Hard time eating 1,200

Hello! I made this account a while ago but havent used the community forums and really havent lost too much weight (just a pound or two). One of the reasons for this is I have a really hard time eating under 1,200. Its just too little for me to function off of! So I changed my settings under my goals from losing 2 pounds a week to losing 1 pound a week. I thought cutting my weekly goal in half would mean I'd get to eat a bit more, but mfp is still saying I should eat 1,200 per day if I want to lose only one pound per week! I dont get it. If I change my goal, shouldnt my caloried change? I am thinking something is wrong with mfp's computing system? I'd love to figure out a way to eat a bit more and still lose weight. Basically every day I end up going over 1,200, and then I feel like such a failure that I went over I count the day as "lost" and just eat whatever I want. I delete all my entries for the day and tell myself I'll start over tomorrow. Gah. I'm terrible at this.


  • loosinit42806
    loosinit42806 Posts: 142 Member
    Try to drink more water it will help you feel fuller and eat things with High Protein Like nuts or Lean meats.
    I try eating eggs in the morning, and that helps me to feel fuller.
    also if your having a hard time staying with in calorie range, see if its because the meals you choose will put you over you want to save at lease 300calories for snacks jic you get hungry.

    and have most of your meals around 300 calories.

    dont be mad at your self for going over this is a proces and it takes time to get used to!
    keep logging and keep up the good work!
  • mcrowe1016
    mcrowe1016 Posts: 647 Member
    Someone who is only looking to lose 16 lbs should be aiming for .5lbs lost per week.

    Also, the lowest MFP will recommend is 1200. So even if you needed to eat 800 calories per day to lose 2lbs per week, MFP would still recommend 1200 calories since that is the lowest that is generally considered "healthy" (though this is debatable). That is why it didn't change when you upped your calories.
  • lastfingtime
    Thanks for the reply- I should have mentioned I'm a vegetarian. Eating meat isn't something I will ever do (I know this complicates things). I have a hard time finding a whole meal that is under 300 calories- most of mine are 500 calories meaning I only get two meals a day and then a couple hundred are for "snacks," like one apple or one banana. Im so hungry eating this way.
  • lastfingtime
    ok thanks,mcroew1016- I didnt know this. That explains why it didnt up my calories
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    Have you lost weight at all? Depending on your height and daily activity level, you could probably eat more than 1200 calories and still be able to lose weight. The key is to be patient.
  • mcrowe1016
    mcrowe1016 Posts: 647 Member
    Even if you don't eat meat, nuts, beans and whey protein are good ways to get protein in.

    Full disclosure, 1500 is super hard for me. I don't think I could ever to 1200 :smile:
  • aimeero2012
    Try using this website to calculate your calories. It might give you something more realistic!

    NRSPAM Posts: 961 Member
    The calories MFP recommends is based on the info you put in. You probably put sedentary as your activity level, which you are likely not. Also, you should be eating back 1/2 to all your exercise calories. Add me if you like.
    NRSPAM Posts: 961 Member
    Try using this website to calculate your calories. It might give you something more realistic!


    ^^^THIS! :)
  • emmaxthomas
    I have actually had this app, different accounts (deleting then getting back). I've had this one for a while now, and my eating habits have never been like they are now (recently) :( i'm suddenly less able to control what i eat haha. if i just want to maintain my weight (as i dont really want to lose any) at 8 stone which is what i am now, how many calories do you think i can eat? I've set it to 1200 but I've been eating more like 1400 a day this week or 2. I am 5 foot 5
  • xerothermic
    Hello! I made this account a while ago but havent used the community forums and really havent lost too much weight (just a pound or two). One of the reasons for this is I have a really hard time eating under 1,200. Its just too little for me to function off of! So I changed my settings under my goals from losing 2 pounds a week to losing 1 pound a week. I thought cutting my weekly goal in half would mean I'd get to eat a bit more, but mfp is still saying I should eat 1,200 per day if I want to lose only one pound per week! I dont get it. If I change my goal, shouldnt my caloried change? I am thinking something is wrong with mfp's computing system? I'd love to figure out a way to eat a bit more and still lose weight. Basically every day I end up going over 1,200, and then I feel like such a failure that I went over I count the day as "lost" and just eat whatever I want. I delete all my entries for the day and tell myself I'll start over tomorrow. Gah. I'm terrible at this.

