Anyone join me for a juice fast for 4 days?



  • Mongognom
    Mongognom Posts: 123
    If you poop and pee you are cleansed….
    There is no "kick start" to the weight loss process......

    I was 5 seconds from a 'there is no such thing as cleansing' rant, but you did it more politely.
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    no grassy *kitten*... i like burgers, beer, and flaming hot cheetos...
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    Nope. Juice fast isn't going to kickstart anything. It'll all come right back when you start eating food.

    This should be a lifestyle change, not a diet. I'm sure a lot of others here have said the same exact thing.

    Eat less. It's about moderation not deprivation.

    Yes, agreed. But I am not able to eat in moderation.. :( I am not able to control what I eat & hence I came up with a solution to keep my mind off food.. It may be a foolish idea. But, I am hoping to succeed..

    I understand this and I know what you're saying (read the whole thread). The problem with that thinking is you assume something will be different after the 4 days. In my experience, if you don't eat food for 4 days - you only think about it more. Make a plan. Write it out. You have to learn to eat differently. You will not be perfect at first, if ever. You will fail to do it some days. But the more times you try it the right way and succeed , the more you will learn how YOU can control your portions. Go back and read my first answer on page one.

    People here are only speaking from experience. I can be hard headed too. But I dieted for 25 years. Nothing worked. Until now. You can have that success too. But you have to commit to doing this right and doing it for the rest of your life. Again, good luck.
  • OceanBlue08

    Know that you can change.
    Know that you have the strength to change.
    Know that you can control what you eat.
    Once you know it, maybe you'll start believing it.

    I should remember this.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    It's all about your attitude.

    Positive attitude = Positive results.

    YOU CAN DO THIS. Tell yourself that every day if you have to. Write it and post it everywhere at your house, work, car, wherever you will see it. It's hard to break the habit of not believing in yourself, or being negative about yourself. I've lost this weight now 3x...We've all dieted over the years and "failed"...this shouldn't be a diet, it should be a lifestyle change.
  • OceanBlue08
    The remarks from all of you is making me think otherwise & bringing some sense to my head..
    Like you people said, I need a plan... & also someone I can be accountable to... someone to splat it to my face when I am doing wrong.. That way I remain consistent.
    Hmm.. I also need to change the way I think about food..
    11pm here.. off to bed with a fresh start tomorrow.
    & could I add you all to my friends list?
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    glad you changed your mind I went through a phase were I thought all this was true too. You can certainly add me. Just be real with yourself no one wants to just be thin and healthy for a month or two they want it for life and that takes some life changes not diets
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    people use tough love on here learn to embrace it :)
  • SkinnyBubbaGaar
    SkinnyBubbaGaar Posts: 389 Member
    Nope. Juice fast isn't going to kickstart anything. It'll all come right back when you start eating food.

    This should be a lifestyle change, not a diet. I'm sure a lot of others here have said the same exact thing.

    Eat less. It's about moderation not deprivation.

    Yes, agreed. But I am not able to eat in moderation.. :( I am not able to control what I eat & hence I came up with a solution to keep my mind off food.. It may be a foolish idea. But, I am hoping to succeed..

    I understand this and I know what you're saying (read the whole thread). The problem with that thinking is you assume something will be different after the 4 days. In my experience, if you don't eat food for 4 days - you only think about it more. Make a plan. Write it out. You have to learn to eat differently. You will not be perfect at first, if ever. You will fail to do it some days. But the more times you try it the right way and succeed , the more you will learn how YOU can control your portions. Go back and read my first answer on page one.

    People here are only speaking from experience. I can be hard headed too. But I dieted for 25 years. Nothing worked. Until now. You can have that success too. But you have to commit to doing this right and doing it for the rest of your life. Again, good luck.

    ^^^^^^ That's ridiculously good advice there. And take a look at her ticker... Over 100 #'s kicked to the curb. Might be worthwhile to consider taking heed of this one.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    You can add me, but if I see juice fast, cleanse, magic pill or only eating 1200 calories I may then delete you. There's no fast solution for this. Just hard work, dedication and the belief you can do it.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Four days?

    Probably won't hurt.

    Definitely won't help, but still, probably won't hurt.
  • MelRC117
    MelRC117 Posts: 911 Member
    ummm... Have you people read what I mentioned in that link? I was too lazy to type it again & pasted it there. Anyways, re-posting it. By the way, for those people who jumped in to comment just by seeing the topic 'juice fast', by having 'fresh' juice, I don't intend to lose weight unhealthily & I am not looking for a fast weight loss solution! My only aim is to cleanse my body & have a control over what I eat.. sort of like a "kick-start" to my weight loss process.
    Quoting from a web defintion, Juice fasting is a type of fasting and detox diet in which a person consumes only fruit and vegetable juices.
    Quoting from my own post link..

