Endless weight loss

Today I hit a milestone. 25 pounds lost! In some ways I'm really happy but then I realised I have another 25 pounds to go to meet my goal. It has been a constant struggle for me to get this far and the thought of doing it again is really depressing.

How do you keep going when the task seems endless?


  • pinkminx30
    Don't be down, your story has been an inspiration to loads of people I bet, you done 25, so half way there, half way is a great point to be at. Imagine if you put that 25 back on? How would you feel? You can rock this other 25, why not split it down to 15 then when you get there 10 to go :) ★♡★♡★
  • rotill
    rotill Posts: 244 Member
    First: Good for you for losing the first 25 pounds! Congratulations!!!

    It's ok to pause and see if you can maintain this weight for a while. If you "only" have 25 pounds to go, then you are in a fairly healthy range, and there's no immediate danger to slowing down a little. So I'd recommend that you adjust your calories a bit up, and work on maintainance until you have that right. Find a routine that feels good and sustainable, and just stay on that plateu. Once that is established, if you still want to lose the next 25 pounds, start again, by turning the work-out intensity up a little, and the calories down a little.

    This is important because you will have to maintain your weight indefinitely once you reach your goal. It's just as well to learn how to do that now, while you are still aware of the urgency, and not after you have reached your goal and feel like you can relax and reward yourself.
  • nikkiclaire123
    i dont look at the end game. i look at 5-10lbs at a time. or right now i look at getting under 140lbs, im stuck at 142 atm. with little goals it feels good to pass them, it seems easier to keep going
  • pinkminx30
    Focus on the 2 pounds and then maintain it for a week and be pleased with yourself, you can get rid of this ugly 2, you know you can. Keep strong :)
  • GemmaRowlands
    GemmaRowlands Posts: 360 Member
    You're half way there. You have already lost 25lbs, therefore you know you can lose 25lbs more. When you lose another pound, you have less to go than you've so far achieved.

    I had to lose 140lbs in total and had a bit of a wobble in the middle, but I got through it, and so will you. You deserve to :).
  • RJay64
    RJay64 Posts: 135
    Same here! 25 pounds down, 25 to go.

    My motivation is exactly what pinkminx said: Last year, February 2012 to July 2012, I lost 25 pounds - same as this time, 25 pounds in 5 months, 5 pounds per month, a perfect rate for me. I was all happy and proud... and became lax about counting and logging. FF to April 2013 and I had gained back 21 pounds. I was so mad at myself. Those five months of focus and hard work for nothing.

    I gave myself a hard-*kitten* talk right in the mirror. "How many times are you going to do this, woman? You screwed it up once, DON'T screw it up again, you hear me? Don't show back up here in a year, back up to 215 pounds, and cry to me about how fat you are, wah wah wah." I did it in my best Roseane Barr voice. I really don't want to face "her" (me) again, having repeated the same yo-yo cycle, and answer as to why I let it happen.

    So for me, it is the mental of remembering how good it felt last year, then how bad it felt to fail and have to start ALL OVER. I don't want... WILL NOT... start all over again. Plus, I visualize how this time I will take it further and see the scale go below 190 (which it did not do last year), then into the 180s, 170s, 160s... and I SEE the scale with the first two numbers being a 1 and a 5.

    I run and control my life smoothly and efficiently. I will not let something controllable... control me. I am The Boss.

    Plus, I am getting into clothes I haven't worn in years - some with tags still on them. I wore jeans last weekend for the first time in years. I go in my closet and put those clothes on, then hang one of them up on the closet door as a visual reminder to keep on keeping on. When I am doing one.more.lap of my hard walk around the park, I let my mind wander back into the closet and go, piece by piece, through the stuff I can wear now and the stuff yet to be fitted into. And I think about pretty underwear.

    Keep on it
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    "The reason people give up is because they focus how far they have to go instead of how far they have come."
  • LarryDUk
    LarryDUk Posts: 279 Member
    You have lost 25 pounds since August? Seems like a pretty good start to me! Enjoy the ride. A year from now people will stop noticing that you have lost weight!
  • suzyfj8
    suzyfj8 Posts: 257 Member
    Wow 25lbs, be happy with the weight loss so far and just concentrate on one day at a time not on how much you still have to lose :)
  • vermillionlove
    vermillionlove Posts: 37 Member
    Remember that the time it will take you to lose what is left is going to pas anyway, and you may as well spend it bettering yourself. :) the other 25 will be gone before you know it.
  • Noiram55
    Same here! 25 pounds down, 25 to go.

