Subway question

Is eating subway good for your calorie intake. I know that they advertise subway on the biggest loser but looking at their menu I noticed that their sodium is pretty high for their sandwiches and I am not sure if it is good to eat or stay away from it. I bring my own lunch to work everyday except on friday's and having a hard time deciding what to have for lunch ugh!!!


  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    some of the subway options are ok.

    it's really a matter of what you choose and what condiments you put on it.

    I would never call subway great, but I would call some of their options passable for most people.
  • BobbyDaniel
    BobbyDaniel Posts: 1,460 Member
    If you stick with the low cal/fat stuff, you should be OK. Since the meats are processed you have to watch out for sodium intake, especially if you have issues with HBP or other medical concerns. Watch the condiments and stick with the veggies and you should be OK. We have subway at least once a week at my house and it helps us get filled up with low calories as well as getting a good mix of protein, carbs and veggies.
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
  • SouthernBell86
    SouthernBell86 Posts: 275 Member
    Yeah, I think that if you are ever faced with a situation of having to eat out, and not having brought food with you either, that you could find some passable options at subway.

    The thing is that for essentially the same thing, you could assemble a healthier version at home, and lower cost to boot. When you compare Subway to most fast food places it is a lot more diet friendly, so if you end up eating there, just be aware of how much you ate and budget properly for it on all accounts.
  • jdsouthernbelle
    Subway is actually the only "fast food" place I will go any more. I, like you, bring my lunch to work every day except 1 and eat out just one day a week. Subway is kind of high in Sodium, but I make sure I do drink extra water on that day (Lemon Water).
  • mrsskurvy
    mrsskurvy Posts: 9 Member
    I've been getting the turkey on the wheat bread or the 9 grain. No mayo. I have them put tons of veggies :) Water, no chips, no cookie. I never did like turkey, but lately I have grown to like it since trying to eat better. haha
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    sodium is one of those things that there is controversy. If you don't have a problem with high blood pressure, sodium shouldn't be a concern. Other people told me my sodium intake was working against my weight-loss because sodium makes you retain water, so that's not fat!
    Eating better is a progress, but if you can start with just calorie and fat reduction, Subway is better than burger and fries.
  • WonderNoodle
    when traveling and in a situtation where fast food is the option...i choose subway. go to their nutrition info in advance of your next visit so you can KNOW what you want to choose.
  • jdsouthernbelle
    sodium is one of those things that there is controversy. If you don't have a problem with high blood pressure, sodium shouldn't be a concern. Other people told me my sodium intake was working against my weight-loss because sodium makes you retain water, so that's not fat!
    Eating better is a progress, but if you can start with just calorie and fat reduction, Subway is better than burger and fries.

    I totally agree with everything you just said!
  • TateFTW
    TateFTW Posts: 658 Member
    Any time you eat out there is going to be salt. They have to use something to keep that food edible from the factory to your mouth! Subway isn't bad. Wheat bread is a good carbohydrate, though the 48 grams that come in each 6" is a lot for me. I have them use shredded cheese, but just a little bit for texture. I also get mustard. I lucked out because I love mustard and it just happens to be the best way to go for calories. Then have them pile on the spinach and tomatoes and you've got a pretty healthy meal.

    I have, however, seen people very succesfully take the healthy stuff available and turn it into a monster of fat and carbs. Just yesterday I saw a woman get a footlong tuna. She had white bread, then asked them to put mayo on it FIRST. They put on about a freaking cup of mayo. Then the tuna, which has mayo in it too. After all that she had them layer on the lettuce then add RANCH.

    I almost lost my appetite. It was disgusting. I've also seen people just layer on the cheese and mayo or ranch. Just those 2 or 3 things with white bread can be a health disaster.
  • jimmydeanbakker
    Sodium in restaurant foods, Subway included, are ridiculously high; so, eating there once in awhile is okay, but don't make it a habit. Depending on what your overall calorie count is for the day, you have to make a few calculations to see if you can squeeze one of those tasty subs into your diet plan. I hope that you don't plan on doing that whole Subway Diet. Goodness. I bet when Jared trains for his marathon that he sweats a pound of salt.
  • ErinMarie25
    ErinMarie25 Posts: 733 Member
    Every once in a while is ok.

    It depends on what you get. I just order a veggie delight on wheat bread and put whatever vegetables I want.
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Its probably not great to eat everyday, but if your on the go, its a way better option that BK or Wendys etc.
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Any time you eat out there is going to be salt. They have to use something to keep that food edible from the factory to your mouth! Subway isn't bad. Wheat bread is a good carbohydrate, though the 48 grams that come in each 6" is a lot for me. I have them use shredded cheese, but just a little bit for texture. I also get mustard. I lucked out because I love mustard and it just happens to be the best way to go for calories. Then have them pile on the spinach and tomatoes and you've got a pretty healthy meal.

