Heavy weight lifting for ladies

I have heard a great deal about this and would like to give it a try. First I took a book out at the library something about the rules for lifting heavy for women. I have a membership to the Y and am going to start this week. I do have a couple of questions:
1. I want to lose around 100 lbs should I wait until I have lost some of the weight with cardio before I start?
2. I'm nervous about being laughed at because chubby girl is trying to life heavy.
3. Am I okay to alternate cardio one day with heavy the next?
4. Do I only concentrate on certain parts of my body at a time?

Thanks for any suggestions.


  • Missjilly1025
    Missjilly1025 Posts: 146 Member
    No, I'm picking it up tomorrow.
  • froeschli
    froeschli Posts: 1,292 Member
    i assume you are talking about "the new rules of lifting for women" by lou schuler.
    read the book, most of your questions will be answered.
    Lifting may slow weight loss, but you'll lose inches, which IMO is probably more desirable anyhow. so i'd start right away (after reading the book).
    i don't think people will laugh at you, especially if you appear as if you know what you are doing. go in with a plan, don't pick weights that are laughable, but don't overdo it either (i started with 30lbs deadlift and bench press, heck, i still don't do additional weight on lunges)
    as for cardio and lifting - i have tried all sorts of combinations, lifting one day, then cardio the next (ended up being too sore to do the cardio), lifting, then cardio right away (ended up too sore to do anything for several days), running, then lifting right away (works like a charm, when i have the time for both)

    it's trial and error. read the book, experiment, and find out what works for you.

    btw NROL is a full body program - that means you work your entire body each session.
  • PtheronJr
    PtheronJr Posts: 108 Member
    1. I want to lose around 100 lbs should I wait until I have lost some of the weight with cardio before I start?
    2. I'm nervous about being laughed at because chubby girl is trying to life heavy.
    3. Am I okay to alternate cardio one day with heavy the next?
    4. Do I only concentrate on certain parts of my body at a time?

    Thanks for any suggestions.

    1. No, don't wait. Strength training, especially heavy lifting, will only help lose weight. You won't really gain muscle while you're dieting to lose weight and lifting at the same time, but it's entirely possible to gain strength and endurance, both these things will help a lot when it comes to meeting different goals later on after you're doing cutting weight (like working on increasing muscle mass.)
    It's never too early to begin.

    2. Anyone who laughs at you is pathetic, and very few people, if any, will actually do so. Most people will understand that everyone starts somewhere, and will likely only have a higher opinion of you because you're defying the stereotype that girls don't lift heavy. The people that laugh at the idea of a woman lifting heavy are idiots and their opinions don't matter, they're oftentimes the people who also have no idea what they're doing in the gym.

    3. There's many different kinds of cardio, but sticking it where you need it isn't that hard. Some people do it at the end of their workout, at the start, or on a totally different day. It's mostly what you're comfortable with. The only thing people will warn you about is doing too much cardio as that could inhibit your ability to build or maintain muscle mass, but that's far more in-depth and in most cases isn't something you have to worry about.

    4. In a way, yes. Many people do the three days a week thing. It could look something like this.

    Monday - Back/Biceps
    Tuesday - Rest
    Wednesday - Chest/Shoulders/Triceps
    Thursday - Rest
    Friday - Legs

    But typically people create their own schedule. The reason you work different groups each day is to allow the other muscle groups to recuperate.

    There are things like Stronglifts, Starting Strength, and other guidelines for developing a good lifting schedule and workout, and I definitely recommend beginning with those as they will answer a lot of questions and get you a very good foundation, but you'll find that you'll grow out of those and manage to create a regimen that works best for you.
  • JoJo__Fit
    JoJo__Fit Posts: 258 Member
    1. You should start lifting weights now, It will help burn more fat and build some muscle :)

    2. Who cares what people think, don't worry about who's looking at you or what thoughts a person might have, Just get in there and do work!

    3. You should do compound movements, such as dead lifts and squats.

    4. Try to do cardio 5-6x a week nothing crazy, either 25 mins to 45 mins, helps burn more fat :)
  • lebaker310
    lebaker310 Posts: 164 Member
    Do it now!! I wish I wouldn't have waited. I haven't seen the scale go down in a while because I am so close to my goal but losing fat I'm able to see the muscles I've been working on.

    I've heard that book is like the bible for this, I need to get it.

    I don't do too heavy yet. But I do 5 days a week upper/lower/upper/lower/4 day is kinda a mix up or i do anything i didnt work enough and cardio every day just because I enjoy running.

    I haven't really found a right or wrong way for this yet. Seems like it differs depending on things like fitness level/goals/bmi. The way I do it might not be the best way, but I'm commited to it and enjoy it.

    So my best advice is dont be afraid of the scale. Most of the time it just pisses us off. Take your measurements before you start and you'll be able to see where you are losing and how much. It's a lot easier to see the changes than on the scale.
  • astronomicals
    astronomicals Posts: 1,537 Member

    1. I want to lose around 100 lbs should I wait until I have lost some of the weight with cardio before I start?
    2. I'm nervous about being laughed at because chubby girl is trying to life heavy.
    3. Am I okay to alternate cardio one day with heavy the next?
    4. Do I only concentrate on certain parts of my body at a time?

    Thanks for any suggestions.

    1. do research and lift asap... proper form is crucial... so is understanding how to progress... know what you're doing or pay the consequences.. i should note that everyone's form sucks when they start out. aim to improve something every session...

    2. eff 'em... most looks in the gym are "WTF are u doing " looks, not "youre fat" looks.... work on form and you wont get those "WTF are you doing" looks... youll also avoid injury

    3. you want ample recovery time... hard to say what that is.. cardio shouldn't interrupt with your lifting schedule.. if it does, cut it back

    4. full body workout...
  • Missjilly1025
    Missjilly1025 Posts: 146 Member
    Thanks everyone! I'm really looking forward to starting!