    My motivation is exactly what pinkminx said: Last year, February 2012 to July 2012, I lost 25 pounds - same as this time, 25 pounds in 5 months, 5 pounds per month, a perfect rate for me. I was all happy and proud... and became lax about counting and logging. FF to April 2013 and I had gained back 21 pounds. I was so mad at myself. Those five months of focus and hard work for nothing.

    I gave myself a hard-*kitten* talk right in the mirror. "How many times are you going to do this, woman? You screwed it up once, DON'T screw it up again, you hear me? Don't show back up here in a year, back up to 215 pounds, and cry to me about how fat you are, wah wah wah." I did it in my best Roseane Barr voice. I really don't want to face "her" (me) again, having repeated the same yo-yo cycle, and answer as to why I let it happen.
    Great post which has inspired and motivated me to keep on not trying but doing.

    So for me, it is the mental of remembering how good it felt last year, then how bad it felt to fail and have to start ALL OVER. I don't want... WILL NOT... start all over again. Plus, I visualize how this time I will take it further and see the scale go below 190 (which it did not do last year), then into the 180s, 170s, 160s... and I SEE the scale with the first two numbers being a 1 and a 5.

    I run and control my life smoothly and efficiently. I will not let something controllable... control me. I am The Boss.

    Plus, I am getting into clothes I haven't worn in years - some with tags still on them. I wore jeans last weekend for the first time in years. I go in my closet and put those clothes on, then hang one of them up on the closet door as a visual reminder to keep on keeping on. When I am doing one.more.lap of my hard walk around the park, I let my mind wander back into the closet and go, piece by piece, through the stuff I can wear now and the stuff yet to be fitted into. And I think about pretty underwear.

    Keep on it
  • sarahellenx
    i felt the same but now i realise that its a lifestyle change not a diet so im happy to continue with my new healthier life
  • jayjay12345654321
    jayjay12345654321 Posts: 653 Member
    My first 20 lbs took 6 months of yo-yo-ing. I was so focused on losing weight because my doc said if I didn't lose 40 lbs, I was sure to stroke out within a year (blood pressure was 220/150). After my 2nd trip to the emergency room in July, this time with 200/140, something clicked in my head which should have clicked 6 months prior. It was no longer about the scale, but about changing my lifestyle to save my life. I switched my focus from losing weight to improving my diet and exercising CONSISTENTLY, which I had not been doing. I was off and on with both the entire first 6 months of the year.

    Once I shifted my focus, I lost 20 lbs in 7 weeks without even caring about the scale. I took my blood pressure every day with a bp monitor I bought at the drugstore and that number is all I could think about. Too much sodium? Didn't walk far enough? What can I change to make those numbers better. Meditate? Pray? What? Anything, I'll do it! Then in mid-September I stood up to walk to the kitchen and my shorts fell to my ankles. Thankfully, I was home alone!! I went upstairs and rummaged through my old clothes from a few years ago and could not believe how many things fit.
  • Ophidion
    Ophidion Posts: 2,065 Member
    Look at old photos or lack of medication, also the success thread is the best.
  • CollieFit
    CollieFit Posts: 1,683 Member
    I have 40lb to lose (at 5'6" from 168 to 128) and I'm now halfway there.

    I'm actually amazed how relatively quick and easy it's been (started 1st August).

    I appreciate it'll probably get a bit harder now as the leaner you get the slower the weightloss will be but I accept that.

    I piled it on over 18 months so I don't expect it to drop off in half a year, but I'm optimitistic at my halfway point. :smile:
  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member
    Set a series of short term goals which underpin your long terms goal and move you forward in that direction.

    You will feel a sense of accomplishment in achieving them which will make it more likely you will stick it out. Reward yourself for achieving them as you see fit.
  • p4ulmiller
    p4ulmiller Posts: 588 Member
    When you feel like quitting, remember why you started.