Im slowly giving up.

Its really only a matter of time before I've gained every last pound I worked so hard to get off. I don't know how to fix this and Im stuck in a really bad spot.

2 years of busting my *kitten* and working so hard to achieve so much. All gone. You have beaten win.

Enjoy the life you stole from me.

I just wanted to be honest.


  • 1PatientBear
    1PatientBear Posts: 2,089 Member
    I'm confused. Who are you talking to?
  • Yiazach
    Yiazach Posts: 209 Member
    Its really only a matter of time before I've gained every last pound I worked so hard to get off. I don't know how to fix this and Im stuck in a really bad spot.

    2 years of busting my *kitten* and working so hard to achieve so much. All gone. You have beaten win.

    Enjoy the life you stole from me.

    I just wanted to be honest.

    No!Just no, i would kick your *kitten* so hard right now if i could! Get your **** together man you can do it!
  • Fitnin6280
    Fitnin6280 Posts: 618 Member
    Dude! Nothing has been stolen from you. You let it slip away... Get after it, get it done, start now!
  • Loasaur
    Loasaur Posts: 125
    It only wins if you give up. If you keep trying, then it never wins! Don't ever give up! People like to believe that success is easy, or that it doesn't take commitment, but it's not. It takes a lot of failure to reach success and you only get there if you don't give up!
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    dude, stop.

    this aint a linear process. sometimes it takes more than one go at this before it really sticks permanently.

    drop the giving up talk.
    go make a list of things you were doing during the most successful time of the past couple years.
    now next to that list, make a new list of things that started changing that got you to where you are now.
    you need to see on paper the good and the bad.

    then comes the hard part....

    you have to willfully decide to make the changes necessary to get back on the road to success.

    i dont mean toy with the idea of trying again.
    i mean deciding...right then and do it.

    obviously you are capable.
    you have the physical strength.
    you have the mental strength.

    its time to knock the dust off and get back to it.

    because if you dont.
    and you allow yourself to choose to let it go...

    then sadly, yeah...that's giving up.
  • deadbeatsummer
    deadbeatsummer Posts: 537 Member
    Sounds like you've decided to go back to living a fat and unhealthy life destroying everything you've worked for. Say goodbye health, goodbye body!

    Seriously though, it is soooo much easier to fight with and overcome falling off the horse than it is to have fallen off of it 20 miles back and to get up and chase it again. Don't be a yo-yo dieter. You've chosen this now so just stick with it. If you're finding you are getting too tired of it, just work out your maintenance calories and maintain for a week. Then make sure you get back on it after a week. Don't slip. Do what you need to do to give yourself a boost of motivation. For me, that's new workout clothes and trying a new class at the gym. Or a food shop with yummy healthy foods.
  • deadbeatsummer
    deadbeatsummer Posts: 537 Member
    I feel like you also might have some other emotional issues on your plate at the moment that you need to sort out as well. But don't you dare give up and reverse all your hard work. It's harder to get it back once you've lost it. Just breathe.
  • Alex_is_Hawks
    Alex_is_Hawks Posts: 3,499 Member
    dude, stop.

    this aint a linear process. sometimes it takes more than one go at this before it really sticks permanently.

    drop the giving up talk.
    go make a list of things you were doing during the most successful time of the past couple years.
    now next to that list, make a new list of things that started changing that got you to where you are now.
    you need to see on paper the good and the bad.

    then comes the hard part....

    you have to willfully decide to make the changes necessary to get back on the road to success.

    i dont mean toy with the idea of trying again.
    i mean deciding...right then and do it.

    obviously you are capable.
    you have the physical strength.
    you have the mental strength.

    its time to knock the dust off and get back to it.

    because if you dont.
    and you allow yourself to choose to let it go...

    then sadly, yeah...that's giving up.

