Don't want to calorie count forever....



  • anonniemouse
    anonniemouse Posts: 117 Member
    I guess if you wanted to stop tracking calories you could monitor how your clothes feel. If they began getting tight/too small, start tracking again. Catch weight gain early, before it becomes 10 lbs, 20 lbs, etc.
  • anndisme2
    anndisme2 Posts: 15 Member
    I have no intention of tracking calories after I reach my goal. (Though I think it will be important to monitor my weight and the way my clothes fit.)

    I strongly believe that we have a natural ability to maintain a healthy weight by trusting our hunger and fullness cues. Eat when you are hungry, stop when you are full. There are a lot of factors/habits that can compete with that - stress, emotional snacking, eating too fast, ignoring cravings, etc. - but I think we can learn to control or change them as needed.

    A wonderful tool that helped me years ago was the Weigh Down Workshop (currently Weigh Down Ministries). Whether or not you are interested in a Christian program, the basic concepts are worth checking out. Simple. Our bodies were designed to maintain a healthy weight. We should enjoy life and be healthy, not be slaves to numbers, fat grahams, carbs, etc. Counting calories is not a bad thing, and it is helping me achieve my goal, but I'd like to learn again what it is to live as a thin person and eat only when I need to.
    (The general concepts are helpful and inspiring, but you have to go elsewhere for nutritional guidance. Seems they should include some direction there, but I guess that is not the focus.)

    Another great inspiration is the book French Women Don't Get Fat, by Mireille Guiliano. Enjoy life, enjoy food (in moderation! - think quality not quantity!)

    Congrats on your loss! That's an accomplishment to be proud of!!
  • Jgonz1203
    Jgonz1203 Posts: 20 Member
    Thanks for all the feedback everyone!! Great tips. :)