    "October 14, 2013 10:09 am

    Though MyFitnesspal is a great site with lots of supporters, I haven't been able to be active here. :(

    I am not able to 'consistently' exercise & control what I eat esp. with lots of get-together with family & friends these days. I'll be home 4 days now & decided to do a juice fast to cleanse my body & as a step to hopefully find my long lost 'will-power' for weight loss. If not, I'll at least get a body cleanse & it's only for 4 days. :) If 4 days successful, I have decided to do it for a complete week. Supplement it with a good vitamin & mineral tablet.

    Would anyone like to join me Starting from tomorrow?

    We can start off by logging the current weight.

    I am 82 Kg, 5 2".
    October 15, 2013 7:40 am

    No one? :(

    1st day seems alright.. I weighed myself early morning in empty stomach & it reads 81Kg. Started off with my regular cup of tea. Then, I managed to drink up a juice made of beetroot, carrot & gooseberry.. Yep, I managed to drink it all up. Yay! That wasn't so bad. :D
    As of now I have completed my 1L water.. I did feel like snacking in between, stopped that urge by having a thick banana milk shake.. That was yummy..
    Haven't incorporated exercise other than my daily chores.
    Thinking of having a pomegranate juice after sometime..
    I don't understand how you aren't able to control what you eat most days? Do your family and friends hold you down and force you to eat food?
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
  • metaphoria
    metaphoria Posts: 1,432 Member

    I'm out of juice, so I'll just use rum.
  • _Resolve_
    _Resolve_ Posts: 735 Member
    ohhh no wonder this diet thing isn't working, i forgot to drink juice.
  • iechick
    iechick Posts: 352 Member
    fasting is bad for your metabolism


    I lost my weight doing alternate day intermittent fasting.

    OP-I'm not interested in juicing, but I do have a green smoothie every day and highly recommend it-besides it being a great way to get in the dark leafy greens and fruit that are really healthy, it's also a really good way to do daily 'cleanses' :blushing: :laugh: And they're filling, more so than juicing I'd think?

    That sounds like a healthy smoothie.. Could you please share the ingredients? Thank you. :)

    I use a regular blender-
    2 cups water
    large handful fresh kale (I cram it in there lol)
    large handful fresh spinach
    tbsp chia, ground flax or hemp seed
    1/2 cup blueberries (I picked a bunch this summer and froze them)
    2 other fruit-depends on what's in season/cheap. Right now it's apple season here so I've been throwing in un peeled apples (cored), and I also recently discovered that Dollar Tree has started selling freezer bags of fruit like mango and peaches, with no additives for $1 a bag and I get two smoothies out of each one.

    I blend through twice and use a large canning jar to drink it from-it makes quite a bit and is filling. Could be a snack or a meal substitute. I've also added things like carrots, cucumber, collard greens, dandelion greens etc etc. The possibilities are endless! I'm going to be experimenting with pumpkin later this week :)
  • 1two3four
    1two3four Posts: 413 Member
    The thing is...YOU CAN DO IT. You already saying you can't is the reason you can't do it.

    All of us had a problem with moderation. You think it's been easy for any of us to stop eating too much of the food we love? NO. Trust me, though I eat what I want, I just cut back on how much of it. I drink beer, I had 2 cookies today, I eat what I want, I work hard. I had to change my mentality from a negative nancy saying I can't do it to saying and believing I can do it.

    So if you don't think you can do it, then you may not be ready to lose the weight. Not trying to be mean, just realistic and honest. If you are ready to lose it, you'll start believing in yourself and saying that you CAN do this.

    All of this. This is absolute truth. You have to believe you can do it. Even if you don't think you can push that out of your mind and start thinking you can. If you do that, one day you'll wake up and realize you are doing it.
  • 1two3four
    1two3four Posts: 413 Member
    also someone I can be accountable to... someone to splat it to my face when I am doing wrong..

    I used to think this. I used to think that I needed someone to tell me off for doing something I shouldn't have done. I lost a bunch of weight. Then I gained it back. And then I lost a bunch of weight and there was no one to tell me what I should and should not do so I gained it back.

    Then I decided I needed to change and I could do it. And I lost 70lbs before I added one friend here. Then I added friends and have continued to lose 31 more pounds. Those first 70lbs I lost without my mom, without my sister, with my best friend, aunt, cousin or grandma it was just me and my decisions. Not saying you shouldn't have friends here right away just don't count on them to keep you on track.
  • jcmrax5
    jcmrax5 Posts: 133
    Why is there a post linking us to another post?
    afraid we missed it the first time?