    I have, however, seen people very succesfully take the healthy stuff available and turn it into a monster of fat and carbs. Just yesterday I saw a woman get a footlong tuna. She had white bread, then asked them to put mayo on it FIRST. They put on about a freaking cup of mayo. Then the tuna, which has mayo in it too. After all that she had them layer on the lettuce then add RANCH.

    I almost lost my appetite. It was disgusting. I've also seen people just layer on the cheese and mayo or ranch. Just those 2 or 3 things with white bread can be a health disaster.

    If I had the choice...I'm probably one of these people. MY sandwich of choice (before I started watching my cal)...was a foot long spicy Italian, on the cheesy bread, with chipotle sauce, oil & vinegar, sweet onion sauce, and vinaigrette sauce (I LOVE sauces). I also had a good share of veggies, and Jalapenos & banana peppers. YUM. But...geez..just now...I used that link that Karen left...and it was roughly 1700 calories for that whole sandwich.......thats 300 cal more than I eat in one day now. Oh...and like 5600 grams of sodium. I kind of feel sick....

    On a more optimistic note...I've gotten the veggie delights there now w/ vinager, vinigerette sauce, and honey mustard *fat free*, and its only about 550 275 if you only eat 6in. Sodium is still killer though....800 grams per 6 in. booo
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    Any time you eat out there is going to be salt. They have to use something to keep that food edible from the factory to your mouth! Subway isn't bad. Wheat bread is a good carbohydrate, though the 48 grams that come in each 6" is a lot for me. I have them use shredded cheese, but just a little bit for texture. I also get mustard. I lucked out because I love mustard and it just happens to be the best way to go for calories. Then have them pile on the spinach and tomatoes and you've got a pretty healthy meal.

    I have, however, seen people very succesfully take the healthy stuff available and turn it into a monster of fat and carbs. Just yesterday I saw a woman get a footlong tuna. She had white bread, then asked them to put mayo on it FIRST. They put on about a freaking cup of mayo. Then the tuna, which has mayo in it too. After all that she had them layer on the lettuce then add RANCH.

    I almost lost my appetite. It was disgusting. I've also seen people just layer on the cheese and mayo or ranch. Just those 2 or 3 things with white bread can be a health disaster.

    there goes my thoughts of subway tonight. Ugh, you might as well go with a supersized McDonalds big mac meal with a regular coke. It's about the same calories as what you just described. And just about as good for you.
  • ♥_Ellybean_♥
    ♥_Ellybean_♥ Posts: 1,646 Member
    Subway is one of the better options, however, I would not rely on it as an everyday thing. I think it's what you make out of it. Yes the meat is processed and has sodium in it.. but it's a lot healthier then say a Big Mac or Whopper... I eat Subway 1-2 times a week.. Turkey and Ham (sometimes I treat myself to Steak and Cheese) with Lettuce, Pickles and Olives and just a small (tiny) but if Light Mayo which I ask for in packets or on the side.
  • summrrskinny
    i would never eat a subway, its a mess of bread and processed foods that POISON your body, why not bring in some fruit for your lunch and ice water?
  • YeaILift
    YeaILift Posts: 580 Member
    Check out the nutritional value for the subs (and all foods for that matter). If you can budget it into your diet then by all means have at it. I eat a 6'' Buffalo Chicken Sub on Wheat Mon-Thur, No cheese, +Veggies and it is only 470 calories. It's all about budgeting it into your diet and keeping up with your macros (fats/carbs/protien)
  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,047 Member
    I looked up what I used to get at subwa--12' meatball marinara on italian herbs and cheese with 3-4 american cheese square...youch!! 1200 calories and over 3000 mg sodium? wow!!

    Now- I get a 6' oven roasted on 9 grain wheat with lettace, cucumbers, and spinish with just a touch of sweet onion sauce and 2 cheese. 350-360 calories with a total of 750 sodium intake..ALOT better and I have a small diet coke with it, that is all. Glad to know i made a healthier option. :D
  • glassyo
    glassyo Posts: 7,653 Member
    I eat at Subway 2-3 times a week and my go-to meal is the oven roasted chicken salad with sweet onion sauce on the side as the dressing. With avocado, the salad and sauce are 220ish calories and the sodium is MAYBE 400 mg...less I think actually.

    You save a significant amount of sodium by having a salad instead of a sandwich.