College People (with fitblrs?)!!

Hi everyone!

I'm a college senior in NC. I've been on and off of this site for a while due to life lol. I'm 5'7 coming in around 220. I got down to 200 over last summer but gained everything back when school started up.
I'm trying really hard to get down to 170- 190 before I graduate.

I also have a fitblr, if you have one too we should follow each other!

Who wants to be friends?



  • gnc2992
    gnc2992 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm a college senior too! In Georgia. I too have been off and on this site a couple of times (thanks a lot dining hall food). I don't have a fitblr, but I have a tumblr! Where I sometimes post fitness stuff, although I'm just starting to get back into it.
  • FizikallyFit
    FizikallyFit Posts: 180 Member
    I'm in college too UCF my fitblr is fizikallyfit. I'll post the link tomorrow lol
  • Sarahnade42x
    Sarahnade42x Posts: 308 Member
    I'm in college too, in MN. I used to have a very active tumblr and I've been wanting to start a fitblr forever, but never got around to it. I'll check yours out and follow if I ever start back up!