Looking for Gamer/workout Friends

Hey all,

Im just recently coming back on here... needing a little push to get back on here..

need some friends that share the same things as me...

Im a gamer at heart although I only get to chill once a week... which is sunday that is my Gamer / Relax day to keep me from going insane...

I have a pullup bar over the door to get into my game room which I have to do pulls in order to pass under it... which is forcing me to workout..

I dont have much time.. so I know the ones that deal with time to workout issues...

I am married so I dont need anyone to flirt with me.. just chill and be a good push to fitness..

hopefully I can score at least a good friend from this post

Xbox Gamer


  • KirbyT16
    KirbyT16 Posts: 411
    Hey! I am looking for people to help push me too. I'm also happily married so not looking for love on here lol. I'm a PS3 gamer and my game day is Saturday while my husband watches football. Feel free to add me if you want to chat and keep each other motivated. -kirby
  • Mikej77
    Mikej77 Posts: 112
    Gamer here, pc and Xbox360, just an fyi I am a man... Got a friend request denied by a lady because she "wasn't accepting friends requests from men". So if you are ok with have a male on your friends list please add me.
  • sinoodle
    sinoodle Posts: 8 Member
    Feel free to add. I game on the PC, usually using Steam.
  • GamerLifestyle
    I just started this profile on here to try out MFP, heard some great things about it! Would love to find some fellow gamers to support me/give support to! I don't only game on Sundays, I game all the time (Hence the reason I'm on here to lose weight) and I'm a PC gamer, though I do own an Xbox, just only a few games (Mostly FPS). Anyway, feel free to add me! Having friends and support always makes things easier imo.
  • 2DogsBarking
    PC Master Race here. Starcraft 2 and various types of RPG's are my addictions. Seriously started lifting weights when I bought a dumb bell and did curls while on long automated horse rides on DAoC and griffon rides on WoW.

    Good to see some more of my gaming brothers and sisters here.
  • PrintUSMC
    PrintUSMC Posts: 116 Member
    Sent everyone above a FR... hope you all accept...
  • marikaCL
    marikaCL Posts: 276 Member

    I am a big gamer, mainly pc and xbox 360.

    I log everyday and try to support as much as I can.

    Feel free to add.
  • Reza151
    Reza151 Posts: 517 Member
    Checking in! Mainly Ps2 and until it died, gamecube. Also have a DSLite and Psp. Lately when I've been house sitting for a friend, I play their Xbox 360 (Dante's Inferno and Left 4 Dead). I also play Minecraft and Castle Crashers on the PC. on my Ps2, I'm playing God of War and Okami ( I have so much catching up to do; i know. To be fair, I was only a Nintendo fangirl until a couple of years ago).

    I aim to log every day and I offer support. Feel free to send a friend request!
  • playadavon
    playadavon Posts: 4 Member
    Hey all,

    I guess I can piggy-back off this post since I'm looking for the same thing. I am Xbox 360 and PS3 gamer looking for some MFP friends for eating and exercise support. I think I have tried every single diet on the planet and before getting back on this recently my motto has been "f**k it!", and I been eating whatever the heck I wanted. Well, my weight has returned and now I am trying to re-focus. At minimum, I am still exercising everyday and tracking everything I am eating although it isn't the healthiest choices found on the perimeter of grocery stores. So if there is anyone out there who is an Xbox gamer that is a plus but any support would be greatly appreciated. It's pretty hard doing this alone.
  • PrintUSMC
    PrintUSMC Posts: 116 Member
    Okay first off I have requested everyone above this post....

    looking forward to more gaming friends...

    Second I wanted to mention.. that you cant think of it as a diet or you will keep going backwards... you have to do it as a lifestyle change...

    another important note...

    one week of exercise only last that week.. the following week.. its like you never did the workout.. so you have to keep pushing forward...

    we can do this...
  • PrintUSMC
    PrintUSMC Posts: 116 Member
  • Otataral
    Otataral Posts: 4 Member
    I could definitely use some friends that have similar interests. I mostly game on the pc, but i do some console gaming as well. I could use all the motivation i can get. Having a good group of people goes a long way to help us reach our goals.
  • MrJThomasEsq
    MrJThomasEsq Posts: 144 Member
    Anyone can feel free to add me for some extra support. I guess the first game that really got me hooked was Wolfenstein then DOOM, then Quake. I don't game as much as I used too back when I spent all of my time and money keeping my PC upgraded enough to play. LOL

    My kids both have Xbox360's that they let me play on sometimes. :)
  • PrintUSMC
    PrintUSMC Posts: 116 Member
    requested everyone above this comment. thanks all.