  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    dude, stop.

    this aint a linear process. sometimes it takes more than one go at this before it really sticks permanently.

    drop the giving up talk.
    go make a list of things you were doing during the most successful time of the past couple years.
    now next to that list, make a new list of things that started changing that got you to where you are now.
    you need to see on paper the good and the bad.

    then comes the hard part....

    you have to willfully decide to make the changes necessary to get back on the road to success.

    i dont mean toy with the idea of trying again.
    i mean deciding...right then and do it.

    obviously you are capable.
    you have the physical strength.
    you have the mental strength.

    its time to knock the dust off and get back to it.

    because if you dont.
    and you allow yourself to choose to let it go...

    then sadly, yeah...that's giving up.


    ^^ this. get your head back in the game man.
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    What's up? Did you suffer an injury or illness that threw you off? Depression? Burn out? What is causing you to derail?
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    you've only got two options:

    1. You pick yourself up and continue walking the hard never ending road filled with hills and valles until your death.

    2. You leave yourself on the ground because change is hard and you stay there until your death.
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    Your hard work is yours. Nobody can steal it from you. If you feel like giving up, that is fine but just remember how hard you worked to get there.

    I have given up plenty of times. Not a single one of the times I gave up I didn't regretted later. Everytime I thought later on "man, I woulda been in shape and done with the struggle had I kept going". But thats life.

    If you wish to take a break, that is fine. We all need that. If you want to slow down, thats cool too. But giving up will always be a decision you will regret later on.

    Hope you don't give up. Good luck on your adventures. Whatever they may be.
  • SpeSHul_SnoflEHk
    SpeSHul_SnoflEHk Posts: 6,256 Member
    dude, stop.

    this aint a linear process. sometimes it takes more than one go at this before it really sticks permanently.

    drop the giving up talk.
    go make a list of things you were doing during the most successful time of the past couple years.
    now next to that list, make a new list of things that started changing that got you to where you are now.
    you need to see on paper the good and the bad.

    then comes the hard part....

    you have to willfully decide to make the changes necessary to get back on the road to success.

    i dont mean toy with the idea of trying again.
    i mean deciding...right then and do it.

    obviously you are capable.
    you have the physical strength.
    you have the mental strength.

    its time to knock the dust off and get back to it.

    because if you dont.
    and you allow yourself to choose to let it go...

    then sadly, yeah...that's giving up.

    What he said. So what. You had a slip. It happens. PIck yourself up and get back on it.
  • kcshues
    kcshues Posts: 5 Member
    Thank you for your honesty! Because WE HAVE ALL BEEN THERE. Anyone who says otherwise is either a liar, or in denial. Please don't give up, you'll only hate yourself for it. Take a break if you must.. I do, and I've been on here a year. I'm guessing I'm gonna be on here for the rest of my life. But instead of it being an "I give up" break, why not make it, an "It's OK to take a break" kind of thing. Structure it, if you can, still limiting your intake so that you don't go out of control. In my breaks, I let myself consume a few more calories. Yup, I gain....hell, I gain on my daily allotment, have to go dramatically below to get any results.

    Hi, I'm Kathy, and I am a food addict. I have been addicted to carbs my entire life, and now, as I am a q-tip....I'm craving sweets too, something I've never done before. This stuff is as deadly as heroin. Doctors who study food addictions with things like PET & SPECT Scans have documented that the same area in the brain that lights up when someone gets their drug of choice (called the 'pleasure', or 'reward' center) lights up when we get something carb/sweet. That can be common sugars, alcohol sugars, even the sugars that break down from simple carbs. Simple carbs are everything in the pasta and bread families. So every time we give in to that craving, we are setting ourselves up for the next craving....and it'll come pretty fast. Carb addiction is deadly, for the end game is diabetes, heart disease, joint degeneration and a whole raft of other miseries that come with obesity.

    For me, a real good way to get off the carb addcition is with liquid protein . I do three days of high protein drinks with very little food, and none of it simple carbs. Complex carbs, like those in veggies are OK. (beware tho, of corn, peas and beets, as those also have simple sugars). I use a whey powder, almond milk, and a off the shelf product called Glucerna (found near Ensure in stores) It has specially balanced carbs that break down slow. The slower the carbs break down, the less chance of a carb sugar rush and craving. They are not low cal, each drink rounds out to about 300-350 cals, depending on if I am using chocolate or butter pecan Glucerna, and if I've got unsweetened almond milk or not. Unsweetened almond milk is only available in the shelf stable cartons, not the refrigerated. For a late nite snack, I 'll have a Glucerna Hunger Smart Shake, those only have 180 cals, but I limit them because they have aspartme.

