.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    MFP's numbers are based on what you do for your job or for your general day if you don't work. You are expected to log your exercise separately so you are sedentary for your job and then you can add whatever exercise you do as you do it.