Time to start over

Hi, I joined MFP in February 2011, lost 60 pounds and got to a healthy weight. Things happened, I lost my routine, got married, moved three times, changed jobs, and gained it all back. ALL of it. Weight gain affects so many parts of my life - self esteem, sexual interest because I don't feel pretty, motivation to go out, etc. So, it's time to get back on track. I joined a gym, I am settling in to a new routine.

Has anyone out there experienced a total start over? Did anything help you get over the disappointment and back in to a good place?


  • bwogilvie
    bwogilvie Posts: 2,130 Member
    Not quite the same, but I lost 50-60 lbs. in the 1990s, then gradually put it back on, with interest, from 1997 to 2008. I lost a few pounds that year, plateaued, then started creeping up. I finally told myself that I didn't want to stay that way anymore. In my experience, it helps to look back only to identify what you did wrong, so you can avoid it in the future, and don't beat yourself up about what you can no longer change. Look forward to the way you want things to be. Good luck!
  • nikkivarts
    nikkivarts Posts: 7 Member
    I've been trying to start over for quite some time now. I recently have been motivated enough to get back into the swing of things. It's definitely hard to go through it a second time, in fact I find it much harder than the first time since the first time everything was new. Just put yourself in the mindset that this is a whole new experience and it's going to take time and commitment, but if you did it before, you can do it again! Also, I found that wearing like a small bracelet, or earrings, or a ring, anything that you can look at to remind you of your goal helps you stay focused and not binge. Good luck!
    P.S. try not to beat yourself up over it. every time i "mess up" or even do things right, i treat myself how i would treat another person in the same situation. it teaches you not to be as harsh on yourself. i try to think of the voice in my head as my personalized coach!