I'm SO hungry!

dominique_lee Posts: 15
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
Ugh. This is only day 2 of eating healthy and I'm dieing. I'm not NOT eating, but I used to eat SO MUCH (and so much junk) that anything less feels like nothing in my stomach! This is me whining....... and being bored at work and trolling the forums like a noob-o-licious nerd trying to find as much info I can. I've been told that after a week or so of eating like this, I won't feel so hungry all the time. All I'm thinkign about is food! GAAH! I seriously think I stretched my stomach and now it's FREAKING out. This is more of a blurt now that I've finished it, but that's kind of my thing in my on-line forum life. You'll come to see that I'm a post-*kitten* and tend to ramble. (and my -ing's are always -ign) Sorry in advance!

So, yeah. :tongue:

EDIT: DER I forgot the whole reason I started a new thread. High energy low-cal foods!!!!! I'm so tired! Know any? Any links to any??

UGH I don't know how to do this healthy thing!!!!


  • neelia
    neelia Posts: 750 Member
    I'm not NOT eating, but I used to eat SO MUCH (and so much junk) that anything less feels like nothing in my stomach!

    I am the SAME way! I am starving today, too...although I've been doing this for 61 days now. I get on the wagon, fall off and go back to old habits, then start again. Its like my "first week" happens again every 2-3 weeks. I feel ya!
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,870 Member
    Get more fiber and protein and you should feel full longer.
  • i remember that feeling.....but you can do this, i promise! it will get better real soon. are you exercising because that gives you more calories you can eat. but right now, eat some veggies or a few nuts or an apple, things that are good for you and will fill you up till dinner. by next week you wont be feeling hungary all the time! good luck and YOU CAN DO THIS. p.s. any way you can go for a walk (even a short walk) cause it helps knock out hunger???..oh and drink a big glass of water that helps too!
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,870 Member
    Almonds, bananas, other fruits, colorful veggies.
  • It's true. You will eventually grow use to eating less. I think it took about a week before my tummy stop craving everything in sight.
  • when i first began this in july i bought some Hoodia from the health foor shop. They are appetite supressants. and when-ever i feel my cravings are getting the better of me i take them for a few days. And it just seems to help me.
  • photo_kyla
    photo_kyla Posts: 322 Member
    Whenever you're hungry, try drinking a glass of water (or tea or coffee without cream or sugar). A lot of the time you are actually more thirsty than hungry. For me sipping hot, peppermint tea helps calm the nibbles. If your still feeling hungry after, then go for a healthy snack with protein. My favorite is light string cheese (and, yes, I play with my food to make it last longer).
  • i remember that feeling.....but you can do this, i promise! it will get better real soon. are you exercising because that gives you more calories you can eat. but right now, eat some veggies or a few nuts or an apple, things that are good for you and will fill you up till dinner. by next week you wont be feeling hungary all the time! good luck and YOU CAN DO THIS. p.s. any way you can go for a walk (even a short walk) cause it helps knock out hunger???..oh and drink a big glass of water that helps too!

    Everythign you just said is what I'm trying to go by, so I'm happy it's not just something I have floating around in my head for no reason! :) I'm definatly going for a nice long walk tonight when I get home from work. (If I ever leave this hell hole!) I'm drinking tons of water. I didn't finish my coffee this morning which I'm pumped about because I'm not really one that drinks coffee, I'v only started the last 6mo, so I'm getting rid of it to make room for some better use of those calories. I'm munching on celery as much as possible, It's become my filler snack. When the gum is falling apart in my mouth and I NEED something, celery it is. Luckly I LOVE veggies, need to go shopping for more soon!

    I just want to not be hungryyyy! I know if I screw up and stuff myself, I'll be pissed because I'll have to go through this all over again, so I'll be whining for the next week or so!
  • themyriadthings
    themyriadthings Posts: 225 Member
    Oatmeal! I add some raisins and/or some other dried fruit (saskatoons at the moment) and a little brown sugar or maple syrup, and I'm good for almost four hours on 3/4ths of a cup, cooked. And I make it with water, not milk. Tasty and very filling!
  • Oatmeal! I add some raisins and/or some other dried fruit (saskatoons at the moment) and a little brown sugar or maple syrup, and I'm good for almost four hours on 3/4ths of a cup, cooked. And I make it with water, not milk. Tasty and very filling!

    :noway: yuuuuuuuuuuuuuckieeeeee

    :laugh: Ohhh man, don't take that in a snarky way please. lol I just HATE oatmeal. lol
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Eat more protein.
    Drink green tea for energy.
    Stay away from sugar.
    Take cinnamon capsules to regulate blood sugar.
    Drink a lot of water.
  • 4lafz
    4lafz Posts: 1,078 Member
    Protein - avoid sugar - just makes you hungrier! Grill up some chicken breasts to keep in freezer packs. Seafood, tuna made with light mayo.
  • You might try a detox week. I did it, and the first couple days sucked, but then my stomach shrunk FAST and got rid of a lot of those junk food cravings. Let me know if you want more info about it.
  • You might try a detox week. I did it, and the first couple days sucked, but then my stomach shrunk FAST and got rid of a lot of those junk food cravings. Let me know if you want more info about it.

    The words Detox and Cleanse scare the ever food loving **** out of me! But, shoot me a PM, I kind of want to know. lol

    It probably is a good idea.
  • hmrtym
    hmrtym Posts: 49 Member
    I know that first week is a killer! Try when you are starving to drink WATER, WATER, WATER!!! A lot of times we think we are hungry when our body really needs hydration. If that doesnt work fill up on VEGGIES, VEGGIES, VEGGIES!!!
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    I loosely followed this plan, got my self used to about 1500 cals a day, so when MFP had me at 1380, and now 1340, it didn't really feel like a big deal:

    http://www.womenshealthmag.com/fitness/six-week-weight-loss-meal-plan-week-1 -> It's a 6 week plan and has a workout pan associated with it which I just ignored
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    I also stick with eggs or peanut butter for breakfast and yogurt or a luna bar for mid morning snack. That gets me through to 1 pm pretty well
  • Peppermint tea actually sounds good. I am going to have some right now. Thankfully I have it here.
  • newman84
    newman84 Posts: 234 Member
    drink lots of water. Drink a glass of water If your stil hungry after that then find something low cal to eat
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    You are going through a withdraw. Just like with drugs or alcohol. You need to eat things that will help you feel full longer.
    Also you can try to eat 6 smaller meals instead of 3. That way you will feel like your still eating more than you are.
    There is a web site called dlife.com. It is a diabetic site but it has millions of suggestions and recipes. They are not only low fat, low cal and low carb. It helps with the planning for the day. Just try it out and see how you like it. I feel I am eating more and loosing weight. It's all in the planning. They don't say NO CARB! It say's eat the right carbs and amount at each meal, that way you
    ward off that hungry feeling. Just know that in the beginning it will take getting use to but don't give up. In the beginning it does take
    some work on your part. You made the first step, now keep going. Good Luck
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