How to get started with the treadmill?

Hi all,

I've started dieting and exercising properly about three weeks ago.
At the gym I usually do weights and use the elliptical, step machine or exercise bike.
I would like to start using the treadmill but the last time I tried I was already quite exhausted after 5 minutes of jogging at a moderate speed.

Are there any steps or perhaps a method I should take in order to ease myself into successfully running on the treadmill for 20-30 minutes?

Any information would be much appreciated!


  • Vaisaxena
    Vaisaxena Posts: 109 Member
    Slow down a bit - better yet, jog outside
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Couch to 5K - Treadmill version
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    get on.

    press start
    increase speed to walking pace
    get comfortable at that pace
    up it a few ticks
    get out of breath
    slow down
    increase again when comfortable
    get out of breath
    slow back down...

    or go out side.
  • Hestion
    Hestion Posts: 740 Member
    Couch 2 5 K brilliant app
  • PeteWhoLikesToRunAlot
    C25K. There's a mobile app. Best thing out there.
  • sabified
    sabified Posts: 1,051 Member
    Jogging outside is the easiest way to start jogging- just because you don't have to stick to the speed you set or mash buttons to get comfortable. But that doesn't mean avoid the treadmill- go at a pace that's comfortable (one that doesn't kill you- start small/super slow and work up). Take walk breaks if you need. Focus on your form- speed is a goal to reach, but not when you're first starting. Treadmills (and running) are "bad for you" because you can hurt your knees/joints- make sure you're running with proper posture to try to avoid that. If anything does start to hurt, slow down and take a look at what you're doing.

    At the end of the day it's mostly the comfort factor for why people don't like running. Stick to it and it'll get easier :) Good luck :)

    get on.

    press start
    increase speed to walking pace
    get comfortable at that pace
    up it a few ticks
    get out of breath
    slow down
    increase again when comfortable
    get out of breath
    slow back down...

    or go out side.

    lol... basically, yea...
  • ayalowich
    ayalowich Posts: 242 Member
    Run outside. The treadmill s/b a last resort from the rain or extreme heat or cold. Plus you can find running groups just about anywhere to give you much needed support.

    I have a hate hate relationship with the treadmill and hope to never use one for a long time.
  • Kevalicious99
    Kevalicious99 Posts: 1,131 Member
    Just walk on the treadmill .. no one says you have to run or jog. Walking is great exercise ... I usually go about 3.0 MPH.
  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    I started on the treadmill doing level ground at about a speed of 3. Start small, work your way up.
    I love a treadmill for power walking when I can't get outside to do so.
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    Don't - go outside
  • albertine58
    albertine58 Posts: 267 Member
    I did couch to 5k, highly recommend it! I did it outside though- I can't stand the treadmill, plus the treadmill isn't quite *real* running. It sets your pace, it gives your feet doesn't train your muscles the same way that outdoor running does! To sort of simulate outdoor running, I've been told many times to set the incline at at least 1%, never zero.

    I used to do treadmill workouts with a trainer though, and she would kick our butts! Incline was always 2% or higher. She'd have us do a few sets of 30-90 second all-out sprints followed by a short recovery walk, then we'd increase the incline and speed gradually until we were power-walking or jogging for a short time at a high incline (ouch!), then slowly bring the incline down, recover for ~30 sec, and then start over with the sprints again! KILLED me. in the best way.
  • ILoveTheBrowns
    ILoveTheBrowns Posts: 661 Member
    plug it in

  • kristy6ward
    kristy6ward Posts: 332 Member
    Instead of jogging... you could always just up the incline. Even better if your treadmill has a program for variable inclines, like cross country. Set it for a brisk walking pace and get ready for some hills. I've found that having the treadmill at a 4+ incline has the same effect on my heart rate as jogging.

    Also, if you're getting tired quickly white jogging, its probably because you're starting out too fast for your current fitness condition. Even doing c25k, I would do the intervals at a 5.0mph with a .5 incline (helped with shin pain) But when it came time to do a full 30 minute run I had to drop the speed to 4.7mph to maintain for the whole duration. Start slow and work your way up.
  • ClaudiaBette
    ClaudiaBette Posts: 38 Member
    I actually prefer the treadmill over power walking outside. Mostly because I get to watch TV in my apartment community's work out room :)

    I started on the treadmill 4-5 times a week back in June. I started walking, semi-fast paced, then upped the level to about 2.0..then 3.0 ....and so on. I'm currently power walking on the treadmill at a 4.0 inclination for 30 minutes. I also throw in a light jog every few minutes just to get the heart pumping. On average, I walk at about a 3.5 pace and jog at a 5.5 pace.

    Start slowly would be my suggestions. I found that one level was not pushing me anymore so I kept raising it and you work your way up.
  • nytrifisoul
    nytrifisoul Posts: 500 Member
    Start walking at a slow speed with an incline. Gradually increase the speed and incline. As you lose weight it will get easier, and build your cardio up. It also will give ou the best calorie burn.
  • csuhar
    csuhar Posts: 779 Member
    The big thing is that you have to treat it like a new exercise, even if you're accustomed to outdoor jogging. A treadmill provides its own challenges in that the belt determines your speed and your gait is fixed, whereas outdoor running will let you automatically and naturally adjust speed and gait. Simply having a rigidly fixed speed can provide a new challenge. So, as others have said, you'll want to start slowly and build yourself up.

    But it is still useful for those times when weather or safety leaves you reluctant to run outdoors, and it can readily undo any "but I want to watch [insert television program]" excuses that may be holding someone back.
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
  • ryry_
    ryry_ Posts: 4,966 Member
    I press the button that looks like a triangle as many times as it takes to start running. Then when I get tired I press the upside down triangle until I can walk.

    When you get to an advanced level you can press the big red button so it shuts off and time it so you press the triangle button once to start walking again.

    ETA: On a serious note, do something simple like to try to jog for one extra minute each time you run on the treadmill. Or decrease your speed so you can jog longer. I like to run during a show and walk the commercials for like 30-60 mins. Time flies by for me.
  • Hestion
    Hestion Posts: 740 Member
    With regards to speed etc and running outside, my gym has a curve treadmill, really find that's great when i run inside :-)
  • kroonha
    kroonha Posts: 102 Member
    The big thing is that you have to treat it like a new exercise, even if you're accustomed to outdoor jogging. A treadmill provides its own challenges in that the belt determines your speed and your gait is fixed, whereas outdoor running will let you automatically and naturally adjust speed and gait. Simply having a rigidly fixed speed can provide a new challenge. So, as others have said, you'll want to start slowly and build yourself up.

    But it is still useful for those times when weather or safety leaves you reluctant to run outdoors, and it can readily undo any "but I want to watch [insert television program]" excuses that may be holding someone back.

    I decided to opt for the great outdoors for now, until the weather allows me to do so; with the help of the c25k app :)
    The treadmill will be an option for when it gets too snowy or icy. I don't want to break my back..! Thank you for the input though :)