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How often do you do a weigh in?



  • Caitu13
    Caitu13 Posts: 55 Member
    I "officially" weigh in once a week. I did do it on Monday but have found that more difficult so I now weigh in on Friday. I do still check myself throughout the week, but its not official until Friday.

    You should do what ever fits your body and schedule better!
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    I think your weigh in value, whether daily or weekly, is too noisy to be looked at on its own.

    On the flip side, using too long an average can hide problems for longer than they should be hidden. In that graph, if the MA is over a 2 week period, that trend line is about to flatten significantly, because there hasn't been any lose over the past two weeks.

    Not saying that there's necessarily a problem, just noting that every form of sampling and analysis has its blind spot.

    For myself, I use a 7-day average for body measurements and 14-day sliding window to back-calculate TDEE components.
  • I weigh in every morning right after I use the bathroom. Yes, there could be fluctuations, but it keeps me honest and aware.
  • OsricTheKnight
    OsricTheKnight Posts: 340 Member
    I think your weigh in value, whether daily or weekly, is too noisy to be looked at on its own.

    On the flip side, using too long an average can hide problems for longer than they should be hidden. In that graph, if the MA is over a 2 week period, that trend line is about to flatten significantly, because there hasn't been any lose over the past two weeks.

    trendweight.com does have the issue that you can't control how it calculates. It uses 10 day moving averages. I think this is probably a good value for most people, enables you to see progress in spite of stumbles, and any day with the diamond near the line is a warning day.

    Libra is fully configurable but I am not sure how many people can really choose the values well.

    Overall I like 10 days as a number that'll work for most people, and enable them to focus on the reality of how they're doing rather than water weight. Given water weight fluctuations are so extreme as to render total weight measures almost worthless, some sort of smoothing is needed to see the signal.

    In my specific case, if we imagine that I'm doing something that has made 205 or so my new 'maintenance level', I will see it in just under 3 weeks as the trend line starts to snake between my diamonds. I think that's plenty fast feedback on when to cut more calories or get more exercise, especially since setting it much tighter would probably cause me needless panic.

    [I do, however, have Libra set to 7 days at the moment, so I have a more alarmist graph as well as this one.]


    P.S. If anyone cares, the full story can only be seen with the fat mass measures as well:


    but this (fat mass) chart won't update so it'll get increasingly out of sync with the updating weight chart above.
  • camiah
    camiah Posts: 146
    I've started to weigh daily, but only because I have a brand new wifi scale that I'm in love with. The fluctuations are fascinating too. So far the ups haven't been emotionally upsetting or cause me to get off course. If they do then I will reevaluate.
  • judilockwood
    judilockwood Posts: 134 Member
    Every morning as soon as I get up, have a pee and jump on the scales. I like to know the weight even if it goes up a little then I can take control. Especially good after my fast day because I can see if I'm maintaining ok - the fast tends to smooth out the daily fluctuations.
  • TheRealBruceWayne
    TheRealBruceWayne Posts: 22 Member
    I weigh in every two weeks. We all know that weight is too volatile to actually reflect fat loss if you weigh in too often.

    Personally, I think females should look at their weight in 1 month intervals because of their menstrual cycle effects it. If you feel the need to weigh in weekly you should really compare week 1 of a cycle to week 1 of a previous cycle to get a better idea of your progress.
  • BethAnnC448
    BethAnnC448 Posts: 45 Member
    My weigh in day for myself is Sunday mornings.
  • I use to weigh myself everyday when I woke up, but now I'm doing it once a week. its hard once you're so use it but try staying busy when you would usually weigh yourself and don't weigh yourself after a workout
  • zorbaru
    zorbaru Posts: 1,077 Member
    monday mornings for me.

    also remember to always use the same scale.

    if you change scales remember there could be a difference between the 2 which can skew the results.
  • I don't think of it as "doing a weigh in". I just step on the scale in the morning, if I don't forget or get too busy - just to see how things are going. I log it when I see a new number for a few days in a row. I just like seeing trends - fluctuations don't freak me out and don't depress me. Some people like it, some don't. For me - not seeing how things are going is detrimental - I've tried it and didn't like the results.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    P.S. If anyone cares, the full story can only be seen with the fat mass measures as well:

    Nice! I also track fat vs lean mass. Everything goes into a spreadsheet, so I can back-calculate and/or project on any variable.
  • NH_Norma
    NH_Norma Posts: 332 Member
    I used to be a daily weigher and loved it. This time, I'm changing habits and am not really focused on the scale. If I'm eating right and moving enough, the results will follow and I'll see it in my clothes and how I feel. I'll weigh in every 2-3 weeks for that feedback but honestly, I don't care what the scale says. I feel better and have non-scale related goals.
  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
    I weigh once a week, every Saturday morning.
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    I weigh every morning and take the average for my weekly weight.

    But the tape measure has been much more of a friend lately. I'd have no idea from the scale that anything good was going on. My trendweight line says I'm not losing at all right now. But I'm losing inches, and I can see changes in the mirror, too.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    I know a lot of people say "don't weigh daily" but I do. It helps me feel in control and on track. I have been weighing myself every day for almost 7 months now. I DO weigh at the same time each day, right after rising and using the restroom, and wearing the tee and underwear I've slept in, never more clothes. I very rarely weigh myself at any other time or with more clothes on, but when I do it always freaks me out haha because it's a pound or three higher than the same morning.
  • srogers89
    srogers89 Posts: 190 Member
    Everyone is different. I currently weigh in every morning and then take the average of my weight for the week and compare with the average of the week before. Our weight fluctuates up and down so much it is hard to get a true picture from one day.
  • before you eat anything or perform any exercise and after a bowel movement for more accuracy.
    food intake and especially sodium can make your weight variate wildly throughout the day.
  • Mandingo15
    Mandingo15 Posts: 10 Member
    I weigh in everyday. I RECORD once a week, same day same time.
  • samanthajade124
    samanthajade124 Posts: 217 Member
    Honestly I weigh myself every morning after I wake up and sue the restroom. I don't consider myself obsessed with weighing myself, but as I am about 8 months into my weight loss journey and have lost 82lbs so far... I am still learning how different foods affect me, so I like to monitor myself daily. I don't get upset or freak out if the scale goes up. I know weight fluctuates. But it's also nice to know how YOUR body reacts to certain amounts of sodium, carbs, etc. It's not the same for everyone.