Changing up Lifting Routine...?

Ok, I've been lifting consistently 2x a week now for 3 months. Two-day pattern:

A Day (5x5)
Bench press
Bent-over barbell rows

B Day (5x5)

Overhead Press
Barbell curls
Close-grip bench press

In that time, in terms of weight, I've gone from "Untrained" to "Novice" on the four big lifts (bench press, deadlifts, squats and overhead press). On bench press and press I blew past "Novice" and am more than halfway to "Intermediate" (which is kinda weird, I always thought I was stronger down below). Also dropped 20 pounds of fat in that stretch, so booyah for me, hell yeah I'm feeling good! :smokin:

Now I'm looking to change things up a bit for the push into "Intermediate" weight levels on all major lifts. I'm really really attracted to the Olympic style lifts, so I'm thinking something like this, while maintaining 2x a week sessions:

A Day

Squats (3x5)
Bench Press (3x5)
Deadlift (1x5)
Chinups (3xAMRAP) (I can only just do these now, so it will be low number of reps for a while)

B Day

Squats (3x5)
Overhead Press (3x5)
Power Clean (3x5)
Pullups (3xAMRAP) (I can only just do these now, so it will be low number of reps for a while)

If I've read the material right, this seems to be basically a 2-day split version of the Starting Strength "Wichita Falls" program for Novices, but I don't know for sure.

Anyway, feedback, criticisms and comments are all welcome. I'm guessing one of the first comments will be why only 2x a week - that's easy - it's because I have 6x a week cardio+intervals and at the moment I don't have room for it in the schedule.


  • jobrandes
    jobrandes Posts: 136 Member
    I personally would do more resistance training and less cardio. You knew you'd get that comment huh? Hehe. Heavy lifts and less cardio will get you better results. I'm others will give you different opinions but from what I've seen from my results and from what I've seen from other people the loads of daily cardio is not necessary but more heavy lifts will be better for you. Otherwise, looks great! keep up the good work.

  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    Heavy lifts and less cardio will get you better results.

    I'm preparing for a triathlon. Lifting weights is not going to make up for giving up volume work running and cycling.
  • rick_po
    rick_po Posts: 449 Member
    How's your progress on the big lifts these days? When was the last time you had to de-load?