A Quick Tip for New Members

MaiLinna Posts: 580 Member
edited November 2023 in Getting Started
When you're new to dieting and lifestyle changes, you'll find yourself falling off the horse. A lot. If you cave in and eat something, I suggest you have a backup meal ready down the road of your day so you can stay under your limit. Example:
One bowl of my miso soup is only 35 calories. Throw in some veggies and it's still below 50. I can use this as a way to cut a ton of calories out of my day when I accidentally eat something I shouldn't have or didn't know how many calories it was until I already ate it.

(Yes you can accidentally eat. Mothers like to shove food down your throat if you so much as make eye contact.)


  • socioseguro
    socioseguro Posts: 1,679 Member

    Thanks for the tip.

    I carry my own snacks: raw fruit, almonds and walnuts mix, peanut butter portion in a clear sandwich bag, hummus in a bag too, cheese etc.

    This is very helpful if I am traveling since airports healthy food options are usually non existent.

    Good luck in your journey
  • disneygallagirl
    disneygallagirl Posts: 515 Member
    Good post, lol...
  • anlu37
    anlu37 Posts: 100 Member
    Great tip! I do this sometimes.

    I also have an apple for breakfast a little closer to lunch if I know I'm having a particularly calorie heavy dinner or have a crazy busy day where it is more likely I will grab pizza for the kids.
  • harvo
    harvo Posts: 4,676 Member
    Also a decent tip....you can workout, ie walk, run, lift, and get more calories. A guy I know knows how many cal he burns in an hour and looks at treats as an extra 30 minutes of running or an hour of running and decides if it is worth it.
  • aidyaidybobady
    aidyaidybobady Posts: 8 Member
    Great tip, I always find it difficult to have (very) low cal tasty options when you've overindulged during the day - I'm going to try this out for sure!
  • SlytherinPrefect
    SlytherinPrefect Posts: 64 Member
    Yup! I have snacks in a big lunch tote in the company fridge - apples, string cheese, clementines, and rice cakes in my desk drawer. Keeps me away from the vending machine (for the most part). Actually, most days I just eat lunch meat with some mustard - not really into sandwiches - so that's in the lunchbag too. That way if I forget to bring a lunch or a snack, I've got back up reserves. :)
  • nikkylyn
    nikkylyn Posts: 325 Member
    If you fall off. Dont worry get back on with the next meal. Even if you go over your calories one day. No one got fat because they over ate one day. What matters is what happens over the long haul. Shoot some days I over eat by 1000 calories.. It has happened 3 ish times in 2 months. I still have managed to lose 16 or 17 lbs. Not bad.. You gotta just keep on getting up and trying again.
  • ppoplawski
    ppoplawski Posts: 7 Member
    Has anyone ever had a "treat" night (mine is beer) and go way off the calorie chart and find you lost a pound or 2 the next day? Is this a sign of undereating the rest of the time?
  • ShellyAnn46
    ShellyAnn46 Posts: 212 Member
    harvo - perfect thinking!!!!!!! If you can't work for it, you don't need it :)
  • Wanderer1224
    Wanderer1224 Posts: 57 Member
    Yeah i find it hard too!! when u are used eating not healthy food! I carry my snacks with me.
    If i have a high calories lunch lol!! i stick with a soup!

    I heard that its good to have a bowl of soup before lunch and dinner so u wont be eating much!

    Good luck to u all stay strong!!!!
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