Big girls VS Insanity?



  • FrnkLft
    FrnkLft Posts: 1,821 Member
    This is good stuff but hey everyone, pay attention, exercise programs do not make you loose weight. They only burn calories, some more than others. So at most they can help, but with higher levels of activity come higher levels of caloric needs to sustain it, and you don't want to run yourself into the ground just to run a super deficit.

    In the end the rate at which you loose has everything to do with your diet, not with your exercise regiment. Its kind of ridiculous when people claim that a certain routine had them loosing weight without (much more importantly) mentioning what their calorie intake was.
  • This is good stuff but hey everyone, pay attention, exercise programs do not make you loose weight. They only burn calories, some more than others. So at most they can help, but with higher levels of activity come higher levels of caloric needs to sustain it, and you don't want to run yourself into the ground just to run a super deficit.

    In the end the rate at which you loose has everything to do with your diet, not with your exercise regiment. Its kind of ridiculous when people claim that a certain routine had them loosing weight without (much more importantly) mentioning what their calorie intake was.

    I ate extremely clean with Insanity, kept it at about 1800 a day, saw very minimal scale movement but dropped inches. The diet is the biggest part of any success story!
  • FrnkLft
    FrnkLft Posts: 1,821 Member
    This is good stuff but hey everyone, pay attention, exercise programs do not make you loose weight. They only burn calories, some more than others. So at most they can help, but with higher levels of activity come higher levels of caloric needs to sustain it, and you don't want to run yourself into the ground just to run a super deficit.

    In the end the rate at which you loose has everything to do with your diet, not with your exercise regiment. Its kind of ridiculous when people claim that a certain routine had them loosing weight without (much more importantly) mentioning what their calorie intake was.

    I ate extremely clean with Insanity, kept it at about 1800 a day, saw very minimal scale movement but dropped inches. The diet is the biggest part of any success story!

    Amen... lol Also, eat back the calories you burn. You're going to need them. If you're using the calories burned to help you hit a lower net cal target that's fine, but make sure your net calories don't drop below 1200 or you will likely stall your weight loss. Plently of forum posts on that here.
  • sarahfit_
    sarahfit_ Posts: 7 Member
    Honestly, I began Insanity in pretty decent shape around 20% BF and I absolutely hated how hard it is on your joints. I would strongly recommend something else to get you started in your fitness journey - the last thing you would want to do is put more pressure on your body than need be! Diet should be #1, and incorporate strength training and cardio, from there you can always change it up but keep it simple and safe!
  • KatherineBailey623
    KatherineBailey623 Posts: 12 Member
    As a big girl myself, I've done insanity. I've never once been able to keep up. But by going at my own pace and keeping proper form I've burned about 350 calories in just one 40 minute work out. To me that's huge. :) So if you're going to try it, just don't feel discouraged when you can't go as fast, if you can't squat as low.. Cause as bigger girls.. we can't without hurting ourselves! Good luck with your weight loss journey! :)
  • Tiernan1212
    Tiernan1212 Posts: 797 Member
    As a big girl myself, I've done insanity. I've never once been able to keep up. But by going at my own pace and keeping proper form I've burned about 350 calories in just one 40 minute work out. To me that's huge. :) So if you're going to try it, just don't feel discouraged when you can't go as fast, if you can't squat as low.. Cause as bigger girls.. we can't without hurting ourselves! Good luck with your weight loss journey! :)

    Absolutely agree with this. I can't keep up with them, and I stop more frequently than they do. But when I'm done? I feel amazing because I'm sticking with it and it makes me feel awesome. :flowerforyou:
  • melfitnesspal13
    melfitnesspal13 Posts: 377 Member
    I went to 3 workouts of Insanity and I spent 75% of the time modifying so it just wasn't for me. Yes, size does make a difference, I disagree with those who say it doesn't. Some people don't mind all the modifications but I would rather do something that I can actually keep up with. T-25 is very doable, with minor mods for me and I get a mega calorie burn, plus it is only 25 mins. It is also very fast, not going to lie, but certainly if you want a good workout it works. I mainly love Hip Hops Abs, P90X and Les Mills Combat (all levels). I get a mega burn with Combat and work different muscles than Hip Hop Abs but they have all helped me to lose many inches 40+ and 67 lbs, in the past 6 mths. You can do it!!! You do what fits best for you and go from there!

  • DanIsACyclingFool
    DanIsACyclingFool Posts: 417 Member
    This is good stuff but hey everyone, pay attention, exercise programs do not make you loose weight. They only burn calories, some more than others. So at most they can help, but with higher levels of activity come higher levels of caloric needs to sustain it, and you don't want to run yourself into the ground just to run a super deficit.

    In the end the rate at which you loose has everything to do with your diet, not with your exercise regiment. Its kind of ridiculous when people claim that a certain routine had them loosing weight without (much more importantly) mentioning what their calorie intake was.

    This is, of course true but understand my point. Insanity is SO intense even most fit people can't just jump in and keep up. If you want to keep up your body is forced to become more conditioned. The program is optimized to to that well (long, intense intervals and very short rest breaks). But until you start to become conditioned you have to keep stopping to rest including quite possibly flopping on the floor gasping for air like a fish out of water, during which you aren't exercising. When the a single exercise of the program calls for 3 rounds each of 16 pushups, 16 floor sprints, 16 wide runs, and 16 oblique pushups followed by a jump with arms overhead, and you can only do 1 or 2 pushups without resting, the program is not doing much for you. You'd be better off with something slightly less intense that you can maintain for longer periods and keep burning calories. Insanity is scalable but honestly the whole "Max Interval" concept is best suited to getting conditioned.

    Insanity is about fitness. Fat loss is rooted in your diet and creating a negative energy balance. Any exercise can help create a deficit by burning calories but you are best off to separate those two concepts in your head as much as possible.

    Insanity is an advanced routine. It is neither suited nor recommended for beginners or the obese, regardless of what the infomercials and internet hype might lead you to believe. But plenty including me have done it just the same. If one falls into one of those categories and wants to to it anyways than kudos for accepting the challenge. But it's not the best choice if fat loss is the primary goal.
  • One of the first programs I started with was Insanity. I'm a bigger girl and I think Insanity really helped kick me into the shape I needed to be in for other things...slowly making my way down to my goals. Insanity is alot of jumping...alot of cardio. Cardio will help you knock of some inches. I only lost 6 lbs but I did go down 2 whole pants sizes in the month that I did do it. Insanity is a 2 month program. I'm sure you'll get great results!
  • ShaeB32
    ShaeB32 Posts: 12 Member
    Yes you are right. But I have noticed (well at least with me) that when I worked out, I ate better and less. I don't exactly know if there is a direct connection with the 2 or if it just in my head. But I did have less cravings and drank a lot more water.
  • I consider myself athletic and in decent shape,yet back on myfitnesspal to once again get off the 10# that have crept back on. I did "Insanity" in June and did not lose a pound or feel like I gained any strength or toning. I appreciate a good muscle burn when exercising and I felt like my muscles never 'burned', they just stopped working which would cause me to stop for the last few reps a couple of times a workout. It was a very different kind of fatigue and I don't think that it benefitted me at all, except to get a cardio workout. I can get just as effective of a cardio workout on a run which doesn't require me to hop up and down and support my 'jarring' weight on my wrists and hands as I 'hit the floor and propel back up again'. My very athletic 15 year old daughter did the workouts with me and is now in physical therapy for knee issues that I believe are partly due to these videos and the 'hit the floor/propel back up' moves. I would suggest trying the Firm videos, check your local library... great for cardio and weight training...