Green Smoothies....Questions

I am interested in incorporating them into my diet but just to clear up some confusion:

1/ Do they act as meal replacements? I hope not because don't think they would be filling enough for me. I was hoping for more of a snack.

2/ How long can they last? for example, can i make it the night before to drink for the following day?

3/ What are some of the easier recipes to make in a standard ordinary blender that's all natural and low on sugar?

Thanks very much in advance.


  • RonW956
    RonW956 Posts: 105 Member
    I used to make mine out of a couple bananas 6-7 strawberries and low fat organic milk and a scoop of protein powder for good luck but nowadays I just buy Bolthouse farms "Green goodness"...
    I used them as a after workout refreshment or as part of a breakfast such as a smoothie with some toast...

    I dont see why you cant make one and have it the next day...
  • CeleryStalker
    CeleryStalker Posts: 665 Member
    Green smoothies tend to separate if they sit long enough. Given that, I'd think the pre-made green smoothie wouldn't be a great option.

    A favorite of mine includes 2 big handfuls of spinach, a chunk of pineapple, about a tsp of fresh ground ginger, a splash of water, half a banana, and a cup of ice. Mmmmmm
  • FreyasRebirth
    FreyasRebirth Posts: 514 Member
    Mine are at least half of my breakfast. Today I mixed a half a cup of vanilla yogurt, a quarter cup of 2% milk (it was too thick to mix right) a half a banana, 4 strawberries, and a handful of raw spinach. It was about 220 calories and it was my entire breakfast. I think if they aren't filling enough then you need to tweak it some. Mine end up pretty thick so maybe that's what is giving me the full feeling.
  • aklove907
    aklove907 Posts: 118 Member
    This site has amazing recipe ideas, and they have a 30 day challenge that sends you shopping lists and recipes. Basically teaches you haw to "build" your own! Good luck! I have had a lot of fun learning how to make them, and every one of their recipes are yummy so far!
  • iechick
    iechick Posts: 352 Member
    I am interested in incorporating them into my diet but just to clear up some confusion:

    1/ Do they act as meal replacements? I hope not because don't think they would be filling enough for me. I was hoping for more of a snack.

    2/ How long can they last? for example, can i make it the night before to drink for the following day?

    3/ What are some of the easier recipes to make in a standard ordinary blender that's all natural and low on sugar?

    Thanks very much in advance.

    1. They can be pretty filling and big-my daily smoothies fills a full sized canning jar (what I actually use to drink them from :) ). Sometimes I use them as a meal and sometimes I use them as a snack, just depends on how my day goes/hunger is.

    2. I've read that ideally you should drink them fresh, but I've read on a couple blogs/sites that people do make them the night before and put them in the fridge. I don't know how many nutrients are lost doing it this way though. It really only takes a couple minutes to make one though, especially if you prep your veggies and fruit ahead of time (have the greens cut up etc).

    3. My basic recipe that I use several times a week (using a blender):
    -2 cups water
    -tbsp chia seeds (add these to the water in the blender and let sit a few minutes), or another seed-flax, hemp etc
    -handful fresh spinach
    -handful fresh kale
    -1 banana
    -1/2 cup frozen blueberries (I picked them this summer and froze about 20lbs of them for smoothies)
    -another fruit-an apple with peel on, other berries, a peach etc etc. I just discovered that Dollar Tree has started carrying bags of frozen fruit so I'm using that now-mango, berries, peaches etc (only ingredient is the fruit)

    I always blend it twice to make it smooth :)
  • Read the green smoothie revolution!! It has lots of info, lots of recipes including for beginners!! I have 1 a day and enjoy them!! I often make it the night before and they are fine:)
  • Personally, not a meal replacement for me. My green smoothie's ring in at about 130 calories and that would just be ridiculous. I use them as a supplement to veggies, so I have greens and a green powder, so I don't want them high cal or high sugar. I use 1 scoop green vibrance powder, 1 cup spinach, 1 cup coconut water, 1/2 green apple and 1/2 juiced lemon. Quick, simple and low sugar.
  • not a meal replacement:

    1 c lettuce
    1 c pineapple
    1 banana

    blend, put in mason jar, freeze. take out the night before so it thaws by the next day.
  • cleogirl82
    cleogirl82 Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks guys.
  • cleogirl82
    cleogirl82 Posts: 9 Member
    Well I just broke my blender on my first try :(.