    Do not eat under 1200, please. Eat. Eat healthy. You're not meant to eat under 1200, especially if you're working out. Please. I'm 5'1" on a good day and consume around 1500 calories, some days more. Hell, I probably should be consuming even more with how much I work out. Your body needs the fuel. I used to think less calories would help me lose, but really it's just a slower unhealthy progression.

    Check out info on your BMR and TDEE for how much you should be eating:

  • taamakobe
    taamakobe Posts: 2 Member
    Sometimes 1200 calories just isn't for everyone. Or counting calories for that matter. For me, staring at the computer and plugging in my food all the time actually made me more hungry because I was constantly thinking about food. I would tend to then go over my "goal" intake, feel like I failed myself, and gorge in whatever. Like you, I would say, "I'll try again tomorrow" but they cycle continued and I'd have a good week, then a bad week, then a bad week, then an ok week.....It wasn't working for me. I decided to only log my weight and exercise and eventually just my weight.

    I am also a vegetarian, well moving towards vegan, and so I understand what you mean when you say it's hard to put meals together. It's definitely a process and takes time. For me, my biggest success has come from mostly cutting out animal products (I eat cheese, etc but only a tiny amount and not everyday). Usually I eat as many fruits as I want until I'm full (for breakfast, usually in the form of 30-48 oz of fruit smoothies), a huge salad for lunch (whole head of romaine, handful of spinach, handful of mixed greens, green onion, 1/2 pint of grape tomatoes, small zucchini and 1/2 cucumber) with 2T of what ever dressing I want (thinned out with about 2T water). By dinner I'm usually still full and grab a tea saucer as my dinner plate. I fill it with whatever is for dinner and as much as will fit on that tiny plate and enjoy. I probably eat around 2000 cals with minimal organized exercise and continue to lose weight. I think for my body, it understands clean, whole foods better and so the body spends less time digesting the food, giving it more time to burn fat, even if I'm not doing much.

    Those are just some of the things I have done and seen success. I have an idea of what the calories are, but I don't physically input them. If your body is telling you you're hungry after 1200 cals, then you probably are. Fill up on F/V and don't worry about their calorie content. No one has ever gotten fat eating fruits and veggies.

    Good luck. You will find what works for you and when you do, the weight will fall off.
  • emmaxthomas
    thank you :)
  • jayjay12345654321
    jayjay12345654321 Posts: 653 Member
    Not knowing what you are eating, I can only suggest you check your portion size on your rice, potatoes and pastas. If you're used to eating large portions of starches as fillers, it could be disproportionate to your proteins and fats, which are what is going to make you feel satiated.
  • LGS1974
    LGS1974 Posts: 26
    I'm veggie too and eat 1200 plus some of my exercise calories. Things like stir fries or eggs and mushrooms fill me up. I always have 3 meals and a snack.

    I struggle to balance calories if I eat pasta or rice portions or have wine.
  • Bhiggerson62
    Hi I'm Beth and I just got back on this site after being off it for 6 months. I've lost a total of 18 lbs and have another 30 lbs to go to be at my goal.

    I started drinking a lot of water and now I go to the gym 4 days per week. I also have trouble eating all of the calories
  • nikkylyn
    nikkylyn Posts: 325 Member
    aim for .5lb a week. What about exercise do you do any? If so do you eat back any exercise calories, that can help.
  • Siansonea
    Siansonea Posts: 917 Member
    I find that eating enough protein and fat is key to staving off hunger. I don't really watch my macro totals, but I find that I'm consistently over the recommendation for fats and proteins and under the recommendation for carbs, and I do just fine at 1200 calories. I'm a lazy b____, so I don't exercise, so it's a reasonable tally for me. And some days I might go up to 1300 if I just want another snack. When I eat too many carbs, it just makes me hungrier. I don't avoid them entirely though, I'm not doing Atkins or anything.
  • lvigue
    lvigue Posts: 13 Member
    and exercise. 1200 is your baseline, if you exercise 100, 200, 300, 400 calories a day, you get to eat those. So an aerobics class for an hour gives you almost 500 extra cals to eat bringing you up to 1700.
  • Eleonora91
    Eleonora91 Posts: 688 Member
    When I changed my weekly loss from 2 pounds to 1 pound it actually switched to 1420 or 1570 kcals - I can't recall which was, because it depends on the level of activity you set either.

    If you're at the beginning 1200 might be way too little, try eating 1500 and it should work. You're still at a deficit, no way you could gain weight.

    Anyway I'm also a vegetarian, if you need any idea for less than 500 kcals meals! :)