    Anyhow, I do this for usually three days a week. Day one, I am still craving, but I get through. Days Two and Three, no carb cravings at all usually. I almost hate to start eating again, for no matter what I eat, it seems the carb cravings will return. It's just easier for me, I guess, to fight the good fight 4 days a week, instead of seven. I don't lose on this regimen, but I maintain my weight. When I fist started, like everyone else, I set a goal weight. Then, in my head, I also set an "oh hell, no you don't" weight point, about 12 lbs above my goal weight. That's my 'wiggle room'. That gets me through the holidays, vacations, family gatherings and other times I know I may blow it. A few months back, I touched down very briefly, at my goal weight, a couple of times....since then I've been yo-yoing around in my wiggle room. But I will get real drastic (which for me is protein drinks and about 300 cals of food) 7 days a week, if I have to. 'Cuz I'm not going over my set point, God Willing.

    I have fought this battle for over 40 years. I will have to fight it till my dying day. It's for life. Anyone who has metabolic disorders, where they do not burn calories properly has to look at this as a lifetime commitment. Sure, you can jumpstart your weight loss program with pills and potions, extreme dieting or exercise, but for us's gotta be a lifetime commitment. We just cannot eat like the other metabolic types.

    So we have to man up, face who we are, love ourselves as who we are, and keep on making it happen. Or spend the bulk of our lives in sadness, self loathing and eventually, in sickness. And that ain't no fun at all. Good Luck, I hope the best for you!
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    Small changes still aren't very hard. They just take longer. If you are going to give up working so hard, at least make sure to work an average amount, or more than you do when you 'give up'. It's much, much easier and you can do it longer without freaking out.

    We can't see anything about you (but you know that), so I'm betting all the hard work might have been really difficult to sustain. That's understandable. Try something easier to sustain.
  • kaotik26
    kaotik26 Posts: 590 Member
    Everytime I start to think this way I remember the pictures that made me feel so bad about myself, the doctor telling me I was about to be in a bad way and the people that look up to me and believe in me, like my husband and my daughter. If anybody said this kind of stuff was easy they lied through their teeth. Hang in there!!
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    I'm glad I didn't have this mentality when I quit smoking.

    Well, I mean, I'm glad I didn't have it the *final time* I quit smoking. I actually did have it the first few failed attempts. Of course, without those "failures", I never would have ultimately succeeded. So get back at it...or don't. Your call.
  • I don't think you really want to give up or you wouldn't have posted here. It sounds like something happened to derail you. Any chance you can tell us what it was?
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    So you realize if you try again you will be bringing a boatload of experience to the table right? Just saying however hard those first 2 years were this will be easier in that way.

    Also "never say die". it's my motto and it's saved my life. literally. a couple times. adopt it and say it to yourself tonight instead of a prayer before you fall asleep. no one in this life can defeat you but you. don't let a scale do it.
  • Jessica1173
    Jessica1173 Posts: 62 Member
    Its really only a matter of time before I've gained every last pound I worked so hard to get off. I don't know how to fix this and Im stuck in a really bad spot.

    2 years of busting my *kitten* and working so hard to achieve so much. All gone. You have beaten win.

    Enjoy the life you stole from me.

    I just wanted to be honest.

    Have you gained most of the weight you lost back already? If you have not gained it all back, you could just try to maintain for a little while. I find that I can maintain even when I am really struggling to lose. Sometimes you just need to stop losing and just try to maintain so you won't give up entirely. Are you on a medication or do you have something going on healthwise that is causing you to be in this position? I know I gained a lot of weight when I was on the wrong medication. I ballooned up and constantly felt hungry. Health issues like low thyroid can cause weight gain too. If you are struggling just to maintain I would get a physical and make sure everything is going okay with you, and if you are depressed you can take natural herbs like St. John's Wort or 5htp or another antidepressant like Zoloft or Prozac to help. There is no reason to totally give up.