
what have any of you done to start losing again? i know i'm not eating the best but that's hard when you eat at early supper time (6-7) and then the rest of them eats at like 9. and i exercise everyday except for sunday. i would buy better food but i'm really low on money so i gotta try with what i can buy and whats in the house. i have been on this plateau for like 4 months now and i'm getting frustrated. lol. Any ideas on what i could be doing diff or just any ideas at all?



  • cmckellip
    cmckellip Posts: 6 Member
    For me a plateau means I need to change things up. I change my exercise and what I eat. You can do it!!!
  • RaggedyPond
    RaggedyPond Posts: 1,487 Member
    I started eating more while keeping the same activity level and I started loosing again. Also started having coffee in the morning and low fat yogurt b4 meals.
  • Kandy4mel
    Kandy4mel Posts: 95 Member
    well i recently added a new workout video. although i haven't had it long so that could be why nothing is happening. i'd like to switch up food but with not a lot of money thats really hard.
  • Jamie_here
    I have to pack my lunch for work. I end up getting those Michelina lean gourmet. They are like a dollar, then I have a side salad, or salad from home. Very cheap, and it doesn't taste bad! Are you drinking lots of water?? You might be holding water weight too.
  • mom2zacka
    mom2zacka Posts: 7 Member
    drink LOTS of water!!! Your liver needs a lot of water to help get rid of fat. If it doesn't get enough , your body will
    hold onto the fat. And it's amazing how much better you feel when you drink over 60 oz of water in a day.....I get
    fewer headaches now.
  • jasmines_mum
    Try drinking hot water....I know it sounds weird but it seems to help according to some of my friends....seems to melt some excess fat away....hmmm, maybe I'll have one now.
  • Kandy4mel
    Kandy4mel Posts: 95 Member
    yeah some days i do well with water and other days i just can't drink very much of it. but i do try. i'll have to try the warm/hot thing.